To Choke Or Not ?

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I'm in the middle, I'd say. I can see that the finish isn't perfectly consistent but for me, I don't think it would bother me.
On the other hand, I'm not sure how much you spent on that but I am aware that you're really clearly wanting a great gun here so understand you being a bit disappointed.
I'm in the middle, I'd say. I can see that the finish isn't perfectly consistent but for me, I don't think it would bother me.
On the other hand, I'm not sure how much you spent on that but I am aware that you're really clearly wanting a great gun here so understand you being a bit disappointed.
To be honest when I first saw it I was in the middle then the more I thought about it the more I thought I wanted it sorting. Also 2 out of the 5 are good which shows they can be done well. And for the work done £800 which isn’t an insignificant amount of money.
Just to be clear Teague have offered to get them sorted. But…… out of the chokes I have there are 2 x 3/8 one of which is ok the other isn’t. Both 5/8 are in my opinion not up to scratch and the cylinder is good. I asked if it would be ok to keep both 3/8 for the minute send the rest back so I could use the gun which I don’t think is out of the realm of what’s acceptable.

As they are going to have to re manufacture the chokes to have them coated and I would assume this will be a 3 week process it does mean that I will be without the gun for another 3 weeks as I have no chokes which feels a little unfair alas the coating company they use want them all back to inspect them.
Does the £800 include the barrel work or just the chokes and finishing?
It was everything 👍🏼
Barrel work was £400 ish
Extra £30 for steel proof instead of the standard proofing which is included in the £400
Then chokes at £90 ish each inclusive of the optional coating.
The quality of the barrel work etc is second to none just the coating which is admittedly done out of house I feel leaves a little to be desired on this occasion.
This isn't a new problem for Teague. I ordered two optima hp 1/4 extended chokes in October last year, and they both come back with imperfections. Luckily for me it was on the section that screwed into the gun so wasn't as much of an issue so not worth rectifying. Its also worth noting that teague use an outside source to complete the colouring and don't do it themselves.
This isn't a new problem for Teague. I ordered two optima hp 1/4 extended chokes in October last year, and they both come back with imperfections. Luckily for me it was on the section that screwed into the gun so wasn't as much of an issue so not worth rectifying. It’s also worth noting that teague use an outside source to complete the colouring and don't do it themselves.
Yes they explained it was an outside source they used and that they were looking for someone else etc. That the company had said as they are done in batches they cannot guarantee a consistent finish which if true I find an astounding statement. I work in manufacturing and if I was to utter a statement like that in a clients direction I wouldn’t be working there long. They are clearly capable of doing a quality coating as 2 of mine are good.
Hi Yorkshire Clay Shooting.

I'm very particular with my guns and have previously had something similar following on from having some work done on one of my guns (nothing to do with Teague I should add, it was a different company).

Initially I thought I could live with it, however every time I took the gun out of the cabinet, handled it, used it etc. all I could see were the imperfections where it wasn't quite right. Don't get me wrong, guns are for using and I don't mind signs of honest wear from use, but in this instance this wasn't the case. In the end I decided to have the work redone and I'm much happier with the results.

Given that you've invested a significant amount of time and money, and a K80 is a fantastic piece of engineering, Id say get the chokes remanufactured/recoated so that your happy with the results. If you don't, you'll always have it nagging at you. Ultimately an extra couple of weeks to make sure its right and your satisfied will be worth it.

In my experience Teague are a fantastic company to deal with and I've got nothing but good things to say about their customer service.

Just my 2 pence
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Hi Yorkshire Clay Shooting.

I'm very particular with my guns and have previously had something similar following on from having some work done on one of my guns (nothing to do with Teague I should add, it was a different company).

Initially I thought I could live with it, however every time I took the gun out of the cabinet, handled it, used it etc. all I could see were the imperfections where it wasn't quite right. Don't get me wrong, guns are for using and I don't mind signs of honest wear from use, but in this instance this wasn't the case. In the end I decided to have the work redone and I'm much happier with the results.

