Autos. Love or Hate

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Why is it bigoted to prefer something else?

What a load of cock. Why would I feel I've got to prefer something just because the bloody yanks prefer it?

Christ on a bike.....
It's the attitude of shooters who do not like the type of gun when some others do.

I've never seen as many autos for sale like there is now, someone out there must like them.

I was using the Yanks as an example of how popular they are to some shooters who enjoy shooting one.

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Overall I do much prefer double barrel guns, either o/u or even s/s, but I do have a very nice semi auto (Beretta Teksys Stonecoat Gold) which is great for pigeons and will also use it for skeet.

Odd though, it will cycle even 24gms plastic wads with no problem, but it HATES 28gms or 24gms fibre wads - go figure, but possibly the lack of recoil created by those cartridges?

Semi autos are also hugely popular amongst skeeters in US. 
Mine is a 1975 Browning B2000 gas semi and won't cycle anything less than a 28g!

shame....  any ideas on how to make it cycle 24's??

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Sorry Phil - I'm not that clever, but I'm sure there must be a way.

Somebody on here must be able to confirm one way or another ?

I can see why some people like autos, I know several people that use them because of severe intolerance to recoil, must admit they don't float my boat.

What I can't grasp is pumps, I don't like how you have to think about cycling it yourself inbetween cartridges, there is plenty to think about without having to pump it for the second shot.  Maybe its not as hard as I think it is, I've only ever seem 1 pump being used where I shoot, so that must speek wonders and they certainly don't appeal to me

I am a returner to shotgun shooting after a layoff of many many years.  SBS was the only type available really 30 years ago with O/U's being sneered at back then. Shot Rifle mostly with a fair amount of pistol and Shotguns were just for the wlak across the field with the dogs really.

However, as I have gotten older I can't do all the sports I'd like to anymore and have returned to shooting as a result ... and I am loving it (again).

We've a nice little collection assembled now including an old Yeoman (ahhh memories), two O/U's and a 391. Yesterday I shot a 100 clays with the semi auto spewing out cartridges everywhere (which I don't like BTW), but I wouldn't have been able to do this with one of the others. my Bcck is simply not up to it.  

The 391 ejects forward making it tricky to pick carts up without crossing the firing line (a no-no) and even a grip stick won't reach many. Add in the folks wanting to get into the stand and you can see the problem. However, the lower weight and recoil make a huge difference to my ability to enjoy my shooting. Sad though I may be I even like the noise of it cycling.

30 years ago folks didn't use the O/U, but I think it entirely possible that as manufacturing costs continue to increase and tech develops that SA's will become ever more popular ... Its an xbox generation folks and the 391 shoots really well ... younger shooters may not have the perspective of many on here and all we need do to sort the Cartridge issue out is to have a little netting on the side of the stand to catch them ... simples ;)

Done this to death before but just to clarify my position once again.

Ban the use of autos in trap, having said that you see very very few these days much less than you did in the 80s thats because they are no longer needed with modern light loads.

@Mike is not bigoted to not like a product, it is just personal choice, regardless of what the Americans like or use. (see .....PhilS......'I' ....did not use 'Yanks' not falling for the racist crap the $€po one :laugh: )

It could be that there are lots for sale because people who have bought them.....then shot them....have said 'sh*t not for me'.....followed by....'oh bugger, if I flog it quick whilst it looks new, how much money will I lose this time'

Edited due to the iPhone anticipating posting before I had finished.

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Apart from anything else autos are very restrictive for all disciplines due to the obvious one barrel one choke situation. I am of course a self opinionated traditionalist but there you go :)

Apart from anything else autos are very restrictive for all disciplines due to the obvious one barrel one choke situation. I am of course a self opinionated traditionalist but there you go :)
Shock horror.....the terrible mind games it must play on the owner when going to a stand with a stonking long far away distant edge on crosser (like on Viscunt Wylye's hill) in simo with an in comming driven where trap is 20yds in front and thrown low to part your hair.....

Then I think all choke twiddlers will wish the hand an o/u.

Hee hee.

Sorry in anticipation :smile:


Have you always liked trying to wind people up?

Not that I'm going to take the bait though.

Slightly off thread, I read that Stuart Clarke has decided to start using an O/U now that he found one that has about the same recoil as his auto. I have found one that suits me as well and my auto is now banished to the cabinet.

Overall I do much prefer double barrel guns, either o/u or even s/s, but I do have a very nice semi auto (Beretta Teksys Stonecoat Gold) which is great for pigeons and will also use it for skeet.

