Hi from Ryan

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New member
Jan 1, 2013
Hi There

Not totally new to shooting, (have shot clays probably 10-12 times) but looking to get into it more seriously.

Will be sending off for my certificate this weekend, just waiting for my counter signature back

I'm based on the Wirral, but spend most of my time in loughborough where I will be for the next 2 years

Will be looking to buy a gun early this summer, got my eyes on a second hand silver pigeon? Thoughts?

In the mean time I will be hoping to get some tuition in the Leicestershire area and hoping to get shooting more (at least once a month) can anyone recommend a coach in this area?

How does one go about shooting more without a gun or a licence? As I suspect that the licence could take several months to come through?!

I defiantly want to get some lessons but is there anyway I can put into practice what I have learnt outside the lesson environment without the things mentioned above? Back home I know a few guys who I can go to a local shoot with but i don't know anyone who shoots in the Leicestershire area! A couple lessons a month is going to prove very costly I think and I don't have an unlimited budget at the moment!

Any advice would be appreciated



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Wow, didn't realise it would post a massive block of text, aplogies, I'm typing from my iPad

Fixed now

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Welcome along!  Have fun here, and out there!  ;)

For tuition, you won't go far wrong with Ed Solomons - apparently, he's a good coach and is based in the Leicestershire area.  

(He's quite shy, so you'll have to be gentle with him to start with, let him come to you, as it were... ;)  )

There will be locals along soon who can point you at the right places to practice.  Enjoy!  :D

Thanks will look into Ed Solomons, am I right that he is a member on here? Sure I have seen his name about...

Hi Ryan and welcome.

Can't be of much help in your area, but sure you will get some good local advice on here soon.

Ed is a member here - I'm sure he'll be along shortly.


Welcome aboard!

Welcome Ryan,

I have only just started shooting four months ago and also like yourself, on a budget because myself and my partner both want a gun, so we have limited ourselves to £500 each.

We were lucky in the fact that we found a shooting ground nearby with an excellent teacher. As the tutor is in fact the SGs propietor, once he was happy we were safe to shoot, he allowed us the use of the "clubs guns". This was made possible by S.11(5) of the Firearms Act which enables grounds approved by the police let non SGC holders to shoot. No doubt others will let you know more on this.

I don't know the shooting in Leicestershire, however, there are two SGs that come to mind, Kibworth and Kegworth, although if you check out CPSA or even the Shootclay website there are club directories that will probably reveal more shooting grounds.

Again, I don't know much about shot gun certificate times in Leics, but here in Linc, it is about 12 to 16 weeks and theres nothing difficult about obtaining one.

Most of what you need to know, can be searched on these forums, but don't be afraid to ask questions - as it is said, the only silly question is the one that isn't asked!

As I said, we shoot to a budget as we not of any great means, but we thoroughly enjoy clay shooting when we can get to do it.

Best wishes,


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Don't know if its on purpose, but you are writing in a really hard to read fancy small font that is a pig to read..

Any better, had it set on a different font, size should have been the same though. Have changed it back - apologies for any problems caused.


Agree with the others - Ed Solomons is the guy for lessons.  SteveK mentioned Kibworth SG which I believe is Eds home ground so if he doesn't appear on here soon you should find him there. (I can't believe he's had 3 mentions on a thread and still not appeared - is he away? :)  )

Have fun & enjoy shooting.


Hi there, sorry about the slow response, and thanks to Matt for the heads up.

I will send you a private message shortly but feel free to email me directly if you cannot send messages yet

[email protected]

I am getting around a fair bit at the moment (ooh err) so am sure we can meet up and fit you in somewhere down the line.

Forunately being in the middle of the country there are lots of good shoots around, Kibworth, Grange Farm, Kegworth, Northampton, Sporting Targets and Doveridge to name a few.

Look forward to having a chat.



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