Hello from Manchester

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Active member
Sep 30, 2013
Thought I'd pop in and say hello.

New to the sport and after 3 visits and lessons have applied for licence and am on the lookout for my first gun.

Cabinet installed and having the visit from the Police on Wednesday.

Welcome to the forum! If you ever fancy a meet up and shoot at MCSC, drop me a line :)


Hi Phil, Welcome to the Forum. Enjoy your visits   :hi:Hope the visit goes well and the gun purchase is imminent  :good:

Thanks chaps for the welcome.

Gun will be imminent...watch this space...thats if all goes well on Wednesday....they've already cashed the cheque :biggrin:

Just a bit confused on 'key holding' - on the form I put that a set of keys will be kept in a safe on the ground floor (cabinet is in the loft and is acceptable as I emailed GMP to say if that location was suitable and they said yes) however the missus knows the safe code as we keep all our spare keys in there. Is that a problem? Or should I change the code so I am the only one that knows it.

The other failsafe is that the wife doesn't do ladders so will never venture into the loft! :eek:

Hi Phil,

When I was visited I was told that no one  was to know where the spare key was, Hope that helps pal

Also I am only 6 weeks in to all this myself so if you want to meet at MCSC just let me know and I will gladly have a blast with ya

Cheers Pete - will take you up on that at some point.

Will change code on the safe then ;)

See you got the Browning525. Used this s few times and the Beretta Silver Pigeon....liked them both...oh decisions decisions :)

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Hi Phil

Yes it's like we were made for each other, we have a brill relationship, I just load her up and she sorts the out the rest and effortless, I used the 525 throughout my training and got to like them and as I was smashing the clays using it, I thought I would just continue on my path of smile's with my browning fitted with a pair of muller's.

Between you and me I'm still a very bit sh!t :sarcastic:

Say only had 3 lessons and each time was with a different instructor which doesn't help.

Phil mate,

I have only had 4 lessons, but with same instructor Grant. You can request the same one for each lesson. So we are pretty much the same pal so don't worry about it I don't!! just get stuck in pal ok

But I also asked for help from Nick T and Bren (AKA) Lock stock, and they are a brilliant help, just ask mate, I am going tomorrow and meeting up with Nick if ya fancy joining in mate.

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