There is no magic formulae, however it is possible to switch on and switch off, but it takes time practice and also trust in a system. Too many shooters try to concentrate continually when they shoot, be that in the zone or not in the zone. This leads to mental fatigue and dropped scores.We have all seen the top shots and top sportspeople have what seems a huge amount of time in what they are doing, whereas you may seem to feel you have so little time. Routine is key - try this weekend to work on a routine of thinking of something you like - be it a lovely place for a holiday, your children, a place you like to go and see the view - something relaxing. Then when the person infront of you shoots, start to imagine how it will feel to shoot those targets when you get on the stand - the thoughts need to be relaxed, comfortable, in control - positive words. Then step on the stand, go through your routine of how you stand, seeing where the target comes from, then close the gun, call and shoot the target.Try it and stick to it for the day!!! ok Phil I shall try it at 4 counties tomorrow and weston wood if I manage to get there after "fork andles" it is xmas shooping at the designer retail outlet at Bicester tomorrow so traffic could be a problem on the A34 but I will give it a go!!! Thanks for the advice