Old HULL or new HULL

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2012
Ok not shooting as such but its shooting related, I cannot take to the new HULL branding, find it urgh fugly really fugly, ? in my eyes, sorry just had to get it out, mind you at 50+ probably not target audience, 

Got to agree. No doubt an expensive rebranding exercise which has left them with a rather unappealing logo and a website far worse than the one they had before. Silhouettes of farmyard ducks and geese and what exactly is the grouse?!

I've never really understood the quarry specific cartridge thing. Following that rationale I'd be using six different game cartridges!


Bit like using 'Trap' cartridges on 'Sporting ' targets then eh  ?

I went to the city of Hull last Wednesday................it was shut  !

Very`blingy` and lacking in taste ! Dreamt up by the same wunderkinds that managed to find a recipe that will work on grouse, no doubt ......dunno how anyone managed for the preceding  100 odd years.

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I have never understood this discipline or quarry specific advertising. It is whatever it is. They even do a specific dtl load so don't even think about using those for abt or dr

The old Hull logo was much better. IMO the new one looks cheaper in comparison

if the old logo was better than they must have shot better. New logo is pants so they wont perform anywhere near as good ?

Yes I'm a designer and agree it's not a great re-brand. The whole thing is unbalanced with the large thick H and the thin ULL. Also the H bears an uncanny resemblance for the History Channel H logo. 

Well, this proves it!

We really have run out of useful topics for discussion.

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If I'm honest I never look at the box anyway. I buy what I like and as long as they don't change the ingredients I couldn't give a monkeys. Mine stay in the brown cardboard slabs anyway and I don't carry individual boxes around with me. 

If I'm honest I never look at the box anyway. I buy what I like and as long as they don't change the ingredients I couldn't give a monkeys. Mine stay in the brown cardboard slabs anyway and I don't carry individual boxes around with me. 
Do you close your eyes as you take the individual boxes out of the slab or does one have a loader for that? ?


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