Given that you've invested a significant amount of time and money, and a K80 is a fantastic piece of engineering, Id say get the chokes remanufactured/recoated so that your happy with the results. If you don't, you'll always have it nagging at you. Ultimately an extra couple of weeks to make sure its right and your satisfied will be worth it.

In my experience Teague are a fantastic company to deal with and I've got nothing but good things to say about their customer service.

Just my 2 pence
Yes I think I am definitely going to get them re done as you say it will bother me I mean to be fair I even asked them to send special instructions with it to the proof house to make sure the new proof marks where below the line of the fore end iron 🤣 and to be fair to Teague they did that Ivan even sent me pictures as soon as it came back in and they have with no quibble said they will get them sorted I just would have hoped they would have allowed me to keep the good 3/8 and the bad 3/8 so I can still use the gun.

I didn’t think it was too much to ask ?

And if the issue with the coating is such as it’s not that unknown for an issue to arise then perhaps don’t offer it as a service ?
Yes I think I am definitely going to get them re done as you say it will bother me I mean to be fair I even asked them to send special instructions with it to the proof house to make sure the new proof marks where below the line of the fore end iron 🤣 and to be fair to Teague they did that Ivan even sent me pictures as soon as it came back in and they have with no quibble said they will get them sorted I just would have hoped they would have allowed me to keep the good 3/8 and the bad 3/8 so I can still use the gun.

I didn’t think it was too much to ask ?

And if the issue with the coating is such as it’s not that unknown for an issue to arise then perhaps don’t offer it as a service ?
Pure speculation on my part, and not said with any knowledge or authority.

Because your chokes are custom made and machined to tolerance for your particular gun I imagine they'll rework them, strip, repolish and re blue etc. They possibly wanted all of them back so they can ensure a consistent finish across the full set. Or if that's not possible and a new set needs manufacturing they might need the originals to counter charge against whoever finished the original set.

Fully agree however that even if work is outsourced it should still be subject to full checks including aesthetics before it gets released to a customer.
Pure speculation on my part, and not said with any knowledge or authority.

Because your chokes are custom made and machined to tolerance for your particular gun I imagine they'll rework them, strip, repolish and re blue etc. They possibly wanted all of them back so they can ensure a consistent finish across the full set. Or if that's not possible and a new set needs manufacturing they might need the originals to counter charge against whoever finished the original set.

Fully agree however that even if work is outsourced it should still be subject to full checks including aesthetics before it gets released to a customer.
From what I believe they would need to be re manufactured and then coat the new chokes. And I do see your point about them wanting them all back to check they have a consistent finish although just all black is all we are aiming for 😂 it just sours the experience some what. As I didn’t think me keeping a good one and a bad one to be able to use the gun was that much out of the question ? Sort of a good will gesture on there but part I might be wrong.
ask them to send you a pair of plain vanilla stainless flush chokes . They take about 3 days from order to doormat .
That’s a good shout 😊 👍🏼 I did email them back regarding the issue of me wanting to still be able to use the gun but it was after they had closed on Friday and it’s obviously Bank Holiday weekend so probably won’t hear back till Tuesday. Hopefully something can be sorted 🤞🏻
Gun update ! Im sure you’re all waiting around worrying about where I am with the project 😂. Wood is very nearly done had a video of the comb raiser and forend this far looking amazing in my opinion. Few more coats on the stock and chase out the chequering. Hopeful for a pick up end of next week. Black extended chokes have gone back to Teague and as said they have kindly sent me on some flush chokes to use for the time being. Finally waiting for Titanium Barrel Hanger landing in from Germany 🇩🇪 at Alan Rhone’s to be sent on next week to me hopefully. So should be pretty much done besides the barrels having black slightly long chokes hanging out of the end for the bank holiday weekend.

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