Dubai Tournament

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54/100 !!!!??!     how hard are those clays??!!

thats what an average shot in the UK hits!

If step 1 is to set it hard enough to find the top shooters at the top, I can see why they may go to step 2 to make really sure. If it has reached stage 3 then maybe it's a bit gratuitous? But as Allison said; no averages are being damaged so it really is just a case of same for all.
Yeap. Anything for that amount of money ain't going to be a walk in the park.

There's a couple of South Africans in the top 15 that I shot with last year in Cape Town in the Fitasc and Compak.  Tim Hubner is a real livewire, bags of personality. Enjoys being the centre of attention.  Apparently he got himself banned for a year, a few years ago, for shooting a pigeon during a clay shooting competition.

 Clifford Bartman is the opposite. Quiet and composed, very controlled.  Takes the targets very late.  Has a habit of dropping the last target when on for a 25 - saw him do it  at least twice in the Fitasc.  Doubt there is much chance of a 25 out in Dubai this time though.  Wouldn't back him in a shoot off

wonder whats making it so hard for everyone. Kev Sherratt is out there and regularly appears in the top of AA all around staffordshire and beyond and after 4 layouts he has scored 52 ???? lots of top regular shooters well below par. can't wait to hear all the stories when they get back.

Anyway good luck all of the shooters from blighty who at least are getting a good tan.hahahaha

54/100 !!!!??!     how hard are those clays??!!

thats what an average shot in the UK hits!
Answer.....harder than anything you will ever have seen before...... imagine shooting Olympic Trap with an air rifle and youre about right! .  Took on a low looper today on layout 7 that started 50 yards out to your right and finished up dissapearing out of sight behind a dune about 70 yards away going like an exocet on speed. In the 2 and a half seconds that it was visible I managed to get 2 shots off...the first about 12-14 feet on it (which wasnt enough!!) but the second was just wild......  Cant remember the last time I called for a bird this many times in 2 days thinking..."what the hell am i going to do with this???" .

wonder whats making it so hard for everyone. Kev Sherratt is out there and regularly appears in the top of AA all around staffordshire and beyond and after 4 layouts he has scored 52 ???? lots of top regular shooters well below par. can't wait to hear all the stories when they get back.

Anyway good luck all of the shooters from blighty who at least are getting a good tan.hahahaha
From what I hear and have seen on TV, it's good old distance and speed that's just a notch above what most are used to.. Plus that lack of backdrop can't be a help.

Everyone I know is inside the top 130 so far  :)  and that includes an A class relatively inexperienced junior so top gunning I'd say. Ed Solomons, C. Childerhouse and M. Winser are all on 68 so far so targets are clearly evil. I hope George or Sean go up a gear near the end or we'll never hear the end of it from the other side of the pond.

As has been said, this really won't unravel until everybody has finished. There is a big potential difference between layouts, (not just in 'difficulty' but in type) so it all needs completing..

You can really see those differences if you sort the list be each layout on the link I shared above... thats why I got the scores into excel, to see the harder layouts. 

Remember people as i keep saying....they have not all shot each others layouts yet. We will get a better idea after the 6th or 7th layout.....true story :wink:  

this is the fun of tough Fitasc.

Exactly as Nic says - if you look at the top 50 and take an average of the shooters that have completed the layouts - you get this spread:

L1 = 17.7 / L2 = 20.3 / L3 = 19 / L4 = 19.5 /L5 =18.1 / L5 =19.7 / L7 =17.5 / L8 =19.7

The top 5 ranked shooters haven't shot L5/L6/L7 yet...  GD is above average on all 5 layouts he has shot. 

I think there is much to play for still in unpredictable conditions. 

Anyone wants the excel to play with the numbers - let me know. 

Remember people as i keep saying....they have not all shot each others layouts yet. We will get a better idea after the 6th or 7th layout.....true story :wink:

this is the fun of tough Fitasc.
Yes but it doesn't hurt to worry a bit. :D

Well done Don,  can you put up  a photo of  my ole buddy  Willbur Fennell?  I don't care if he is drunk  or just crying :crazy:   but at least he will know someone out here is rooting for him! :gamer:   :hunter:  

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Correct, I wondered what Wilbur was up to, maybe the heat is withering him.

But when I saw the day one scores and Wilbur's I thought, " It ain't over till the Fat bloke sings."

I do hope that our boys can come good because if ever the Yanks have a good top ten we will never hear the last of it. But I have been saying watch out for the Americans for a couple of years now, because those guys are putting serious time and effort and dollars into Sporting Clays.


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