Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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For the first time ever I've shot for 7 days in a row.

Sunday - Premier League at Westfield, shorts and a polo shirt in just 8 degrees wasn't my smartest move.

Monday - 150 practice a team EJC on my way to Wolverhampton.

Tuesday - 150 practice at Mill Ride after my vision assessment with Ed Lyons.

Wednesday - 275 practice at Oakedge.

Thursday - Reg at EJC, class win with 92.

Friday - Reg at Kibworth, steady 86.

Saturday - 200 practice at Sporting Targets on my way home.

For the first time ever I've shot for 7 days in a row.

Sunday - Premier League at Westfield, shorts and a polo shirt in just 8 degrees wasn't my smartest move.

Monday - 150 practice a team EJC on my way to Wolverhampton.

Tuesday - 150 practice at Mill Ride after my vision assessment with Ed Lyons.

Wednesday - 275 practice at Oakedge.

Thursday - Reg at EJC, class win with 92.

Friday - Reg at Kibworth, steady 86.

Saturday - 200 practice at Sporting Targets on my way home.
This needs a thread of its own! Quite a feat Dan, but it paid off at EJC for you. Not sure I could do it. (I doze off during practice shooting too unless it’s very specific).  I’ve got Southdown ESP and STR tomorrow and RBSS Challenge Final on Tuesday. I will probably not shoot today so as not to burn out..

This needs a thread of its own! Quite a feat Dan, but it paid off at EJC for you. Not sure I could do it. (I doze off during practice shooting too unless it’s very specific).  I’ve got Southdown ESP and STR tomorrow and RBSS Challenge Final on Tuesday. I will probably not shoot today so as not to burn out..
I say practice but it's more training than anything, I try to shoot it as if it were a competition.

Churchills on Monday I shot ten stands as 5 pair on report then five stands as sim pairs, then Tuesday at Mill Ride I shot 50 sporting then I shot 100 on the sheet range as sim pairs which was a good timing excercise.

Gatton Bottom this morning.  Bit chilly, but at least it wasn't too windy.  Shot fairly steadily.  Dropped a couple on an relatively straightforward following pair.  Also slowing up on teals a bit, dropped four on 3 different stands.  Watched them sail away from the end of the gun as I pulled the trigger.  Doh!  Also had a scorer mark me a miss on a clay that I completely destroyed.  Wasn't even a chippy break as an excuse.  Slightly frustrating as I finished on 78, one behind the winner of ladies class.

Not such a good day for me today.  Southdown.  Started really well, 7,7,8.  Then started to wobble a bit.  Mucked up Stand 5 completely, missing two of a relatively straightforward looper and shooting over a low curling away target.  Stand 6 I effed up the sim pair.  Should have shot the teal first and at least got a 3.  Stand 9 was a meltdown.  Missed the first bird of the sim twice, never touched the plummeting midi.  After that it was just the odd sloppy miss again.  Finished on 69, 4 off my average.

Longridge BH Monday, pleasant enough day, not much sun, bit cooler than Id like but no wet stuff nor no wind to speak of, seems a mechanical digger has been busy and the moving around of stands / traps very much ongoing. Shot round with Bunter, now I struggle now and again with orange clays but can in the main see some of the target, on one stand a fairly comfortable r-l quartering clay took on an air of invisibility to an aged chap shooting the stand 1 place in front of me, later I struggled to see a flat teal, he saw it like a bin-lid, odd / strange experience indeed. Did mange to make a meal of most stands, that said Ive developed a real issue with anything l-r so thats near 40% of the targets anywhere these days so card was always gong to look sad. Bunter finished in the 70s me I did not. It was I thought a decent course, the stands I shot poorly  were not insane / eyesight tests / nasty, I just got it wrong to begin with or went awry after starting well, that said looking at scores when I left I was not alone, not that anyone could offer much in the way of explaining why they found it tough to build a score.

