London Bridge incident

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Just about to go to bed and read the above, nightmare scenario.  Thanks, i'll probably dream about Corbyn & Co now wrecking the country.  He will probably pass a law that we have to negotiate with the clays before we shoot them and game shooters will need to provide notification of intent to shoot a week in advance and an invite to a sitdown to discuss terms....... 


There are 23,000+ known jihadis in the UK. Deport the non-UK nationals back to whatever hellhole they originated from, and tag the rest. That would be the minimum starting point for me.
I wonder if this it what May was hinting at yesterday. Saying there's too much tolerance and it needs to be sorted?

Corbyns response will be along the lines of apologising for the Crusades in the 12th century. 

All i see today is Labour  sniping at Conservative,May should resign,They did this that and the other wrong.

Truth is that if we let that tw*t Corbyn in we would have no defence instead of just a week one,time he realised he was completely out of touch resigned and let them get on with the job in hand.

I have never seen anybody less able to do the job they were employed to do,he wouldn't be capable of running a shop nevermind our country!  :angry:


I don't have much time for Corbyn.  However, the only manifesto that commits to increases in police numbers:


Agreed.  The response was outstanding.  However, the police had been made aware of the extremist behaviour of at least one of those involved.  If total policing numbers hadn't been cut by 20,000 maybe there would have been more follow up on the reports made on him.

Agreed.  The response was outstanding.  However, the police had been made aware of the extremist behaviour of at least one of those involved.  If total policing numbers hadn't been cut by 20,000 maybe there would have been more follow up on the reports made on him.
I doubt it.. Other departments do that and they don't go knocking on doors asking them to tick a box saying they have intentions of carrying out this sort of thing.  

Revenues from speeding would go up though. 

Agreed.  The response was outstanding.  However, the police had been made aware of the extremist behaviour of at least one of those involved.  If total policing numbers hadn't been cut by 20,000 maybe there would have been more follow up on the reports made on him.
A lot of those were PCSOs. CT police not affected.

let us not forget that Corbyn would like to stop 'shoot to kill' and his right hand man wanted MI5 disbanded not that long ago. Both of them have voted against many of the CT laws over the years and even recently. Also, do you seriously think that Diane Abbott would make a good Home Secretary?..Labour councils have also been terrified of challenging communities over the years re abuse of young girls by certain enthnicities.... I'm sure you haven't missed the hideous goings on in Rotherham...Corbyn refused to do anything about same issue in Islington. 

Amazing how Corbyn and his allies suddenly change their tune when they think they have a sniff of power....

A lot of those were PCSOs. CT police not affected.

let us not forget that Corbyn would like to stop 'shoot to kill' and his right hand man wanted MI5 disbanded not that long ago. Both of them have voted against many of the CT laws over the years and even recently. Also, do you seriously think that Diane Abbott would make a good Home Secretary?..Labour councils have also been terrified of challenging communities over the years re abuse of young girls by certain enthnicities.... I'm sure you haven't missed the hideous goings on in Rotherham...Corbyn refused to do anything about same issue in Islington. 

Amazing how Corbyn and his allies suddenly change their tune when they think they have a sniff of power....
all lying scroats  the lot of em   !    all got their snouts  in the money trough though .  

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I don't have much time for Corbyn.  However, the only manifesto that commits to increases in police numbers:

View attachment 6497
He fails to say over what period of time the 'Extra' Officers will be recruited. I have been a Police Officer under BOTH Labour and Conservative Governments and I would NOT like to serve under a Labour regime again !  

I notice the Press are at it again, "Gunned down ",  "Hail of Bullets",  are terms that are already being used.

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I don't have much time for Corbyn.  However, the only manifesto that commits to increases in police numbers:

View attachment 6497
I have been told that many officers do not want to become firearms officers as if they actually fire a weapon they will end up spending years on leave while there is an extended inquiry as to why they did and if they should have.

this means they end up being on leave for years and separated from their workmates/friends as they are not allowed to have any contact.

Remember this is the UK where it is vitally important to have a public enquiry into the smallest of queries at massive cost to the public.

Just think if we stopped wasting money on them and fattening up lawyers we could probably have 30,000 extra police at no noticed cost to the public

We had nearly 20,000 more police in 2005 yet 7/7 still happened... CT police numbers have risen and armed police are being increased/trained now.

one of the main problems is that there has been too much fear of confronting/eradicating extremism. Part of the problem is having separate communities within communities. Integration (living together as one community) is needed and there needs to be a strong element of self policing in the communities.... also, the police and security services need to know they have the backing of the government to do what they have to do, no matter how unpleasant it appears to be. We have passed the time for being soft. Corbyn has been a strong opposer of anti terror laws for many years, has suggested in the past disarming police, has generally sided with the bad guys and also opposes a 'shoot to kill' policy. His would be Home Secretary and Chancellor (wants rid of MI5) also have the same views. If you think he and his gang are the right people to lead this country, vote for him.... me, I'd rather my Labrador ran the country as it would do a better job.

just my opinion of course...

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Dianne Abbott in charge of our security,the thought of this incompetent bungler in charge of our security seriously scares me!

Do they have one competent person in their party?

Agreed.  The response was outstanding.  However, the police had been made aware of the extremist behaviour of at least one of those involved.  If total policing numbers hadn't been cut by 20,000 maybe there would have been more follow up on the reports made on him.
Actually the number of beat bobbies may be down but funding and staffing to the counter-terrorism arms of the security services is level or has increased. It will increase further in future Conservative plans. Bobbies on the beat won't affect the radicalisation of a segment of the population, they can only respond to events and unless they are armed there will always be very little they can do. I for one am very happy to live in a society where the police are generally not armed. Putting 20 bobbies on a beat in a largely Muslim neighbourhood is going to be a red rag to a bull. Putting them on a beat, unarmed in metropolitan areas is a waste of money and will make no difference to the type of opportunistic terrorism that is becoming prevalent. In London and Manchester, within seconds the streets were crawling with police. How would 20% more have made a difference?

In Ellesmere Port this morning some lunatic went semi-postal and started smashing up a restaurant, reports are there were at least 7 police cars on scene........ SEVEN .... that's a bit like a US response to jay walking. Yes I love the old picture of the UK in the 50's with a bobby on every corner but in those days the bobby could give little Jim a clip round the lughole and a developing yob was bought back from the brink. Today ...... not so much, Personally I don't want a side-arm equipped watchdog on every street, I've lived in that kind of society and it gets out of hand real quick!

We have to be more subtle about it, put money into undermining the radicalisation of youths and yes we have to ask a certain segment of the population to look inside their own community and work openly with the rest of us to change the way they think.

Personally I don't want a side-arm equipped watchdog on every street, I've lived in that kind of society and it gets out of hand real quick!
But you enjoy living in a society with half a million cameras watching your every move.

No thanks.  I'll take armed police and an armed citizenry over a surveillance state.

But you enjoy living in a society with half a million cameras watching your every move.

No thanks.  I'll take armed police and an armed citizenry over a surveillance state.
Suspect you are one of our colonial cousins. :) You already live in a surveillance state, ever heard of Edward Snowdon? 


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