Shooting Insurance

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Mar 12, 2012
My current insurance which was through the CPSA has now lapsed along with my membership.

I now need to renew but in terms of options who is the best to go with out of these three?

  • BASC
  • Countryside Alliance
  • CPSA

Question also when you join the cpsa every year don't you get insurance with your membership?

Thanks for that matt I better join them if I'm doing more reg shoots and is there a time when I need to join or can u join anytime

Join any time... you can shoot any registered shoot on a day-pass (like you did on sunday), so it is not compulsory - but if you want that classification - then its the route.

Folk winge, but it is the only way to shoot and get your scores recorded. Plus the mag and the insurance. Fair enough..


Ah.. but you are a man of experience with all the cynicism that comes with it. For a newer shooter, entering and rising up through the grades can be important. Even some of the stuff in the mag can be real news. Also, if you buy the insurance seperately elsewhere, you may not have enough left to buy the slab..

For me, to see my scores recorded and to see the whole shoot listed, is everything. I would rather shoot 100 competition clays than 1000 practice. I dont even like open shoots, because the total scores are rarely shown. The CPSA does cover this side for me..



Agreed, but we all know I suffer from GOMS.

If only I could say that the CPSA subscription is worth it.

It seems that everything they get involved in they screw up.

I mean to say we even have CPSA contacting this site for Matt to let them know about any shoots that are not CPSA registered.

If Matt & Jon can get the information in such a short time. Why can't CPSA HQ move into the 21st Century?

I mean - if you give me an idea about ShootClay, and I believe in it - I'll have something up and running AS SOON AS I can code it and make it real. The original ShootClay forum appeared overnight after a 20 minute IM conversation with one of our members when the old place was in a death spiral. The member map, our shooting directory, the calendar are all iterative things that appear in hours not days.

The answer is probably in my tagline - 'a passion for shooting' - I want ShootClay to be an enabler.

On the other hand - I don't have 23,000 members who pay £60 odd quid a year to moan or be apathetic, or a registered shooting ecosystem, or years of baggage to slow me down. I can just do something and hope it works.

I would say that the CPSA membership do not pay £60 to moan and be apathetic. A very small number actually get frustrated at their sport being apparently mis-managed.

You, like the CPSA staff receive correspondence by email, snailmail, fax, or telephone.

You, respond and answer a query or criticism.

CPSA usually tend to ignore, or pass the buck.

Has anyone at the CPSA ever wondered why after over fifty years the membership is still only circa 23,000?

The way that this forum is growing you may well have that many subscribers sooner than you think. WHY?

Because You, Matt Rutherford are enthusiastic, passionate about shooting sports and do it for free.

All the things that CPSA don't do.

*little blush* - Best I figure out how to sell insurance and do classifications quickly then :)

But yes - those are the things that I aspire to do with ShootClay. With that many subscribers I believe that ShootClay and the forum could actually begin to influence real change in the sport.

I suppose it really depends what you want from shooting. If you want the competitive aspect and shooting registered shoots then you really need to be a member of the CPSA. If you do more than competitive clays then BASC is really your only option.

I shoot Target Rifles competitively at County level so I am a member of the NSRA and the NRA, as well as BASC. My insurance needs are covered from all aspects.

If I was inclined to shoots clays competitively then I would join the CPSA without a second thought.

I suppose it really depends what you want from shooting. If you want the competitive aspect and shooting registered shoots then you really need to be a member of the CPSA.

If I was inclined to shoots clays competitively then I would join the CPSA without a second thought.
Or the Scottish or the Welsh or the Northern Irish.

Cheapest price at the moment is the Scottish :wink:

It's CA for me simply because they are shouting longest and hardest to get the silly fox hunting ban repealed. :D

Scottish Clat Target Association for me, £40 per year if you pay DD. The only orginisation that provides the same level of insurance cover cheaper is the Scottish Gamekeepers.
