The hodnet challenge

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Yes I'll be there shooting with NickyT  

Ashley will look out for you to say hello who are you shooting with ? planning on getting there early . Hope this wind dies down though as its bloody rough here at the moment.....!

Hi shortlegs, going to be there about 9.30. Shooting with Julian and Dorian, yeah very rough at the moment though forecast is better tomorrow. Will see you on way round no doubt. Keep your head down and let em ave it

Hodnet had good targets on today, spoilt by a very mean payout. Bumped into shortlegs and met Nicky T from here witch was nice.

The shoot was won by mark winser on a cracking 98

Good to see you today Ashley,with Dorian and Julian pity we only had time for a brief chat

well shot Mark Winser thats a helluva score..!

Enjoyed the shoot with some good targets with not to much queing or delays ...  

Anyone know if all the scores being posted anywhere ?

Hi Steve, think mark had £100. Think they paid out £600 total. With over 250 entry's at £35 a go ( £ 9,100 ) I think we were robbed.

None of us shoot for the money and I don't mind anyone making a profit but felt they could have done better.

It's a shame really as it was a good shoot bar the one stand directly into the sun.

I shot my guts out for 88 in B class coming second ( £15 )

Looking forward to westfields on Monday

Please let me know your thoughts

£100 for 98, £15 for second in B, 250 entries ? How could anyone possibly justify that ? Robbed is putting it politely.

We will see you Monday Ashley

£100 high gun and £15 second !!!!

Well guess in future you pays your money you takes your choice !!!!

I think the issue may have been that there were lots of payouts for numerous place sharing.

Anyway we don't really compete for money. We compete to be abused by cheeky referees.

Martin Myers may have shot a 99 if only ( Stand 9 ) 

Sterling shooting from Mark Winser , but really were exceptional scores from so many .

high gun mark winser £100. AA class Dorian Evans , Martin Myers , Brett hand, and Chris Daniels £25 each

A class winner rob Harrison (88) £30 ( not sure about 2nd and 3rd

B class winner £25, 2nd £15, not sure about 3rd

C class , ( not sure probably same as B

Ladies class ,Rachel Carrie

As I have said, very good shoot, well organised, not to much queuing , tidy refs, good mix of birds, nice atmosphere , just a shame they are a little greedy.

I know we don't shoot for the money, I for one would soon starve if we did, but it's nice to win your entry back if you do well

Yesterday was a brilliant shoot as always at hodnet, and 98 is unbelievable shooting on that course.

dont forget to book early next year 

please send post addressed envelope to

Dick Turpin Enterprises

Robbers Wood

post code R1P 0FF          :haha:   :haha:   :haha:
