Birds Only or Competition?

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the clue is in the word " competition " surely ??? you are in and at a competition is not a practise round, or a club shoot or a bit of fun on a sunday's a chance to to perform under rules and have your abilities recorded , you can also watch world class shooters perform !! and stand with in touching distance and learn first hand how and where they shoot !!! no other sport offers this ? make the most of your chance to see different methods and don't moan about hard targets look and learn might just surprise yourself...
Birds only is the competition, it is just phrased badly. What we know today as Birds Only should be called Competition and what we know as competition should be called Cash Prize Fund.

Currently, if you go BO your score is eligible for all titles, trophies and sponsored prize money. It also can be used for selection and is used for averages/rankings. If you go Comp then the only difference is you are also eligible to win the cash prize fund that you (the shooters) have paid into. At entry point both prices should be displayed and the difference between the two is what is paid out.

If you are a non CPSA member then you can still shoot the course but only on a Have A Go basis (basically practice), you can not win anything and nothing happens to your score at all.

There is a massive misunderstanding about BO and what it actually means but it isn't just practice.

Birds only is the competition, it is just phrased badly. What we know today as Birds Only should be called Competition and what we know as competition should be called Cash Prize Fund.

Currently, if you go BO your score is eligible for all titles, trophies and sponsored prize money. It also can be used for selection and is used for averages/rankings. If you go Comp then the only difference is you are also eligible to win the cash prize fund that you (the shooters) have paid into. At entry point both prices should be displayed and the difference between the two is what is paid out.

If you are a non CPSA member then you can still shoot the course but only on a Have A Go basis (basically practice), you can not win anything and nothing happens to your score at all.

There is a massive misunderstanding about BO and what it actually means but it isn't just practice.
Totally agree.

PhilS all the info here,

I have had it confirmed by email from the cpsa that you would be eligible to compete on a level field.
Hi Matt,

(Apologies if the link explains this but I am being lazy!)

How does it work with classifications? Do you have some proof of your class or do you get entered in as unclassified?

I really should know this!


The sport of shooting has enough enemies on the outside without destroying it from within.alienating a section of shooters who choose not or cannot afford the extra will not enhance the sport.perhaps some of the ground owners some of which I am sure will be on this forum could give us figures for the percentage that b/o plays in the comps they run and the possible loss of revenue that could result from a ban.

Hi Matt,

(Apologies if the link explains this but I am being lazy!)

How does it work with classifications? Do you have some proof of your class or do you get entered in as unclassified?

I really should know this!

Exactly what I was going to ask.

Seems good value at $40.  Depends on how the classifications would work.

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In an amateur sport I don't see why I should be forced to pay money to another participant. In fact I'd go as far as to propose that an enforced participation in a 'for reward' game might be illegal.

Those who believe that they are entitled to a cut of peoples pocket money should tread very carefully!

Yes but not that they do anything for the club shooter
Just out of interest....and I may regret this.....but.....what do you expect to be done for your £60? You get a magazine 10 times, your scores registered and you get to play 'birds only' on a squad with an 'expert'. Lots of free experts in CPSA. So what else is missing ? (Oh you get a club league as well.....or you can go on a pathway (leading to FKW)....or learn to be a coach.....and then coach the next Olympian)


And the insurance - don't forget that, it's not a bad deal for £60. 

That's not to say we shouldn't hold them all accountable for doing it well - but it seems like value for money to me. 

Scrap the mag! It's a waste of trees! :) ( and when I'm emperor that'll be the first thing to go! :) :) :) )

Regional representatives, not sure they are required! I've not heard from mine in the 7 months since I joined.

Leagues? There are leagues??? Where? Tell me more!

Clubman comp .......... Hmmm. Engagement from CPSA = 0;

I'm a member of both Cpsa and Basc for my sins!

And the insurance - don't forget that, it's not a bad deal for £60. 

That's not to say we shouldn't hold them all accountable for doing it well - but it seems like value for money to me. 
Glad to see someone is awake.

This new addition to the insurance is very very interesting :laugh: :laugh: it promises a lot....or does it promise a lot? :wink:



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