sporting targets

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Well said Tom, well kinda.

It's difficult to see what some peoples problem or perception actually is; as some of us keep saying the classes will not change no matter what you do with the targets. We will all more or less end up in the same class, the angst :mellow:  seems to emanate from the lower classes banging in scores well above their supposed average. Well I'm sorry but even that little phenomenon will not change, just look at the scores from big entry title or even just high entry reg shoots, they are always won by above average scores, even on hard layouts.

That is how you move up a class at the end of the day. I was hoping to attend Owls as it happens but nasty late work text on Wednesday night shattered my plans.  :(  Good mate I was meant to come with said he liked the shoot but reckoned one or two birds had the whiff of Dubai about them.

For me, Owls was good, on the basis that the odd tough shoot is needed to balance the odd easier shoot. However, in the wind and rain it was made that bit firmer to shoot. The guy that won it is VERY experienced. Amazed he is in A class, this is a blip I think.. Likewise the other top scores were from top class folk, so don't underestimate that it was firm. Only one or two very stiff stands, but equally only one or two that should have been straighted by everybody in B class.

Only just read this thread. I don't have any idea what it's about but I found the last few pages highly entertaining. I wasn't even involved or at the receiving end so I can confirm to the general public that on this occasion "no trap shooters were harmed during this thread"


If a shooter manages to shoot two scores two classes above their own in any one period they should be put up 1 class immediately. So a C class shot has a couple of 80s he/she instantly becomes a B class. I've read how good the new cpsa software is so it should be easy to do. Could this work?

If a shooter manages to shoot two scores two classes above their own in any one period they should be put up 1 class immediately. So a C class shot has a couple of 80s he/she instantly becomes a B class. I've read how good the new cpsa software is so it should be easy to do. Could this work?
I disagree it should be done on the average score for the class on each shoot. 

The idea is to stop somebody having a full 6 months of shooting in a class they are clearly not supposed to be in. That person may not be purposely sand bagging they have just progressed very quickly therefor the system should react quickly.

The idea is to stop somebody having a full 6 months of shooting in a class they are clearly not supposed to be in. That person may not be purposely sand bagging they have just progressed very quickly therefor the system should react quickly.
I don't disagree with the idea it should be done quickly but I don't think that using the shooters score only is the right way different grounds throw different levels of targets...

The scores achieved are not necessarily a pure reflection of the difficulty of the course. The average score in c could be low because a higher than normal amount of beginners happen to turn up on the day. Same at the top end if a shoot has a high proportion of big names attend the AAA figure is going to be distorted.

The scores achieved are not necessarily a pure reflection of the difficulty of the course. The average score in c could be low because a higher than normal amount of beginners happen to turn up on the day. Same at the top end if a shoot has a high proportion of big names attend the AAA figure is going to be distorted.
It could work both ways could it not!

The idea is to stop somebody having a full 6 months of shooting in a class they are clearly not supposed to be in. That person may not be purposely sand bagging they have just progressed very quickly therefor the system should react quickly.
...don't let those fast progressors be rewarded for there talent of hard work for any more than a fortnight!!!

I don't have a problem with someone improving and dominating a class for a classification period...I do however think that once someone is out of C class, they should NEVER go back down to C and once someone has made it to AA, they should NEVER go back into B class!!! Once you get to AA, that should be you cemented in A...You should only be able to move between A-AAA!!!

I kind of agree James, but the system only let's you drop 1 class per period, which mostly fixes it. Imagine you are AA, then you get old and perhaps have age related illness. Should you be held in AA in perpetuity?

...don't let those fast progressors be rewarded for there talent of hard work for any more than a fortnight!!!

I don't have a problem with someone improving and dominating a class for a classification period...I do however think that once someone is out of C class, they should NEVER go back down to C and once someone has made it to AA, they should NEVER go back into B class!!! Once you get to AA, that should be you cemented in A...You should only be able to move between A-AAA!!!
Hardly fair on someone who has a reason for dropping down ie they get older or can't shoot as much etc

I kind of agree James, but the system only let's you drop 1 class per period, which mostly fixes it. Imagine you are AA, then you get old and perhaps have age related illness. Should you be held in AA in perpetuity?
No, you should be allowed to drop back to A...but once you have reached the technical and mental ability to shoot AA scores, the understanding of correct hold points, a very sound understanding of method, you have learned the things that give you the concistancy to beat the best of C/B class shooters 9 times out of 10. :D

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