New Rule Changes

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2011
Worthing West Sussex
Hot of the press ,New rule changes for Fitasc


Dear M. Presidents,

Please be informed below of measures just voted by the Board, regarding refereeing.

1/ Compak Sporting, Sporting, Universal Trench: using yellow cards (warnings) & red cards (penalties) in refereeing

Owing to the large number of languages spoken by referees & shooters, there is a high risk of incomprehension by the shooter in case of warning or penalties decided against him by the referee and pronounced in a language that he does not understand. In this situation may arise misunderstandings and even conflicts between shooters and referees.

Now the yellow card and the red card are sports codes worldly recognized, respectively for warning and penalty.

the Board approved that this option will have to be tested, on a trial basis throughout the season 2013, during our international championships
Besides, it is advised to implement it during regional or National championships.

Please see attached both card illustrations for the disciplines Compak Sporting, Universal Trench and Sporting, reminding the rules articles related to respectively war
ing & penalty.

If that experimentation turns out to be conclusive, so the method will be submitted to our OGA 2013 in Spain.
2/ Sporting: Announcing the types of targets in the peg menus at Sporting discipline

On a trial basis and throughout the season 2013 on international Sporting championships, the Board approved the fact that the type of target is no more neither mentioned in the peg menus, nor announced by the referees.
Besides, it is advised to implement it during regional or National championships.

It will be up to the shooter to analyze which kind of target he will shoot. Of course, in this case, the referees won’t be allowed to inform the shooter, upon his request, about the kind of target thrown.

If that experimentation turns out to be conclusive, so the method will be submitted to our OGA 2013 in Spain.
Best regards.

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(The looks on peoples faces reading this :eek: )

These are not the only FITASC changes this year following the OGA in Chicago. ;)

Check the minutes out for Compak and Helice :eek: :eek: :.:

Psst southdown should not really have put (edited) name on here....she is not a subscriber to this forum......just saying..

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The cards I can understand, but its human nature for a shooter to ask the ref what type of target it is, if they are unsure.

Some fitasc shooters are already complaining about the change to the gun hold position, I can imagine their reaction to this. Seems slightly pedantic by the committe tinkering around the edges.

If they really want to screw up fitasc, then make the hold position the same as olympic skeet and a max load of 21gms subsonic cartridges.

Who knows perhaps thats coming next :huh:

had a look at the new compak and realy wouldnt want to draw the first few through,apart from that it looks simple enough.

If they really want to screw up fitasc, then make the hold position the same as olympic skeet and a max load of 21gms subsonic cartridges.

Who knows perhaps thats coming next (Lets not give them bloody ideas!!!!!)

I agree with wynno about the cards as that does seem to make sense,but I thought they would be trying to encourage more into the sport not make it more daunting for a beginner as its a lot to absorb first time reading the target menu but having to judge what the target type is as well just adds another hurdle for them ! As has been said there are grumblings by those who are practiced shooters at this discipline already regarding the target menu is this another example of change for changes sake.

another reason not to spend money trying Fitasc it seems the concentration one expends is remembering all the rules and the consequences of non compliance and not focusing on the targets which are now a mystery to the uninitiated. If one wanted to create high hurdles to entry into a sport this is the template thye should adopt!!!

There's no high hurdles getting into FITASC, even though there are more rules, more experienced squad members will keep you right ;)

FITASC sporting is the most sociable clay discipline I have shot...

The cards I can understand, but its human nature for a shooter to ask the ref what type of target it is, if they are unsure.
Some fitasc shooters are already complaining about the change to the gun hold position, I can imagine their reaction to this. Seems slightly pedantic by the committe tinkering around the edges.

If they really want to screw up fitasc, then make the hold position the same as olympic skeet and a max load of 21gms subsonic cartridges.

Who knows perhaps thats coming next :huh:
Whats the gun hold now?

10" below the apex of the shoulder Jake but they've been bending the rules with dropped butt pads. FITASC [the organisation not the disciplines] will never agree with ISSF except the empty barrel rule will probably become common.

