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Mmmm not saying they have it wrong I'm saying it's not for me how they do it abroad

Nicola I remember several years ago you came to Weston wood with terry bobbett and went round and said you used to enjoy good old fashioned fitasc !!! What changed your mind ???? Was it high scores or the minerals in Spanish water ?????? Hahaha

It's not a case of who's right or wrong it's what people enjoy and at weekend I had nothing outside of 55 m but because you can see them clearly and they look like you can smash em but they don't break it's all too hard and my fault , so my point is there's too much emphasis on high scores IMHO

All the best Steve

Well it seems quite simple to me ...if you want to shoot boring mediocre technical targets then go to shoots that throw these, but if you feel you need to be entertained with quality at both sporting and Fitasc come to Gloucestershire .hahaha  and has Chubby said you don't see targets in Europe like it I tend to wonder why ? is it to bring Fitasc to the masses or is it to allow the Europeans to catch up !!! surly the easier it is the more shooters will be in contention fact, but where does this stop ! I also believe the sport should reflect live game more......our type of game shooting, ( not size 10 shot and blasting song birds )  

We must have done a different shoot Martin! I remember there bein 3 decent targets and 197 quartering away birds! Great fun shooting in shorts and t shirts but target wise... not my bag. And its not a case of sour grapes, think I shot 188 or 189 (not bad for a sporting shooter!) but just not an enjoyable way of shooting to me, and re affirmed why I left the big internationals alone for so many years.

I take nothing away from anyone who wins on thos kind of targets as the mental strength and lack of technical mistakes is mind blowing, but again its not for me. hat the shoots abroad miss for me is a variety. yes have the close fast quarteing birds, but why not mix it up with some big stuff, steady stuff, incomers etc etc.

I will be doing more FITASC in this country (grounds permitting) and may go for the team another time, but its a lot of time/money to go do something that doesnt excite me that much. 

Each to their own and all that...


But it is not easy just because they are close.....and technical is interesting.

For me I like long tough birds but I am happy to shoot the big comps as they come.

They have buggered up my game (Helice) but you just get on with it. Shoot what is there....they might change it to try new things....but if people vote with their feet the best way will come back.

As for the others catching up....well that should make it easier for all our experts....but that is not always the has been proved ....the cream rises no matter what the targets are....just saying !

They all have to be on the card to win....simples :wink:

Not saying close is esay, just that there is a lack of variety. I think the "technical" term gets over used to appologise for or big up steady layouts if you will...

Technical targets are great but stand after stand of low quartering away into bushes is not technical, its lazy in my book. As has been said, wont please everyone and I am happy to vote with my wallet and not shoot the places I dont enjoy. Sporting is my main focus and always will be... 

Professor Ed, I said nothing about the targets other than we all enjoyed it as a laugh cos it was so easy. so there :girlcrazy:  

"Steve, the European had very good target that beat us all, and none were over 45 yds but were very clever angles"

You want to get that memory looked at mate!

Aaah sorry I was referring to Euros in Portugal last year. Heard prague was pretty good to be fair.

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I think this topic just shows you how many spit opinions there, esp when it comes to Fitasc, so far from the shoots I have done overseas NONE of them were 'skeet in the woods', ok the top boys put some bigs scores but there were also semi top boys who put in very low scores. Each shoot should be signed off PRIOR to any shooting taking place, not sure who would have done it in Prague or last weekend but it is their responsibility to ensure the course is within the rules, Too easy to blame the course setter IMO, its not difficult to move a peg or change a target, bottom line who ever signs it off takes responsibility. UNLESS the course refuses point blank to change anything then its a free for all.

Not sure why we are obsessed with long range targets in the UK anyway, days of 75 yards screaming battues that no one hit should be consigned to the history books, nothing wrong with a 60 yard semi screaming battue though...

So.....anyone want to take a bet?

