Clay shooting - The future

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We did, they are doing....and you all will do after the Articles go through....just saying

Don't know Robert but those Dtl lads are very anal about target quality and will and do vote with there feet. The only thing i remember being changed at Dtl other than the 28g rule was when they stopped the practice bird before every line, seem to remember that didnt go down to well. You will note they recently tried to change the England team selection process. That soon got shelved :)

So why doesn't everyone else kick up a fuss when they meddle with something that already works!
Surely it can't only be the DTL shooters with any *alls!
The thing is Robert, dtl is a traditional game played by traditional people and there are a lot of them out there! Dtl is probably the most popular form of trap shooting in the uk and the oldest as far as I know!Dtl was around before sporting was even thought of,so there is a lot of history to it, it is almost a religion to some people!!!
Its not DTL its now Down the drain! much better title :haha:   :haha:   :haha:   :haha:   :haha:   :haha:   :haha:   :haha:  


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