Why trap? (Not taking the p*ss here)

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and you became bored with those a long time ago !! you have illustrated succinctly the point I was making thank you :p

My, my. Trap fish just keep on biting don't they!!


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Yes....of course clayctr I am sure you are right.....and being a sppppooooorrrrter you would know all about targets that are all the same.....oh look....another quartering target .....another battue.....another rabbit .......another driven..........

Oh and guess what.......in sporting ..... 'it is spiffing' ......because these kind chaps show us a pair before we shoot them (so no need to tax the little grey cells tooooo much by not knowing where the target is coming from be cause we see direction and line at every stand....including any possible weather variations).

And what's more.......you get two watch 20 + other people shooting the target when you are queuing to have you go.....spiffing..!!

And further......you get to walk in the beautiful countryside ......this is essential in sporting.........to keep you awake between stands.........after the monotony of watching the same target sooooo many times and then when it is your turn you miss some or all.......

You know why......?

Because you got bored (mentally) ....but you do not see it as that, because you are conditioned to think sporting is the hardest discipline....(laugh out loud).....howzat Clayctr....... (P. m. S. l. )

Kinda agree with what Nic is saying, maybe it's a different game down there, but up here when you see people shooting Trap it is like the cast from Cocoon.

Jesus they are old, huge big ears that are so deaf from centuries of shooting. With all the hip and knee replacements they take as long to get out the cars as for a round of Skeet.

Is there a rule in Trap that you must wear brown cords from M&S ?

Still biting!!
Nope DT. None of them are....(Laugh)

I'm replying to the point made....... in hopefully a very clear comparison sort of a way.

And in case it was not clear enough for all you shooters.....it points out that all the things said about one discipline can be compared as happening in another discipline.

Does that help (wink).

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what i said pre edit was to nic that i dont think DTs comment was aimed at her, edited out as it was common dog and nic knew that.

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It is ok....I know DT is joking.....and I know he shoots trap..I have a typo error that I will just adjust (wink) hard to see it all on iPhone until posted....(laughs)

I forgot to add the 'all you shooters'

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It is ok....I know DT is joking.....and I know he shoots trap..

I have a typo error that I will just adjust (wink) hard to see it all on iPhone until posted....(laughs)

I forgot to add the 'all you shooters'
What did 'Newbie Said' I missed that one?

All I'm trying to say is as long as Trap shooters keep taking the bait Clayclouter is dangling he is going to keep on right on 'fishin' (or winding up Trappies if you prefer), probably with a big grin on his boat race as well ;)

'Horses for courses', 'pays you money and takes you choice', 'each to his own', etc, etc ,etc.

Now then, about this Royal baby.........?


Agreed DT......but......some of the newbie will not know the joking.....and therefore I hope we have now pointed out the reasons why trap is harder (laughs) (wink).

Think we all know hes joking, and Im quite up for a bit of 'Fluffy Rabbits' it just gets a bit boring hearing the same childish comments over and over and over.....   

Oh wait I will make a predicition...... someone is about to type....'Just like trap targets!' again. :lol:

Well in that case :D  what Nic said about seeing the targets before you actually get into the cage and why is that so many sporting targets expose the big soft underbelly of the clay, whereas trap targets are all edge on making them much harder to break and much smaller.

In addition, loads of sporting targets are incoming making them nice and easy as they hover over the ends of your barrells.

Not gonna mention the crossers as I can't hit them :oops:

