Method gateway by BH

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I designed this more for coaches to use than shooters. We made 1500 of them and they sold in a month. We’re just looking at a upgraded version
Interesting… what’s the upgrade ?

Do you sell direct ?
When did you sell 1500 of them Ben? The week before Bonfire Night?
What a complete utter load of rubbish .
Total junk , the same as your Eye Def Rail which is a blatant copy of something Meadows Industries marketed years ago .
When did you sell 1500 of them Ben? The week before Bonfire Night?
What a complete utter load of rubbish .
Total junk , the same as your Eye Def Rail which is a blatant copy of something Meadows Industries marketed years ago .
1500 gateways over 600 into USA and just over 10,000 eye dominance rails (starting to manufacture in the USA as well to keep up with the high demand) not bad eh for gadgets that don’t work and soo to be on shelves in USA large outlet

Never peddled them on here though

The rail has European and world titles over 20 national titles and one shooter at Paris Olympics will be using it. Ooops not bad for something that doesn’t work.

Just landed in Malta delivering stocks and rails whilst coaching for 5 days
Salopian. Unfortunately, you are misinformed. All the top coaches here in the US use both those gadgets on a daily basis but they prefer to keep it a secret. A walk round any of the shooting facilities here will quickly reveal top shooters hiding in the undergrowth or in skeet houses, feverishly removing them from the end of their shotguns so as not to give the game away.

And as far as the Eye def rail (which is available from Meadows Industries for $20) is concerned, some will tell you it is just another gizmo of questionable value? Those people are nothing but Charlatans, don't listen to them, because I can assure you it is not.

This is pure speculation, but I understand the BH version is assembled in Hindu monasterys in remote areas of the Himalayas by Buddist monks? For three times the price it is worth every penny. Always remember........ you get what you pay for.
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Bavarian. I agree. But then, perhaps people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Nobody should have the audacity to criticize the best coach in the World, should they?
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As a noob to this forum, I am more than a little disappointed with the snarky comments on here .

Stupidly, I’ve seen not just realised K80 is actually Ben….
Freddypip I don't really know why you would think that? IMO this is one of the better run, unbiased forums. Perhaps you should make a point of checking that it's always others that start hurling insults, not me? You seem to be on here more than most so maybe it's time you should?

You could start with my introductory post on here on the NooB Again Lead on October 1st 2023 (post #13) where I made a genuine attempt to help a shooter, but, (despite me offering on multiple occasions to clarify anything you didn't understand) it was quickly twisted around by you and others to:- " Oh, he only wants to sell his books." That's absolutely not so Freddy and if you knew more about me and my financial standing, you would understand that perfectly. But you wouldn't listen, the pack mentality kicked in and the insults started. Some contributors always display a hostile attitude on some of these forums and that's a pity really, because in this troubled World, I believe we should all try to get along.
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