Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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I wish I'd done a sporting shoot. Shot a total of 50 DTL birds so far since 9.30. Can't believe how long trap takes.

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Park Lodge for me today to try and get prepared for the British, worst score in 12 months. Tough round it strong winds made it challenging, worst thing was a bad start, only shot half on the first 4 stands which killed it off before I got going, too slow out the blocks. Last 8 stands shot a lot better but damage was already done for a very lowely 69. 

I’m still in my pyjamas 👌
That was my Sunday too.. very odd. Rain this am.. then M25 traffic looked nasty and just couldn’t face trip to Court Farm. I’m probably banned at 4C.. friends round pm. Mrs H did splendid cooking this pm so all nice!

That was my Sunday too.. very odd. Rain this am.. then M25 traffic looked nasty and just couldn’t face trip to Court Farm. I’m probably banned at 4C.. friends round pm. Mrs H did splendid cooking this pm so all nice!
Due to various things i have heard recently i do not believe a CPSA member can be banned from a REG event,not that will necessarily make you feel better about skeet in the woods😁

Due to various things i have heard recently i do not believe a CPSA member can be banned from a REG event,not that will necessarily make you feel better about skeet in the woods😁
Trouble is Mark, when I was about 20 I coined a phrase, Don’t go to parties where you’re not invited. I want to feel welcome. 

Trouble is Mark, when I was about 20 I coined a phrase, Don’t go to parties where you’re not invited. I want to feel welcome. 
Thats fine Will bit i only commented on what you stated,my nature makes me want to go back and stick it to them.

I do have a similar but more confrontational issue going on with another ground.

Shot the FITASC at Highwaymans 

2 hour drive but worth it all said and done 

Simon chucks a good target if sometimes that wee bit crazy, HG was Richard Bunning on 93 so it was stiff. 

I managed 84 still getting used to a new gun so pleased as it is feeling better each time (only 500 through it so far) 

A very active Saturday saw me very tired and very sore on Sunday so I thought I'd just go out for fun with the auto. Ended on 61/100 at Northampton 😂

Whilst I was better off not picking a gun up I was really impresses with Northampton as a first time visit. Well organised squadding with announcements over the PA to get people assembled. The prices in the cafe were very reasonable, the paths well maintained and the ground nicely presented. 

My only complaint was our 'ref'. Wasn't able to comprehend how to push the button on some stands so I ended up buttoning to get the squad through.

I'll be back, less tired and with the wooden gun rather than plastic for another go!

Anyone else at Bisley today for the Surrey Police 100? Over the moon about hitting 82, highest ever tally and first time shooting above 80 at all, but was aware that apart from a few stands it didn't appear to be the most taxing shoot in the world. Was great fun though, and that's the main thing. :) I left about 1:45 I they said high gun was 96 but only about 6 people had shot over 90.

Thank you. Nope, open to anyone, not sure how well BIsley advertised it though: I went with my mate who isn't forces or blue light related and he knew about it probably just cos we're both local, but I saw plenty of 'normals' :) . Obviously, I heard about it through being emergency services but they had medals (literally, dunno how common that is?!) for high gun police and high gun guest, both team and solo, as well as high gun side-by-side and a few others.
Yes, it was a 100 bird charity shoot hence medals instead of cash prizes, Well done, I bet you are still smiling!

The venue was Bisley Shooting Ground, Cottesloe heath which was really pleasant and one I'd like to do more of. It looks as though it's a club venue which allows guests at their monthly shoots, I did a REG shoot there some years ago but think REG are a rarity, it's Fibre wads only.

classes were -

  • Police teams
  • "Guest" teams
  • Individual entries
  • Side by side individual
  • High Gun
  • Pool shoot
  • maybe more
I was part of a team of five and put in an OK score but we got the medals and a case of Stella (for "normals" team,) One of our lads won the pool shoot trophy with a "lucky" 100%.

The shoot was really enjoyable, many stands with three pairs, some four pairs, most stands not too hard with just a couple "out there".  The double rabbit was also interesting with the first, quite close, quartering away, and mostly being taken before it even hit the ground.

A nice touch was the buggy rides from the far end back to the car park, I was tempted but we had to shoot our way back.

Stand 2 at Bisley was called Sniper's Pit and was basically a pair of rabbits, but the first one sort of quartered away thrown into the air and you had to decide whether to let it drop and roll or hit it in mid air where it was potentially easier but needed much more instinct, hence the sniper name. Pleased to say I straighted that stand. Was a very fun shoot to do with some well thought out targets from an enjoyment basis.

Due to various things i have heard recently i do not believe a CPSA member can be banned from a REG event,not that will necessarily make you feel better about skeet in the woods😁
The way I read it is, you can be banned, unless it is a major, minor championship, or a selection shoot.

1.17 MEMBERS BANNED BY GROUNDS/CLUBS Any shooting ground or club about to enter in to a contract with the CPSA to hold a major or minor championship, or selection shoot, that has had cause to ban a CPSA member from that ground must notify the CPSA, in writing prior to signing the contract, of the name(s) of such member(s). The ground is also required to advise the CPSA if they are willing to allow said member(s) to take part in the competition or if not on what conditions the ground would allow this to happen. If they are not they must, at the same time, provide the background to the case and their reasons for banning the member. The CPSA will then contact the member(s) detailing the ground’s position and the facts surrounding the ban as the ground sees them and, if he/she/they indicate a wish to enter the competition ask him/her/them to submit, in writing, their account of the case for consideration. A sub-committee of the Board, convened by the CEO, comprising four directors (none from the region of either the member or ground) will decide, upon the evidence presented, whether to support the ban imposed by the ground, which will preclude the member(s) from entering that competition, or to ask the ground to lift the ban for the purposes of that specific competition. The Board to ratify said decision. Should the ground, if requested, refuse to lift the ban then the competition may be re-allocated to another ground.

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Owls today. First time I’ve ever done 2 Reg shoots at same ground 5 days apart. 😆. Full credit to Owls it was an entirely different course from last Saturday.

Again, not a brutal shoot, but very few actual easy stands, so if you were a bit off form you could miss everywhere. Likewise if you are on form it paid back without busting a gut. Was second on the board when I left but some top shots out on 3pm rotation. I would think my 94 is 3 or maybe 4 light for a top shot. Stuart Rudling only on 90 though..

Hmm.. update. I gather 95 was HG, then a ravening hoard behind..

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My mate was at owls at 3pm and said he would send me a photo of the scores screen. I was now down in about 13th on 92! Behind my mate. Much sweating scrabbling and texting before it got corrected. Then I was enlightened.. they had fiddled the scores screen just to take the wind-up photo for me. 🤣. I need new friends. 
