Dryfire Target Simulator

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
Hi All,

Sorry if this has been asked before (couldn't find it via any searches)

Has anyone used the Dryfire system and most importantly does it work?

Had a couple of great lessons at Owls Lodge and now at the stage where I need to pratcice the skills (before going back for more lesson).

Given I cant get out for shooting as much as I want/need to Dryfire worth investing in to get better?


Weigh up the cost of a dry-fire against say 10 lessons, one a month from one of the Faulds ............

But then again I'd like to try one of these systems as the cold, dark and wet winter is about to set in and I'm a fan of simulators in general, if it means a continuous improvement in gun mount and hits I'd be up for one myself.

All very well saying about putting the costs against lessons, but if like me the only range within an hour's travel is up a mountain track, your 4x4 has thrown an expensive cog and you're about to start working nights until at least christmas then the dryfire starts to look attractive, especially with the perfect room/wall to set it up in. Just need to know if its a useful training tool or a computer game.

It is the ability to practice at times when I wouldn't normally be able to shoot that i like the idea of i.e. after work, they are pricey but if it means I can put into practice  the techniques taught and it makes me better than would be worth it.

Nothing beats coaching and throwing lead about, but dryfire can help identify problems and keep your mount and routine constant. Easy for people to mock the concept but it has helped me on the fast trap disciplines. If not projection cost in the background canvas as a must, shooting at a blank wall is not that helpfull.