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10" below the apex of the shoulder Jake but FITASC [the organisation not the disciplines] will never agree with ISSF except the empty barrel rule will probably become common.
What was it before? We shoot it now and again but nobody has tape on and we aren't too strict.
had a look at the new compak and realy wouldnt want to draw the first few through,apart from that it looks simple enough.
Ah Paul .....but like in Helice the problem comes when they need to fill the traps. Remember now that this is not a walking squad of 6 people.....this is a continuous snake of shooters from No1 to No 460 ( if that was how many entered for example). Each time the person on peg 5 has shot and left this part of the competition a new person enters at No 1.

If you have just entered at 1 and they call ' trap filling time all stop' you are ok, you have not yet shot and can stand back and wait for the traps to be filled.

BUT.....if you are on peg 4 or 5 and are on for a straight (and in the zone) do you think you will feel being told to stop for 15 minutes to full all the traps. It is a killer for concentration. I know because we had to shoot this walk through last year in Portugal.

So 15 minutes later you get back on your peg 4 or 5 and have to be fired up and ready to go. :)

I put my 10peneth in last year by suggesting that they actually should calculate when the trap filling is needed and stop the person feeding onto peg 1 at a certain time so that all the shooters currently on the line can all shoot and exit the layout before the stop for trap filling takes place. Then start the snake again. Will have to see what happens this year.

Everyone will get used to the new system, and......if you are not on the line when a trap refill is will probably think that there is no problem. But in every competition......some shooters are going to be more disadvantaged than others because of this.

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At the moment the heel of the stock should be below a line which is 25cm from the axis of the shoulder. However from January 1st it will be the HIGHEST part of the stock....So if you shoot with a monte carlo or adjustable stock your gun hold will consequently be slightly lower.

I forsee numerous people being caught out by this change, and then the moaning will start

I can't see a problem with the rule changes. I think the menu rule stems from the idea that FITASC is meant to simulate walked up game shooting in origin and in that activity the shooter needs to be able to identify the quarry or non quarry secies, no one shouts, duck,pheaseant,partridge,kestrel! etc. It's a bit tough on the first shooter in, but it rotates in fitasc anyway. I find most shooters ask the referee out of habit even when its written on the menu. There all just targets, see them, shoot them I say.

It wasn't broke, why fix it? Because the first job of a politician is to make work for politicians.

Not telling you what the targets are will only annoy people, they should be coming up with ideas to make the sport more enjoyable.

I can't see a problem with the rule changes. I think the menu rule stems from the idea that FITASC is meant to simulate walked up game shooting in origin and in that activity the shooter needs to be able to identify the quarry or non quarry secies, no one shouts, duck,pheaseant,partridge,kestrel! etc. It's a bit tough on the first shooter in, but it rotates in fitasc anyway. I find most shooters ask the referee out of habit even when its written on the menu. There all just targets, see them, shoot them I say.
I know you meant to add 'for FITASC Sporting'.....................because there are plenty of problem with the new changes for FITASC much so that several countries shooters will not play the new game......just saying.

Nicola, I think it's safe to say, in the UK, the term "FITASC" has become the generic name for "FITASC Sporting" to avoid confusion with more mainstream "English Sporting", the other lesser shot FITASC disciplines like "compaq sporting" or "helice" are acceptably known as "compaq" or "helice". Helice being such a minority discipline, shot by so few, in the deepest darkest parts of the South, is never going to be confused with mainstream FITASC, I can understand why someone at the top of a minority discipline feels the need to shout and scream from the rooftops at every chance they get in an attempt to remind the rest of the UK's clay shooting cyberspace community that their sport even exists...but the truth is, for many of us, it doesn't, well, not within +200miles any way ;)

Agree with the above, but happy to say FITASC sporting if it helps.

There is so much rubbish talked about FITASC sporting in my opinion; that its extreme,unfriendly,difficult to understand the rules,takes all day etc... In practice I think that is complete rubbish. Modern/current English sporting throws targets of equal difficulty and variation in my opinion and you have to shot 3,4 or 5 pairs with no full use of the gun obviously. I have never shot with an unfriendly or unhelpful squad in the UK or abroad, in fact the nature of the discpline 25 targets a layout with breaks in between makes it more interactive sport. The rules are so simple a child could follow them. It rarely takes all day now and If your serious about your sport why rush though it? to cram in another 50/100 English sporting I guess? Of course if you have to or can only shoot gun up Then its not for you, but I would question why any shooter can't learn to shot gun down? All sports have rules and terminology only known to those who do it at first, thats part of the mystic and enjoyment. I would encourage anyone and everyone to give it a try.


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