HG was Andy Moon 98 when I left, next in AA was a 90, in A an 87, in B an 82 and in C a 78, that was at 1.30, entries close 3.30 so plenty of time for the 2/ 3 shoot a day chaps to still rock up.

Nice day, good course just shot it very poorly in too many places, that said nice to be out and seeing the many regular friendly faces after not having been out at the w/e for too long.

Longridge also. Good course I thought which for me personally was marred by the talkers amongst us. Most of whom should know better.😢 Thanks. 85. 

More ear defenders on order.🙄


I enjoyed Southdown. Shot the ESP first and had one daft stand, missing three simple l-r crossers, in front I think. Just ruined a decent card there, finished on 89. Otherwise I just missed one here and there. A few stands that I feared, I did OK on, so not unhappy overall. 

Sportrap, I started with a 24, then was feeling tired and a bit off it, including looking for wrong target twice and finished on 85. Again an enjoyable course.

Scores on CPSA before 5pm. Nice job.

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A local shooter shot 5 registered shoots over Sunday and Monday scored 93. 99. 97. 97.and 95 and took 5 high guns . That's got to be some kind of record I would have thought.
Was that Martin  Myers?

Saturday went to Westfield for Fitasc which was a very good shoot but I just really couldn’t shoot.  I just decided to stop.  I couldn’t mount properly don’t know why and I have a lovely bruise on my face which looks as if Tony’s smacked me around.   Sunday went to Podimore, it’s been about three years so did that  and Greenfield Gunshop shoot which was about 50 mins away.  Enjoyed both shoots and the countryside was beautiful.  It was really nice to shoot somewhere I had never been and they had a great set up in a valley with covered tables and chairs, hot food, and guns to look at and Teague chokes was there.  Monday Southdown - pool shoot, Sportrap and sporting.   Enjoyable but too many blaze targets for my liking.  Bonus drive home was really quick.

You know how I feel about them 😂.  It seems these days blaze is used so many times it doesn’t need to be.
I thought exactly that on the pair of loopers on 12.  They were up against the sky all the time, black would have been so much easier to see.

Garlands for the Compak. Great shoot very well attended. Garlands full English up to its usual standard, registration overwhelmed though, the queue was probably 40 minutes long and even arriving more than an hour before was not enough time to get in! Steve eventually just told people to go and shoot and pay later, I hope no one let him down! Muddled through the 4 layouts, it moved smoothly although a few refs were bleating about the pressure it all seemed to go ok. Only one troublesome trap but it wasn't really an issue. Highlight of the round for me was the bloke shooting to my left. Called 'Pull' pulled the trigger and a loud click emanated from his gun. Ref called 30 second wait ......... opened gun, no shells in it! :)   :)  ( Bugger still trashed me on score anyway! ) 

Launched straight in to the sporting, no idea of my score but it wasn't good. Great layout and targets though, typical of Steve, some challenging stuff for the AA's and above, nothing ridiculous and everything could be mullered if you put the lead in the right place. ( Particularly happy with tagging most of the long, high birds, even at 5/8 choke the Panzergun turned them to nice starbursts ) 

A 10 hour day, 200 shot ( at ) and 200 mile drive. The potjie and Scotch went down well!

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Gatton Bottom this morning.  Bit chilly, but at least it wasn't too windy.  Shot fairly steadily.  Dropped a couple on an relatively straightforward following pair.  Also slowing up on teals a bit, dropped four on 3 different stands.  Watched them sail away from the end of the gun as I pulled the trigger.  Doh!  Also had a scorer mark me a miss on a clay that I completely destroyed.  Wasn't even a chippy break as an excuse.  Slightly frustrating as I finished on 78, one behind the winner of ladies class.
My shooting buddy and I shot at Gatton bottom too and I was glad I put an extra fleece in the car.