£50 says that FITASC wins and they will all be back in their respective country boxes...tout suit.... :laugh: ....and those who are sh*t stirring or empire building on the ICTSF will be feeling all very sad and lonley :smile:

I mean ....come on..... ICTSF a real federation..............give me a break..............Pretenders to the throne.......never get anywhere......should have got without it when we had the chance.....weak willied sorts to blame that the vote never went through.......True story.....I was there....holding the string to Madame Guillotine.....but turns out that I was the only one with balls in the room.

:laugh: :laugh:

Edit due to old age memory loss -

Bjorn W and Carl F we also with 3 pairs of balls in the room. 

The rest of them had them somewhere near their tonsils if i remember rightly. :laugh: :laugh:




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Hey Steviebabe...XXXXX

I did love old fashioned was great....not a thing that was eyesight and was all clever targets and lots of jumping around mid pair with the rest of the squad ducking down as you swung over the top of them, whilst nearly falling into a ravine or river.......BRILLIANT.....!!

They would not allow it now probably ...due to elf and safety :laugh:

By heck ...those were the days.... :laugh:

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I think this topic just shows you how many spit opinions there, esp when it comes to Fitasc, so far from the shoots I have done overseas NONE of them were 'skeet in the woods', ok the top boys put some bigs scores but there were also semi top boys who put in very low scores. Each shoot should be signed off PRIOR to any shooting taking place, not sure who would have done it in Prague or last weekend but it is their responsibility to ensure the course is within the rules, Too easy to blame the course setter IMO, its not difficult to move a peg or change a target, bottom line who ever signs it off takes responsibility. UNLESS the course refuses point blank to change anything then its a free for all.

Not sure why we are obsessed with long range targets in the UK anyway, days of 75 yards screaming battues that no one hit should be consigned to the history books, nothing wrong with a 60 yard semi screaming battue though...
here's a fact  alot of shooters don't know what range many targets actually fly at ? for many if they cant shoot straight at it's out of range ? haha 1/2 choke and most shells will destroy any thing showing a little belly or top at 50-60m !!! but for many seeing the correct leeeed is the problem.(90% of most targets require very little forward allowance nowadays !!)  Second barrels at ABT proves my point,and they are edge on !!!... I for one would rather miss several real targets than some sh*t flopping to the floor at 10m

people come from over the whole world to the UK to stand under high sporting game, but when we have the opportunity to replicate these testing birds why do we see so much moaning ? We should be leading the world target setting wise, and not putting on garbage, un-interesting and pointless crap to fall into line....

I'm with Ed on this vote with your wallet and your feet    

here's a fact  alot of shooters don't know what range many targets actually fly at ? for many if they cant shoot straight at it's out of range ? haha 1/2 choke and most shells will destroy any thing showing a little belly or top at 50-60m !!! but for many seeing the correct leeeed is the problem.(90% of most targets require very little forward allowance nowadays !!)  Second barrels at ABT proves my point,and they are edge on !!!... I for one would rather miss several real targets than some sh*t flopping to the floor at 10m

people come from over the whole world to the UK to stand under high sporting game, but when we have the opportunity to replicate these testing birds why do we see so much moaning ? We should be leading the world target setting wise, and not putting on garbage, un-interesting and pointless crap to fall into line....

I'm with Ed on this vote with your wallet and your feet    
Good for you matey....very should help free up the waiting list :laugh:


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here's a fact  alot of shooters don't know what range many targets actually fly at ? for many if they cant shoot straight at it's out of range ? haha 1/2 choke and most shells will destroy any thing showing a little belly or top at 50-60m !!! but for many seeing the correct leeeed is the problem.(90% of most targets require very little forward allowance nowadays !!)  Second barrels at ABT proves my point,and they are edge on !!!... I for one would rather miss several real targets than some sh*t flopping to the floor at 10m

people come from over the whole world to the UK to stand under high sporting game, but when we have the opportunity to replicate these testing birds why do we see so much moaning ? We should be leading the world target setting wise, and not putting on garbage, un-interesting and pointless crap to fall into line....

I'm with Ed on this vote with your wallet and your feet    
Well how high in yards, meters or feet would you say the majority of high game were shot? Keep in mind GD has the world record for breaking a clay at 130 meters ish.... That's not a hint


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