Odd though, it will cycle even 24gms plastic wads with no problem, but it HATES 28gms or 24gms fibre wads - go figure, but possibly the lack of recoil created by those cartridges?

Semi autos are also hugely popular amongst skeeters in US. 
I used to have  the same gun, mine would even work with 21gm loads and the type of wad made no difference at all.

When did you last give it a really good clean and do you run it dry or oily from forward of the receiver?

It also helps to polish the rod which the piston is on.

Hi Mike - the gun was professionally serviced about a year ago, and it doesn't get that much use. Probably had less than 2000 shells through it, although I am intending to use it when I shoot the odd Skeet comp.

But it is always well oiled and gets a REALLY good clean after EVERY time it is used.

It actually isn't an issue for me as I personally don't use it with fibres anyway. This problem was found out at a local straw baler which insisted on fibres only, and when I lent the semi to a mate who's gun was in for repair. And it just wasn't having it  :prankster:


Have you always liked trying to wind people up?

Not that I'm going to take the bait though.
Sorry did not realise that I cannot have a valid point of view without it being taken as a wind up.

For your info .....the simo pair described was in fact on an England Fitasc selection shoot in 2003 ....and was the last stand on the last selection shoot to count.

......True story...!!


Your valid point has been noted, I have used autos on and off, for about 30 years and the choice of only one choke has never bothered me at all.

I find the choice of choke that O/U users use such as using the same choke in both barrels a bit odd, whats the point?

If you have two barells at least give your self an option.

Mike I am fixed choke so never bothered about them. My husband used to be a choke changer when we shot sporting and it used to irritate the tits off me. Moved to trap and fixed chokes so problem solved.....or so I thought....until he had his bottom barrel teagued .....

Some people fiddle with chokes and some don't :smile: but after having several autos I have to say (as the question asked) that I do not like them......especially in novice hands or being waved around.....see previous posts re autos abroad......and with some very doddery super vets :smile:

But each to their own.

And if anyone ever tried to ban them I would wholeheartedly support the auto user to keep them in use. Some people actually like them you know :smile:

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I love my auto's

I no longer own an OU but have a Beretta AL391 Teknys Stonecoat Sporter and a Gold version of the same gun.

I started with an OU but switched to the auto by accident having picked one up and shooting really well with it.  I have only found 3 OU's that I really get on with, the CG Maxum Summit High rib, Kriegoff K80 Pro Rib and the Blaser F3 Pro Rib but can't afford any of them currently so am sticking with my auto's and learning to shoot.  If the clay doesn't break the miss is purely down to me.

In the 40-45K shells through it since i bought it 2.5 years ago I have had very few problems with it.

Malc, Hull Pro Fibre, Gamebore Blue Diamond and Gamebore White Gold XLR in fibre go through mine no problem in 24 or 28G.


Mine is a 1975 Browning B2000 gas semi and won't cycle anything less than a 28g!

shame....  any ideas on how to make it cycle 24's??
Phil,  You can open out the gas port/s a little so that more gas pressure is let through but be aware that this is an irreversible fix.

The gun would still cycle shells heavier than 24gm but the gun may not like the heavy cycling of the bolt assembly that may occur with heavier loads that could cause damage


This old chestnut of a subject is trawled up regularly like chokes, steel shot and snapcaps but that is a good thing because it may bring up fresh thinking on the subject.

I have used an auto for most of my many years of clay shooting,usually from choice but more recently because of a neck problem and the subject of picking up empty cases is always a hot one.

I pick up my empties when possible,subject to the type of shoot and other constraints etc.

I will worry about the ones I can't pick up when every shooter who uses an o/u or s/s picks theirs up.

Having only one barrel and choke is not a problem.I reckon you can break the close targets with a tight choke easier than you can break distant targets with an open choke so a 1/2 choke works for me.

At great expense I am about to try a Muller U2


Sound way to technical for me all this cycling and ports mallarkey.

Oh and as nic has commented on chokes, bit off topic but hey ho. I hate them as well. 3/4 and full for all trap is the order of the day no need for multi. And before anyone has a go re sporting i refer only to "propper" trap (abt Ut ot) which are of course IMO the ONLY disciplines.

Phil,  You can open out the gas port/s a little so that more gas pressure is let through but be aware that this is an irreversible fix.

The gun would still cycle shells heavier than 24gm but the gun may not like the heavy cycling of the bolt assembly that may occur with heavier loads that could cause damage

Thanks Vic,

Think I'll leave it as it is - can't f**k it up that way!  :shout:

I'll just stick to 28's