We always skip stand 1 because it usually looks a bit intimidating when going in cold so we started on stand 2 an "easy" looking O/R pair of left to right quartering, dropping birds, we couldn't make out why people were missing until we tried it, I lost a few here trying to get the lead and drop right. Stand 4 "the platform," I squeaked through somehow by breaking the close rabbits in half, I told my mate I was conserving the meat. From here on things went fairly well until we reached stand 10 at the start of the second copse, another left to right dropping bird which cost me 3, my mate got them all by taking them earlier while they were still going straight, a good lesson for me, I should have been on the ball. Stands 11 and 12 were OK, stand 12 a simple O/R pair going away. Back to stand 1 (now in the groove!) another Left to right dropper 40+ yards out followed by a similar range right to left, face on looper, I fluffed a few of these L to R's. In the end I was happy enough to score 6 above my average which was enough to take Veterans class.

Might try Willinghurst again next Sat, I want to practise those high birds if they are still on.

My shooting buddy and I shot at Gatton bottom too and I was glad I put an extra fleece in the car.

We always skip stand 1 because it usually looks a bit intimidating when going in cold so we started on stand 2 an "easy" looking O/R pair of left to right quartering, dropping birds, we couldn't make out why people were missing until we tried it, I lost a few here trying to get the lead and drop right. Stand 4 "the platform," I squeaked through somehow by breaking the close rabbits in half, I told my mate I was conserving the meat. From here on things went fairly well until we reached stand 10 at the start of the second copse, another left to right dropping bird which cost me 3, my mate got them all by taking them earlier while they were still going straight, a good lesson for me, I should have been on the ball. Stands 11 and 12 were OK, stand 12 a simple O/R pair going away. Back to stand 1 (now in the groove!) another Left to right dropper 40+ yards out followed by a similar range right to left, face on looper, I fluffed a few of these L to R's. In the end I was happy enough to score 6 above my average which was enough to take Veterans class.

Might try Willinghurst again next Sat, I want to practise those high birds if they are still on.
Sounds like they haven't changed the layout much from the last time I shot it. 😐  💭  

My shooting buddy and I shot at Gatton bottom too and I was glad I put an extra fleece in the car.

We always skip stand 1 because it usually looks a bit intimidating when going in cold so we started on stand 2 an "easy" looking O/R pair of left to right quartering, dropping birds, we couldn't make out why people were missing until we tried it, I lost a few here trying to get the lead and drop right. Stand 4 "the platform," I squeaked through somehow by breaking the close rabbits in half, I told my mate I was conserving the meat. From here on things went fairly well until we reached stand 10 at the start of the second copse, another left to right dropping bird which cost me 3, my mate got them all by taking them earlier while they were still going straight, a good lesson for me, I should have been on the ball. Stands 11 and 12 were OK, stand 12 a simple O/R pair going away. Back to stand 1 (now in the groove!) another Left to right dropper 40+ yards out followed by a similar range right to left, face on looper, I fluffed a few of these L to R's. In the end I was happy enough to score 6 above my average which was enough to take Veterans class.

Might try Willinghurst again next Sat, I want to practise those high birds if they are still on.
I also shot Gatton and whilst I seemed to shot better than I have recently I still had a couple of horror stands that dented my score. That stand 2 I did 2nd to last and it was a following pair. Looked simple but I dropped the first two pairs giving it a little lead. Then shot straight at it and smoked them. Finished on stand 1 and struggled on that yellow L-R – was very hard to pick it up before it was dropping. Hit one and that was the smallest of chips. So 9 dropped on last 2 stands meant I finished on a disappointing 73.

Still do not understand why so many people at Gatton walk straight past stands 1-9 that are mostly empty or have 1-2 groups max – only to congregate in a mass queue for stands 11 and 12. It’s the same every shoot. Usually takes me the same time to shoot those two as it does the rest of the course.

Sounds like they haven't changed the layout much from the last time I shot it. 😐  💭  
Probably not Hamid, I last shot there in January and I'd say around four stands were significantly different, the rest quite similar. It's a shame because it's the closest Sunday ESP REG shoot to me.
