Stolen goods

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2015
Had my garage broken into last night. R1 nicked and all my power tools and a 4.5kv Honda generator. Apparently 12 were done in the area. Never heard a thing and the dogs slept through it as well. So in all not a happy chap. 

The moral of this is - if you haven't, get some added security fitted. (and a proper guard dog)

Had my garage broken into last night. R1 nicked and all my power tools and a 4.5kv Honda generator. Apparently 12 were done in the area. Never heard a thing and the dogs slept through it as well. So in all not a happy chap. 

The moral of this is - if you haven't, get some added security fitted. (and a proper guard dog)
So sorry to hear that.

Sorry to hear that mate...............Had my van done along with four others in the village back in September. I lost £1200 worth of power tools. Spent nearly an hour on the phone to 101 the following morning. Case closed, lack of evidence came the reply!

Sorry to hear that mate...............Had my van done along with four others in the village back in September. I lost £1200 worth of power tools. Spent nearly an hour on the phone to 101 the following morning. Case closed, lack of evidence came the reply!
Seems to be the standard reply. I wish it was only £1200 worth they took. We found a mobility scooter that they had taken from some poor old person nearby which they had left. Scum like this should be birched, or strung up or perhaps both. If caught they will get a slap on the wrist, which is far less than i would have given them. 

Thanks for the replies.

Seems to be the standard reply. I wish it was only £1200 worth they took. We found a mobility scooter that they had taken from some poor old person nearby which they had left. Scum like this should be birched, or strung up or perhaps both. If caught they will get a slap on the wrist, which is far less than i would have given them. 

Thanks for the replies.
Sorry bud, a little insensitive of me.   R1   that hurts!

we are out numbered by lowlife scumbags ,  they will do owt  but work , I was burgled  2006  lots stolen, including guns ,  amazingly  I have just got  one gun back  minus  20"  of barrels  .  the crime prevention officer  told me to cut my front hedge down  to 3ft   and install a quality house alarm  ,  he said the poor lads were probably on drugs   and would sell my stuff  for their next fix     poor little souls   breaks your heart eh !    so my  experience  cost me  through no fault of my own .       bottom line is  there is no deterrent  ,  prison is a badge of honour to  the scumbags  , they don't fear it they brag about it .    police are snowed under  ,  all you get now is a incident number ,     round em up and gas em  I say .. 

we are out numbered by lowlife scumbags ,  they will do owt  but work , I was burgled  2006  lots stolen, including guns ,  amazingly  I have just got  one gun back  minus  20"  of barrels  .  the crime prevention officer  told me to cut my front hedge down  to 3ft   and install a quality house alarm  ,  he said the poor lads were probably on drugs   and would sell my stuff  for their next fix     poor little souls   breaks your heart eh !    so my  experience  cost me  through no fault of my own .       bottom line is  there is no deterrent  ,  prison is a badge of honour to  the scumbags  , they don't fear it they brag about it .    police are snowed under  ,  all you get now is a incident number ,     round em up and gas em  I say .. 
The unfortunate thing is these little scumbags get taught all about how they are so unlucky,oppressed,blameless and downtrodden at school...

Up the park last year one was trying to smash the please keep of the newly seeded area sign..i challenged him and he gave me a load of bollocks about trying to stick it in the ground.

I pointed out to him in that he was doing so and that he was a right little scumbag and talking sh*te...his response was you can't talk to me like that!!

Apparently he had been taught so at school.... :angry:

round em up and gas em  I say .. 

I'm with you all the way !!!
That's very wasteful.  I've proposed that they be declared non-human so that they were eligible for use by medical labs.  Or utilized as a protein source for the pet food industry, tho it might need some de-toxing.

just a thot

Really unfortunate about the loss.  Sorry to hear of that.

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 Scum like this should be birched, or strung up or perhaps both. If caught they will get a slap on the wrist, which is far less than i would have given them. 

Thanks for the replies.
AND far less than you would get,  IF,  you had caught them !

