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Yes but is the public even remotely interested, i think not. As a previous post said even shooters don't find watching other people shoot particularly riveting. I think we need to be realistic and accept its a minority sport that will remain so. I suspect that the powers that be would prefer it to stay that way and not become to obvious to the anti brigade, what they don't know they can't have a problem with.

They can send any amount of shooters that they want to participate i'm sure :)
Indeed they could, but without the promise of a big purse (which can only be funded through the requisite sponsorship deal), would they come? 

I don't know, but I'd be interested in finding out just how many Yanks schlepped across the herring pond the last time the World Sportings where held here? Anyone? And how much is the winner's purse at such an event?

Indeed they could, but without the promise of a big purse (which can only be funded through the requisite sponsorship deal), would they come? 

I don't know, but I'd be interested in finding out just how many Yanks schlepped across the herring pond the last time the World Sportings where held here? Anyone? And how much is the winner's purse at such an event?

Mr Lovatt would be best placed to answer that one I reckon :)

This is all about getting non-shooters watching. Little point in advertising guns heavily. This needs to attract, I dunno.. holiday companies, hotel chains, energy drinks, auto spares chain. Anything that a wider audience would want.
^^^^ Nails it.

British company, BAe Systems (owner of Heckler & Koch, amongst others), in terms of scale, makes some US & Italian arms manufacturers look like minnows - but they'd never touch a clay shooting event in month of Sundays. Not their target audience, which, with no small irony, is any audience outside the UK.

There is going to be a film crew in San Antonio for the NSCA Nationals at the end of this month testing a new TV format that they think is the answer to what has been lacking to attract and keep a viewer audience.  Hope it works???

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San Antonio...!

Maybe someone can ask if the CEO and Ex Chair were at the World Sporting opening ceremony months ago. Some of us are still getting avoidance at all costs to answers on this one.

There is going to be a film crew in San Antonio for the NSCA Nationals at the end of this month testing a new TV format that they think is the answer to what has been lacking to attract and keep a viewer audience.  Hope it works???
It's a related but important point: the cost of entry into this market - has anyone done any real analysis as to how much it will take to seed the UK general public's interest in clay shooting?

Without that, we're on a hiding to nothing and merely punting.

Great idea all for it, don't see why our shooting sports should be hidden, in fact quite the opposite is needed. Go for it Phil.

I'm guessing that attracting big money (which will be required), big viewing figures will be demanded by the sponsors. I really hope I am wrong but if the England Rugby Autumn internationals (mainstream high profile sport) only commands approx 500,000 viewers on Sky, it would have to be something pretty special in shooting to get the sort of viewing figures required.

As discussed there are many hurdles, some pretty significant but as Del Boy used to say "He who dares...."

I wish Phil the best of luck and really hope he can take the sport to the next level.....

P.s Not likening Phil to Del boy by the way....

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Like everyone says - prize money is the key.  No one will watch low profile boobs play any game for bragging rights, tho they'ed prolly watch a fight.  It could just be me, but I could GAF about watching who wins anything that doesn't have big$ attached.  And watching people shoot just to watch is as boring as watching the people ahead playing golf (tho I'd make an exception for the pigeon ring).

LS&B covered it.  Besta luck on making it happen.

One has to only look at the Olympics.  Rarely do we see a even snip of the shooting events let alone the events on the TV Channel that is airing it.  All we see (at least here) is the person who has won the medal after the fact if at all.  Heck what TV showed on Kim Rhode after her acheivement seemed like it was a chore!!  Guns are not politically correct here these days in the media!!

Why limit the viewing audience to the UK? Why not appeal to the US market but with the added quirkiness of British "characters"...?

ISSF TV already exists and it is global.

The format is there....just not for sporting...

Of course there is already a very clear dress code on what can and cannot be worn on the ISSF circuit....including sponsor logos unless approved.

And they are only allowed in certain places and certain sizes.....just saying..!

One has to only look at the Olympics.  Rarely do we see a even snip of the shooting events let alone the events on the TV Channel that is airing it.  All we see (at least here) is the person who has won the medal after the fact if at all.  Heck what TV showed on Kim Rhode after her acheivement seemed like it was a chore!!  Guns are not politically correct here these days in the media!!
DD...all the finals were on TV and the links were sent around the globe when people could not find them themselves. I had them all on my Facebook page...still there in fact. one on here knows about the massive new sporting shoot that is going to be done in UAE...? 

I cannot remember the exact prize fund but the first year is going to be over 600,000 and the second year they are looking to make it over 1 million...and keep raising it.

....just saying..

Of course they will not be having camo kit.....and the guest / invitation to shoot list will be very special........

They are open to sponsor 'partners' ....but that will not be any easy walk in either to this can expect to empty 1 mill of sponsorship into any link up to royalty.....

correct me if i am obviously wrong but i thought this was about getting shooting into the public eye and raise our profile but it seems its going down the same old elitist road that created the perception we currently enjoy,

Not at all Boston. Just saying that there are people out there already with massive sponsors in place for a very big new shoot that will be a global one.

Don't worry if you do not know about it yet.

You will :wink:

Pro Am for me, set in stunning scenary, plus a third person in the team - through regional qualifying. So we have top shots, top sport/ tv stars and some of us normal shooters!

Format can be anything but show the watching viewer the shots that need to be taken like in golf with the dotted lines etc. Explain the skill needed to break the clay then watch our top shots miss and the sports / tv stars break them - format can be a series of contests raising money for charity.

Fans will watch to see their heroes do something different - Vettel beaten by Webber - priceless!

Top guns qualify to be the Pro.

And lesser shooters qualify to be the third man.

DD...all the finals were on TV and the links were sent around the globe when people could not find them themselves. I had them all on my Facebook page...still there in fact.
Thanks Nicola...NBC carried them here in the States and if the finals were on I must have missed them then??  Now that I think about it I missed Vince Hancock then too??  Both International Skeet events I would have loved to see.
