Sporting shoots. Where - and how did it go?

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The overhead was best tackled early. Gun hold almost vertical, then quickly get a foot under it before it became an "away". The second bird just needed a reasonable bit of lead (about 5 or 6 feet as I see it) but also a line that recognised it was looping over, so 20 degrees downward as I pulled away. Might be gibberish to some, but it's how it saw it.
I managed to connect with two of the crossers but none of the overhead. I think following your advice would have worked there as I was letting them get quite far out and chasing them down a bit.

Shall try to remember that one for future. Thanks, Will. 

Pilford this morning. Started out as a gloomy day with no rain, light breeze, and a muddy field where I got stuck after about five metres. Very red faced, but the ever helpful and cheerful lads got me reversed onto slightly firmer terra firma in short order. It really is embarrassing, but the saving grace was that being virtually first there very few people saw me. A cracking start.

Well filled bacon baps and a cup of coffee restored my good humour as the people started to arrive. There's always a good cross section of shooting folk at this one, with a healthy female attendance. English boxlocks mingling with Berettas and Brownings and Perazzis, with a surprising number of semi autos, all good stuff.

As we started (for somer reason the scorecard fairy always has me down to shoot first) the skies darkened a bit and the breeze got up a lot, but it didn't affect the first stand (we do them in reverse order for reasons that have long since disappeared) which was a quartering going away low bird with a trailing looper. But other stands were affected. One bird came straight from behind at a moderate height sinking towards the trees with the wind following it. At pretty much the spot where people wanted to kill it the breeze lofted it viciously (for me) or batted it downwards but let it continue (for others) and that one caught out quite a few. A left to right rabbit of the Kangaroo/Wallaby/ Harrier Jump Jet breed caused more than a few curses, and a bird on the No1 stand looped gracefully over the hedge whereupon it oscillated up and down as though it was on elastic. I was not alone in cursing that one.

Lots of fun, a few misses, came home with 36 x 40 which was a better end to the expedition than the stuck-in-the-mud-start had led me expect.

Everyone is friendly and cheerful at Pilford, Always interesting targets, I'm hoping to be there on the 28th.

Shot Gunsite this morning with Rosso.

Pretty pleased with 80 but could have been a serious score if I hadn't had dropped 8 on the last 2 stands.

Need to go and practice on rabbits, moving the guns miles too much and missing in front.

Westfield, it was foggy I was a drip, not the busiest of days and some low scores, didn't think anything looked too difficult but quite a few efforts from shooters far better than I would suggest otherwise. 

Both Lovatt boys fair scores so fair few of us well and truly put in place by a couple of (talented) teenagers 

oh and I won a cup of coffee so not all doom and gloom

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The quote that summed today up for me is "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I know that I don't shoot well after partaking in festivities the night before due to tiredness the next day, yet the appeal of being out in the countryside is a bit too much.

Silver linings:

Score was that bad I doubt it will touch the average and I also won a free cup of coffee :)

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Shot Gunsite this morning with Rosso.

Pretty pleased with 80 but could have been a serious score if I hadn't had dropped 8 on the last 2 stands.

Need to go and practice on rabbits, moving the guns miles too much and missing in front.
I think I followed you and did the same missing in front and I missed saying hi and meeting Rosso 

My best ever result at Gunsite,won a carrot cake in the raffle. :smile:

Can't believe the difference in the weather between Gunsite and Westfield.  Was very pleased with my 83 at Gunsite and just accepted my 52 at Westfield.  Nice to see so many out and about today.

Can't believe the difference in the weather between Gunsite and Westfield.  Was very pleased with my 83 at Gunsite and just accepted my 52 at Westfield.  Nice to see so many out and about today.
Very well done, did hear it was dark sunglasses and factor 40 sunblock at Gunsite, looks like a lot of big sunny smiles as well 

there might well have been lots of friendly faces at Westfield just couldn't see them I'm the fog

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Can't believe the difference in the weather between Gunsite and Westfield.  Was very pleased with my 83 at Gunsite and just accepted my 52 at Westfield.  Nice to see so many out and about today.
Well shot Sian, I knew you had shot well with the smile on your face when you came of the last stand!!   

Gunsite and Westfield for me today also, 93 at Gunsite and then a 84 missing five on the last stand (70mm crosser) at Westfield  :eek:

Very well done, did hear it was dark sunglasses and factor 40 sunblock at Gunsite, looks like a lot of big sunny smiles as well 

there might well have been lots of friendly faces at Westfield just couldn't see them I'm the fog
only needed my dark glasses on one stand but a very nice calm, temperate day.  That fog was something else - really hard going on the eyes.

Well shot Sian, I knew you had shot well with the smile on your face when you came of the last stand!!   

Gunsite and Westfield for me today also, 93 at Gunsite and then a 84 missing five on the last stand (70mm crosser) at Westfield 
thanks Billy, I was very happy.  You did very well at both shoots and especially at Westfield with that fog.  Which stand was the crosser, I can't remember as they all looked tiny to me today.

only needed my dark glasses on one stand but a very nice calm, temperate day.  That fog was something else - really hard going on the eyes.

thanks Billy, I was very happy.  You did very well at both shoots and especially at Westfield with that fog.  Which stand was the crosser, I can't remember as they all looked tiny to me today.
stand 12 next to the pool shoot, simmo pair. we all struggled on their miles in front as didn't realise it was a 70mm until it was to late!

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