I recently had a 'run in' with one of the local Richard Heads who thought it great fun to ride his bike through the local Supermarket. As he was passing me, he hit me in the middle of my back with the handlebars. I just grabbed the hood of his coat and yanked him and the bike to a stop, causing the zip on his coat to scratch his neck. I then 'persuaded' him to dismount from the bike. He then 'volunteered' to leave the store, pushing his bike, to rejoin his 6 or so little friends gathered outside. The Manageress was thanking me for my help, adding this is now a nightly thing, one will ride in and around the store, threaten Staff and Customers and then leave. By this time the little assembly outside were aiming the abuse at me and how I had assaulted their little friend, of course, witnessed by them all. I went outside to explain that if, when I had finished my shopping, they were still outside the store, I would stem the bleeding on their friend's neck, using his mountain bike !  I added that if, they felt the need, I would escort them across the road to the local Police Station to report the matter. ( of course it was 1730hrs. and the 'Nick' was shut !).  When I came out of the store they had moved away, but not before yelling more abuse at me. I was then confronted by a 30ish something Woman, who began to explain that she was a local Teacher and that I could not speak to the young 'students' in such a manner and as for threatening them in the way that I had, I should be thoroughly ashamed. I replied, "Madam, if both YOU and their PARENTS were doing YOUR respective jobs correctly, we would NOT be having this conversation, but if you feel so strongly about this, REPORT ME "   ! I have heard no more, but I have returned to the store twice and using my phone, made like I was taking their photographs. They have not returned in the past few weeks !

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That's very wasteful.  I've proposed that they be declared non-human so that they were eligible for use by medical labs.  Or utilized as a protein source for the pet food industry, tho it might need some de-toxing.

just a thot

Really unfortunate about the loss.  Sorry to hear of that.
Like that,good use for them indeed. Its no fun being robbed and even more insulting when you get no response or sympathy from the local constabulary. The culprits are now the victims its your fault you had something worth stealing and your fault they were too idle to work and buy drugs. Its your fault they are on drugs,you gave them an easy target. If one of them should overdose you will be tried for murder.

Just to be clear - these problems ARE NOT the job of teachers...  these reprobates are entirely due to the upbringing of the parents.   Teachers operate within the rules laid down, but behaviour gets bought TO school, not bought HOME from school. 

The wife is a teacher,teache's 8 to 9 year olds most of the problems the school have to deal with is down to their upbringing,some parents are at a total loss how to bring up children.They should make parenting part of the curriculum,family life is breaking down and the children suffer.But bringing up children is a differcult task and need support from all.

Just to be clear - these problems ARE NOT the job of teachers...  these reprobates are entirely due to the upbringing of the parents.   Teachers operate within the rules laid down, but behaviour gets bought TO school, not bought HOME from school. 
So could you enlighten me as to WHOM is teaching them the "I know my rights"  carp  ?  Prior to my retirement it was part of my job to go into schools to speak to classes of 12 to 16 year olds. I would in no way allow them to speak to me, in the same manner that they spoke to members of teaching staff, BUT the teaching staff just accepted it as 'the norm'. If they are allowed to behave in any manner that they think fit inside school, that is then carried outside school !

So could you enlighten me as to WHOM is teaching them the "I know my rights"  carp  ?  Prior to my retirement it was part of my job to go into schools to speak to classes of 12 to 16 year olds. I would in no way allow them to speak to me, in the same manner that they spoke to members of teaching staff, BUT the teaching staff just accepted it as 'the norm'. If they are allowed to behave in any manner that they think fit inside school, that is then carried outside school !
I'm with you to some extent Westley, as I too would never allow children to disrespect me. However, I'm not a teacher and know little of the issues or restrictions they have to work under. Having said that, when my Daughter first started school about 22 years ago now. At the first parents evening, the teacher made some nice comments about how well behaved she (my Daughter) was BUT she tended to talk a lot in class. Alice, was only four at the time, so I just said "Sweetheart you should keep your chatting to play time" or words to that effect. 

A few days later my (then) wife was picking Alice up from school and the teacher said that Alice was like a totally different child in class, she'd totally stopped chatting. The teacher asked what had we done... My ex reminder her that she was there when I asked Alice to stop chatting in class, and that perhaps she [the teacher] should try just telling her [Alice] what to do. 

Stuck in my mind that. But of course some parents will fly into schools and threaten teacher who so much as look sideways at their little angels. 

No respect, no discipline, and no morals seem to be the norm for many these days. The end result is law abiding citizens suffer at the hands of the 'minority'  who must be protected as its there 'right'. Bring back the birch, cane and capitol punishment. It will not deter all, but perhaps most will think twice. - Bloody do gooders have a lot to answer for. From an acorn a mighty oak will grow - the same as bloody criminals.
