An Old Friend In The News

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Some years ago a friend had his SGC revoked and guns removed because of domestic violence. Not by him - by his wife against him. When they split up and she left he was able to get his SGC and guns back. The police have to err on the side of caution and I don't believe they do these things out of spite. The only explanation that makes sense to me is that there was either violence or the threat of violence (as in fists etc.) by the person concerned who, as a gun owner, should have been aware of the potential consequences of such conduct. Didn't Vinnie Jones have his SGC revoked over a fist fight in America?

Changed the name of the thread - as the search engines will be able to index his name.

Hiya Peeps, Just got back on after not been able to before, Glad it now works OK but Matt, you will not I hope start policing (No pun intended) threads on here? After all as long as its information about well known shooters then, whats the problem?. HIYA ELVIS, YOUNG NIC,HAMMY AND THE REST OF THE GANG!

but Matt, you will not I hope start policing (No pun intended) threads on here?
Only if they have potential to cause my site any problems - welcome back, please can you add your name to your profile - and a picture if possible.

I see that because a certain chap is a publicity seeking individual in clayshooting magazine we can all comment about who he is and what he has been up to.

But when some one else who has also publicised his cause in clayshooting magazine starts to abuse people with threats and foul language we edit the post to save getting into controversy.

It's the same when we mentioned blatant cheating, the veil is drawn over and we all continue as though everything in the garden is rosy.

Well it isn't and it is about time we stopped all this nonsense.

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I'm not sure I understand your point. I haven't 'drawn veils' - I have moderated the site to reduce risk.

Since starting the forum - we've had just shy of 10,000 posts - I've moderated (or censored if you like), about three threads. Both of those have been where I percieve there to be risk that there is comeback to the site. In all cases, the site would be liable and not the original poster.

This thread - is not moderated or censored - I changed the name to reduce the chance of a search engine finding that name and linking this site to the owner of a previous Clay Shooting site that I CHOOSE to disassociate myself from and then I made a comment about the fact I feel that there is no need to talk about him.

If I'm over moderating the site - then I hope the community will let me know.

Don Brunt brought up the problem with cheating in a very good article in the free Clay Shooter magazine. But to be honest I really cannot see anything changing in the near future.

The only way that any issues can get addressed is by going through the structures of the Association and making your representations known officially. This means via your County and your Region and failing that you can go to the AGM's.

Otherwise it is just 'talk around the camp fire'.

How many of the shooters who have commented on these recent topics are actually going to the AGM?

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Matt, Nicola, Mike,

Nothing that you have said is incorrect or offensive to me and I understand exactly what you are saying and the points that you are making.

The fact remains that the Association is not doing its job and skirting around very important issues.

I think it was Malcolm Clarke that posted the letter that he had sent to Nick Fellows about the situation at Dartford, Malcolm obviously feels extremely aggrieved about this situation and just wished that members of the CPSA were made aware using this open forum as his vehicle (remember, Joe Public cannot read anything on here).

Don Brunt got paid for an article that just swept things under the carpet and didn't lance the boil that is festering in Sporting.

Joe Kitson, Carl Fielding, Michelle ? ( Cambridge), Nicola, have all been passionate about CPSA and been elected to the Board.

ALL have resigned before the end of their term because of the unequal struggle to get the Association to function diplomatically and correctly.

Our Association have not ,and are not resolving issues, and the sport is in danger of declining. The sport will not die but the Association could very easily be replaced.

You only have to ask yourself why are competitions such as the Krieghoff, Essex Masters, Clay Classic becoming so popular?

Why do we need a seperate Skeet Organisation?

Because our National Association is not doing its job properly and representing shooters, in my opinion.

Of course it does no good at all to have written this here apart from make shootclay forum members aware of MY feelings.

I should be making CPSA aware of my feelings.

Well I have, for over three years and probably longer, but nothing changes, only a courteous acknowledgement of my concerns, agreement and 'I have forwarded your concerns on to a higher authority'.


I really understand what you are saying but nothing will change, it never has and never will. The only thing the CPSA has done recently is to allow shooters to shoot B/O at registered shoots, which for the ground running the comp. is a good thing.

I asked a ground owner why he stopped running registered shoots, his reply was that he lost money on every shoot.

I stopped giving money to the CPSA in November 2008 when I decided that I'm not bothered about belonging to an organisation which has no balls, if I just shoot for fun I'll still enjoy myself. I occasionally shoot at three grounds in the South of Scotland and the amount of blatant cheating that goes on amazed me, but the ground owners will not bar these cheats from shooting as they will lose revenue, so I just shoot and try not to become too involved in the politics, but I do call them cheats to their faces, their common answer is "Go back to England".

But I'm thick skinned :)

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Yep, how you doing Daz? I am still recuperating from my last operation in December. look forward to seeing you on the circuit. ATBest. Ron.
Nice to see you back Ron, I thought you were at death's door :eek:

Hiya Fellers, No Mike Ime still alive I look dead but Ime still ticking over, for some reason my PC wont type any bigger than this I click on the box to type bigger but it dont respond, Sorry that Nige isnt still on. Cheers.

Looks big enough for me.. but if you click the size button above... you can change the size to whatever you need.

I have lost my part time weather forecastin job on local radio!.

Thats it then, NO MORE MIST AND ICE GUY!

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