Registered shoots

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No, not at all, I've never been a member of the CPSA and
never shot a registered event.I can get all the sporting targets
I want without going to a CPSA shoot. But when I saw someone
saying about the benefits of them I thought I would ask the question. As it turns out I see
that I can go to these events shoot and not be a cpsa member
OK I can't win the money but I don't shoot for that anyway but I save
on membership fees so I now have the question what's the benefits for me
in joining? And please don't say recording scores and classification because I am
more than capable of doing that myself.

If you are quick.....

You get to vote on the new articles :wink:

If you don't want to be a member, don't be a member, it wasn't compulsory last time I checked.

If people want to join, let them. Kinnell.....

No, not at all, I've never been a member of the CPSA and never shot a registered event.I can get all the sporting targets I want without going to a CPSA shoot. But when I saw someone saying about the benefits of them I thought I would ask the question. As it turns out I see that I can go to these events shoot and not be a cpsa member OK I can't win the money but I don't shoot for that anyway but I save on membership fees so I now have the question what's the benefits for me in joining? And please don't say recording scores and classification because I am more than capable of doing that myself. Jonz
Like it has already been stated by Matt, the benefit for most is so that they can get a classification and have an aim to go up the classifications as they get better. Also are able to possibly compete for their countycountry. If you are happy in your own world than that is great for you but for most of us we want something to aim for and having a classification and the possibility of winning some cash is one of the benefits of being a member of the CPSA.

If you don't want to be a member, don't be a member, it wasn't compulsory last time I checked.

If people want to join, let them. Kinnell.....
Back without a sense of humour....not like you Chard. :laugh:
