Browning Barrel Sticker

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Replace the sticker with "I am a twa!"if you shoot with the sticker still on,and I shoot a browning gun.

Its just another form of recognition of the "man of many badges" club, the ones with anoraks and little note books with an elastic band round and pencil on a string, so as to be able to record type, colour and where and when they where spotted. So they can all compare notes over a saspirilla at the monthly meet.....

Its just another form of recognition of the "man of many badges" club, the ones with anoraks and little note books with an elastic band round and pencil on a string, so as to be able to record type, colour and where and when they where spotted. So they can all compare notes over a saspirilla at the monthly meet.....

I tell Peely to remove his then  !!!

Just emailed him he said ɟɟoʞooɟ pᴉɐs ǝH Andy

Ok peeps hears a christmas cracker for ya.

I see some Browning's sporting a Barrel Sticker but not all.

Is there some dark secret that is the reason for this phenomenon or pot luck if yours ends up with one attached ?

I fear someone may mistake mine for a Berreta and consiquently i loose all respect within the clay community :(

I have until my sgc lands to rectify this aboration and wonder if anyone has had to replace/fit said sticker and have any hints/tips on the task intended.

Feel free to comment even if you don't own a Browning :)

unless you are sponsored by Browning, no need to advertise it. I got mine taken off in the shop I bought it in.
