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:fie:  Why do all you "numpties" have to question an experienced shooter like IPS when he tell you that he has a brother in law in the H&SE who correctly answered the question?

When I was a registered firearms dealer the same answer was given to me by Mr Lepiour of Avon and Som firearms division. :fie:   :fie:  
Why do you feel the need (or get the credibility) to call people "numpties"? 

I agree - IPS gave the right answer - but your attitude is starting to make me feel like you don't enjoy coming here. 

:crazy:   I get the credibility to call them numpties because I have been a registered CPSA shooter longer, (47years) shot all over the world!  set targets here and all over America, had a gunshop, Registered firearms dealer, had 3 different shooting grounds,  been chairman of fitasc sub committee, served on Somerset & Dorset committees and S/W regional  committees etc., etc.

but I've never won the British Open! :fie:

Propercartridges.com will make any shell you want to your exact spec, and even brand them for you (one off £40 charge for the stamp)

:crazy: I get the credibility to call them numpties because I have been a registered CPSA shooter longer, (47years) shot all over the world! set targets here and all over America, had a gunshop, Registered firearms dealer, had 3 different shooting grounds, been chairman of fitasc sub committee, served on Somerset & Dorset committees and S/W regional committees etc., etc.

but I've never won the British Open! :fie:
All very good shooting credentials, no one can deny you that. But none of them qualifies you to be abusive to others over any matter what so ever.

I must say I do not understand why people behind keyboards make personal remarks about others whom they do not know, especially with no knowledge of anyone else's 'credentials"?

one's own credibility is dependant on how you treat other people,, to the point where it is lost due to attitude.

:fie:  It does when idiots question shooters like IPS who bothers to check his facts before posting!

Does everybody know IPS?,i only just met him last saturday

"Guru" - seriously - you need to change your language and stop insulting people.  

We all know you are a venerable elder of the sport - but that doesn't entitle you to keep being rude. 

Once more and I'll need to ban you. 

:fie:  It does when idiots question shooters like IPS who bothers to check his facts before posting!
I'm certainly not disagreeing with IPS, but this is a forum, which invites all and sundry - with inherently a large proportion of inexperienced folk. (That's why they are here; to learn by discussion). People must be allowed to discuss, unharassed.

I often make bold statements on here, BELIEVING that I am probably correct but I am not stating things in the certain way I would if I were acting in a professional or legal sense. My comments are also meant to provoke reaction, in a good way hopefully, getting people to come back with their opinion (or even just to laugh).

It is inappropriate to insult people on here because they offer a (possibly inaccurate) view or supposition. It's a chat on the internet, not Parliament or other official body. I often feel I can correct somebody on here (usually because they are inexperienced) and hope I do so in a helpful way. Just don't need to ridicule or insult..

Perhaps Cyril is over reacting to posts that reply to IPS's freely and correctly researched information, saying "Sorry but that is wrong!"

I don't think Cyril is a 'Numptie' or an 'Idiot'  I think he is a great bloke with lots of experience that has taken a long time to learn and a fortune in cost.

Listen to the advice he gives and then realise how much it cost you ! Nothing ! It may be correct, it may be nonsense , but it is freely given with the best intentions.

Never met anyone from this forum and do not care about credentials or social standing. I treat everyone the same regardless if they think somehow they should be treated differently as they have been around a bit. Basically treat people like you want to be treated.

:fie:  Why do all you "numpties" have to question an experienced shooter like IPS when he tell you that he has a brother in law in the H&SE who correctly answered the question?

When I was a registered firearms dealer the same answer was given to me by Mr Lepiour of Avon and Som firearms division. :fie:   :fie:  
Yes Cyril, ips is actually spot on with what he said! All the info is there on the internet for public reading!

Wow, this has all gone weird. No need to have a go at guru or anyone else who was equally astounded by the fact that certain people still argue the facts that i gave from a totally reliable source.

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"Guru" - seriously - you need to change your language and stop insulting people.

We all know you are a venerable elder of the sport - but that doesn't entitle you to keep being rude.

Once more and I'll need to ban you.
is this for real, your having a laugh guru has said nothing in a manner any worse than many others have said many times and in a much more confrontational way and i don't see them getting the same treatment. This is getting ridiculous.
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Never met anyone from this forum and do not care about credentials or social standing. I treat everyone the same regardless if they think somehow they should be treated differently as they have been around a bit. Basically treat people like you want to be treated.
the thing is though my friend that people like guru have vast amounts of knowledge and experience and give it out for free for those who wish to listen so in a way they deserve to be treated differently as without people with experience willing to pass there knowledge on for free new shooters would have to pay for it or learn it the hard way like many of us did. I believe that shooters such as guru deserve some respect, for instance i always initially greet my good friend 40up as Mr T as a way of showing my respect to a shooter i hold in great regard.

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Treated with respect absolutely. Treated differently no. I believe I am a guy who Is equally nice to anyone I meet regardless of status.

It is a pity we don't all know each other personally by meeting face to face. I've made a point of meeting up with as many of the characters on here as possible to see what they are really like. Some of them I've known for years. Some of them I've known who they are but have never met them. Some are totally new to me but without question they are all great people in the flesh.

The written word can be taken the wrong way at times but speech always shows it's true meaning.

Get out and meet these shooters. They are all decent people. You will change your view on some of them I'm sure.

Experience counts for a lot but it's no waiver for autorespect, that needs to be earned, admittedly easier in the flesh when you meet people regularly but even on a forum you can get the gist of peoples personality and if someone continually calls all and sundry numpties  :fie:  they come across as one dimensional and boring. 

There comes a point when you need to tell us if you've more to share than  :fie:  . 
