An E-Petition in support of .22 Rimfire Pistols for Sporting use

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Me to.....Done.
But they will never get it back in a million years....
We tried on the run up to London 2012 and only got (secretly) an allowance of 15 RFD Section 5's for the squad to train here in the UK.
They made it clear that this was exceptional circumstances and would not lead to reintroduction.
Clay Shooters did not back hand guns when they needed their support.....and they will not help them now either....simply because most clay shooters are a different breed.....they do not care about other shooting sports that they do not participate in.......and mainly the majority of them cannot be arsed to do anything unless it directly affects themselves. Sad but true and always has been.
They cannot be arsed to even vote for they own national governing body protection or crucial issues.

Lets see how many of the 2000+ clay shooters on here actually go on the petition and sign it and then post on this page "DONE"

Fancy a bet Bobby.......?
My bet is 28

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Every little helps!

One has to have faith in one's fellow shooters.

I have circulated target shooters in Cornwall, Devon and Dorset who have links into all the small-bore clubs and put it on which is a small-bore target shooting forum like this.

I spotted it on Pigeon Watch and am a bit disappointed I didn't hear about it until now! 

I think you are being very pessimistic about this and I reckon we have a very supportive bunch on here who are regulars and who I would hope would support a just cause like this that I am supporting and promoting on here!

I'll double your bet and go for 56 or more!

Lets hope this section of the forum is not on ignore!

Did it last week when it was circulated by BASC.

I did it BUT I feel like I've gone through the motions which in my heart, will have little effect on the re-introduction. I personally feel that the vote should be for the re-introduction of ALL pistols like we had before. It is senseless to me to go cap in hand to the Government, or our Governing Bodies, asking for small scraps of legislation to bring back one very small section of a sport, which only, truthfully, effects a small handfull of people. This minority will be ignored as we are law abiding and somewhat shy about advertising our presence to all and sundry. In this modern world you have to be extremely vocal about your grievences to even get noticed.

I'm also not happy about being lumped into a group who are labelled as "not caring about other shooting sports". Believe it or not, some of us used to participate in those other shooting sports and I chose them because I enjoyed them. I resent the fact they have been taken away from me through no fault of my own.

I have tried to influence things within Clay Shooting and put forward suggestions for change and improvement only to be shouted down by "The Old Guard" who delighted in informing me that the way they have always done it, is the way it's going to be. I gave up trying to be involved ten years ago and, quite frankly, I dropped out of clay shooting as it ruined my enjoyment and was becoming detrimental to my health. I know many others who "only want to shoot" for this very reason, so perhaps we should look upwards to our "ruling classes" rather than looking downwards at the "grass roots shooter" and trying to lay the blame on them.

NO smiley inserted here because, right now, I'm not smiling!

Done x 2 for the Hoskins household - Amber will be old enough on Thursday I believe and can do it then.

I think you are being very pessimistic about this and I reckon we have a very supportive bunch on here who are regulars and who I would hope would support a just cause like this that I am supporting and promoting on here!

I'll double your bet and go for 56 or more!

Lets hope this section of the forum is not on ignore!

Great Bobby. 

Not pessimistic at all....just reality i am afraid....

But seeing as you have great faith in the shooters on here I will go with the chance that they will get involved now....

So i will raise you to 200 out of the 2000 members watching on here :wink:

This petition has been doing the rounds on Facebook last week so maybe most have already signed it......but even if they have...they could at least post 'done' on here to help you out with our playful bet. I have been inspired by your faith in the posters :laugh:

Did it last week when it was circulated by BASC.

I did it BUT I feel like I've gone through the motions which in my heart, will have little effect on the re-introduction. I personally feel that the vote should be for the re-introduction of ALL pistols like we had before. It is senseless to me to go cap in hand to the Government, or our Governing Bodies, asking for small scraps of legislation to bring back one very small section of a sport, which only, truthfully, effects a small handfull of people. This minority will be ignored as we are law abiding and somewhat shy about advertising our presence to all and sundry. In this modern world you have to be extremely vocal about your grievences to even get noticed.

I'm also not happy about being lumped into a group who are labelled as "not caring about other shooting sports". Believe it or not, some of us used to participate in those other shooting sports and I chose them because I enjoyed them. I resent the fact they have been taken away from me through no fault of my own.

I have tried to influence things within Clay Shooting and put forward suggestions for change and improvement only to be shouted down by "The Old Guard" who delighted in informing me that the way they have always done it, is the way it's going to be. I gave up trying to be involved ten years ago and, quite frankly, I dropped out of clay shooting as it ruined my enjoyment and was becoming detrimental to my health. I know many others who "only want to shoot" for this very reason, so perhaps we should look upwards to our "ruling classes" rather than looking downwards at the "grass roots shooter" and trying to lay the blame on them.

NO smiley inserted here because, right now, I'm not smiling!
I have clarified my post above with an edit as i could see it was not clear enough. Hope you can now smile TD as i was not including you. :wink: for looking up to our ruling classes....they will not do anything....they probably will not even appear on the petition last time. 

The only ones who really look after the grass roots are people like 'us' who give hours and hours of free lessons etc etc to the counties and their shooters...especially the youngsters..who are in reality ...our future.

Done. I actually believe that if we don't change government next year there's a good chance it could happen.  Target pistols are quite far removed from 'all pistols' and it's with the latter that I have a problem.

Public perception is all, and a Luger or a .44 Magnum or a Glock are far more likely to be associated in the public mind with mahem and bank robbery and violence than most of the genuine target pistols out there.
