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Wonko the Sane

Well-known member
Jun 12, 2012
NorCal, USA

now, I have to ask - why doesn't the Perazzi Hi-Tek thing come standard with something like this?  Or name your gun.  I mean, it actually is the TwentyFirstCentury, innit?

just saying' ...........................................

Yeah, I'm wondering who copied whom?  I could get behind a little price competition on these things and get one into my range.

And the TSK lacks a nice line where the wood joins metal.  Not the typical Italian style that can make home appliances look like they belong on the Enterprise.

FWIW - I already had a PFS and it didn't really make me happy.  I don't need the pogo stick part.

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The Germans aren't going to be happy!
Funny you say that.  

I had an Ergosign fitted to my Blaser a couple of weeks a go and was quite surprised about how good the bit of wood is.  Dennis did point out that when they have them made for Kreighoff & Blaser ie German guns, the wood is really nice, however when they have them come in for Italian guns the wood is never quite the same.  

Could be a coincidence of course ......

The oxford dictionary says "paraplegic is a medical word for being paralyzed from the waist down"

I already had a idea that was what it meant but thought i would just clarify because for the life of me i cant understand why it would ever be  mentioned in the description of a adjustable stock.

I think PFS has had it's day, Ergosign and TSK are the way forward (just on looks alone) if your into the fully adjustable stock thingy IMO.  There's even a British company producing a cheaper version.

That being said, and I don't want to start that whole Perazzi/German gun thing, but I would rather stick pins in my eyes than buy something Italian (cars, kitchen things, in fact anything), it may look nice but you can almost guarantee, it's first outing will be to take it back to get fixed!

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Crap! Just remembered I shoot Italian cartridges but they don't to break anything! They MUST be faulty as well!  Nothing to do with my skill :baby:

Something to knock up in the workshop tomorrow then. Should be done by lunchtime  :rolleyes:

Im an Evo-comp user, but like the look of these, there was one I saw in a rack briefly in Italy a few weeks ago with a leather comb. Looked smart.

+1 on the paraplegic comment, what is that all about?  

Obviously some confusion about "paraplegic" and "orthopedic" 

FWIW the PFS product has been evolving and I suspect that on price alone it will persist in the market for adjusto/recoil thingies.  I have yet to shoot a recoil device that I was comfortable with and, besides, I'm just not recoil sensitive it seems. A properly fitted stock has something to do with that as well.  And being a gear whore, I still could feel pretty OK about having a TSK or Ergosign tho.  Without the pogostick of course

What's the Limey version look like?

Gear Acquisition Syndrome  (GAS)

Guy at the club I shoot at has just had something similar fitted to his MX8 his is made in Spain and looks slightly less robust and was relatively cheap at €1350 . I could never shoot a gun with a stock like that... don't get me wrong I don't actually totally dislike the look of them and I do like the gun fit possibilities they present... its just that other shooters would expect my scores to be a reflection of that high tech stock high price  :)  

" its just that other shooters would expect my scores to be a reflection of that high tech stock high price  :)  "

Wouldn't bother me.  I've been a known shooting poser for a couple decades.

With all due respect - that Limey thing would've been cool about 20 years ago.  But as a lower cost alternative try-stock sorta thing it could certainly find a market

just sayin' ...........

"Wouldn't bother me.  I've been a known shooting poser for a couple decades."

 Charlie I go as far as putting tricolour Perazzi barrel stickers for posing ! :) I would have to say that setting up a stock like that would worry me... and though I hate to admit it I really do not know if I have the ability to make use of that or even a custom stock... but I am on a downer with my shooting right now. I know it will bounce back but last time out I totally obliterated the first twelve and then missed five out of the next seven... don't ask me how the F you can do that it makes no sense to me. Then next round miss the first two then pulverise the next 20 and contrive to miss two of the last three... never mind out on Sunday again

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