Where are people shooting today

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I was down for Westfield, but had a long day yesterday, shooting a few hundred plus travelling. Felt like a zombie when I got up, so just sitting here. May do somewhere more local later today..

Wet n windy in Sussex. In bed watching the WRC! Gonna take the wife out for lunch instead :wub:

peeing down in Staffordshire so I will be staying dry today. Happy shooting to those who venture out today. 

Good to meet you yesterday Schmokinn....bit better weather yesterday!

Raining here too but the cloud is breaking up as I type so I might get out to play yet....

Good to meet you yesterday Schmokinn....bit better weather yesterday!

Raining here too but the cloud is breaking up as I type so I might get out to play yet....
And you,​was great at Purbeck yesterday,perfect weather thats why i went as i knew it would be crap today.

a little disappointing that they haven't changed the targets in a few weeks...did you try the orange target thrown of the top of the bank by the skeet range on the compact as you walk down?

Was planning on shooting Doveridge but as I don't have a snorkel I've stayed at home. 

And you,​was great at Purbeck yesterday,perfect weather thats why i went as i knew it would be crap today.

a little disappointing that they haven't changed the targets in a few weeks...did you try the orange target thrown of the top of the bank by the skeet range on the compact as you walk down?
I did....missed the first one...doubled my lead and then hit it....awesome target...great when it broke!

Thought the teal on the same stand was more tricky but got there in the end....in fact all the targets on that layout were good.

Havent been there for ages so they were all new to me....but I try never to go back to the scene of previous crimes within a month for the very reason that targets don't change every week...there is one ground (which I don't go to anymore) where I reckon half of the targets have been the same for about four years....

usually they change on a weekly basis,i think Graham has been away so maybe thats it.

think it was more line than lead for me on the orange one..broke it about 20 foot from the trap,halfway down the bank and just before it hit the ground just not consistently tried allsorts :rolleyes:

was the wifes first driving lesson too :wink:

I still can't hit the dam' thing other than by accidental ricochet off a leaf or something. In fact I can't see it most days, at least until it clears the bank leaving only a fraction of a second, which for me ain't enough.

One of the lads there (I'm told) had 25 shots at it the other day and didn't connect, which made me feel better. I was massively pleased it wasn't one of the targets for Wednesday's ESP.

To be fair there has been a lot going on there recently, maybe on Tuesday when me & my mates go it'll all have changed. My wife calls us the Last of the Summer Wine, I wonder if she has me down as "Compo".

wet windy cold couldn't be bothered took doggie for long walk got lost (don't ask) got wet got muddy got knackered should have gone shooting instead

and breath

Well back from Flitwick. Was raining as we got there but had stopped by the time we'd had a coffee, I'd got a membership and paid for our 50 bird shoot. Committee wanted to see me shoot before they signed off on my membership so took me to stand one for a few shots. Stand one is a small platform about 5ft off the ground with a L/R 1/4 away that only gets to knee level and a L/R looper a good 30 yards out and 40 yards in the air. So with 20 members standing on the station waiting to shoot I smoked the first pair and hit first shot of 2nd pair and he said he was happy with that and signed me up. I'm just lucky he didn't watch me shoot the other stations as my shooting went to pot after that. I ended with 18 ex 50. I think I was over and in front of a lot of my misses. I just couldn't dial in to them. So we decided to do another 50 and I did improve slightly with 22 ex 50. I hit every target presented at least once so I know I can shoot them. Rain started again on my last 2 pairs so rushed them a bit as I didn't want to wet a gun to clean. So got home and dried and cleaned my gun.

I think I need some coaching in the near future with a good coach before I start thinking I've chosen the wrong sport, ..
