Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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What have you changed Sian? 
I have lowered the adjustable stock and brought the adjustable part more in towards my face also using a spare butt pad we took the toe off.   It was supposed to help me with what was a good mount which recently has been all over the place.  Weight loss has not been kind to my Shooting.  When I got to Moaner stand today I had Sean Bramley watch me whilst I missed the right to left bird, not a particularly taxing bird but I kept missing it.  He put the adjustable stock back up high again and it helped.  I think the rest of the shoot was doomed really because once I get beyond a certain amount missed I’m done trying.  I also,shot alone which I hate.  My confidence is shot at the moment so I’m  questioning everything.  My bead snapped off a few weeks back and now the end of my gun looks weird to me as well but the metal screw bit is still in there so I can’t replace it.   So many things upsetting me at the mo.

Also EJC. Went first thing and it was windy then too. Had a fairly solid start, 8 away over the first half of the course. Wheels fell off on Stand 8 where I misread the first bird thinking it was crossing less than it was and missing behind (took the back off the last one). Went to bits mentally after that and was starting stands ok only to start hanging on to stuff as I went on and missing as a result. Ended on a p×ss poor 69. 

Did exactly the same thing at Honesberie this morning. Chucked away at least 10 soft targets on the second half of the course (as well as missing lots of the tough ones). Really effed off with myself.

Was planning Honesberie but forecast didn’t look so great, so went to Gatton Bottom. A decent course, but I really could have kicked myself for how I did on three stands. Overleading. My new stock set up is paying dividends and all that simpler stuff that you basically need to move on to and shoot at is good. On my last stand I flinched which cost me the pair, which was annoying. Finished on 89, having not missed the most obvious ones.. frustrating as ever. 

Would have been rude not to drop into Gatton Bottom as we had to go right past it on the way home. Fewer meltdowns. Managed to drop 9 on the two sim pair stands. Finished on 80.

Westfield, Glos county shoot also, always struggled here, shot with Nick Portlock & Kev Childs, we went st12-st1, despite them being simos had a storming start and finish but struggled in the middle some a case of trying too hard, some getting it wrong and few were where I was just found out. Was for me a better shoot than a fair few Ive been too recently, I could see the clays from launch to hit / terra firma scorers all attentive which is alwats good. Oh yes a few no birds but far fewer than Ive had of late. Not a score for me, a dropper, easily a dropper.

HG when left was Phil Smith 95, Nick was leading county shoot on 91, only four 9+ out of near 100 cards when I left, another “stiff” shoot in that respect.

Already looking for next shoot

Shot a windy Gunsite this afternoon. First time at the ground. Fairly steady shoot but a decent mix of targets, ended up on 95 which was better after the tricky afternoon at Coley’s on Wednesday! 

Well I went to Gunsite and Westfield and enjoyed both.  Started really badly at Westfield on stand 1 driven and big fat zero.  Onto stand  2 and missed 5.  At this point I’m thinking why am I even here.  Carried on did okay just missed  the odd one until stand 11 where I missed 5 which to be fair given the sky had been grey suddenly the sun came out and I struggled.    Anyway I lost 18 of my 24 misses on those three stands finishing on 76.  As said Gunsite I found enjoyable but it took us 3 hrs to get around.  I dropped some really silly ones there  I still don’t feel completely right with my gun but I’m going to leave as is for a while.  If in a while I’m not making progress I’m going to wrap it around a tree.

Well I went to Gunsite and Westfield and enjoyed both.  Started really badly at Westfield on stand 1 driven and big fat zero.  Onto stand  2 and missed 5.  At this point I’m thinking why am I even here.  Carried on did okay just missed  the odd one until stand 11 where I missed 5 which to be fair given the sky had been grey suddenly the sun came out and I struggled.    Anyway I lost 18 of my 24 misses on those three stands finishing on 76.  As said Gunsite I found enjoyable but it took us 3 hrs to get around.  I dropped some really silly ones there  I still don’t feel completely right with my gun but I’m going to leave as is for a while.  If in a while I’m not making progress I’m going to wrap it around a tree.
Nice to see you and Tony this afternoon, my word thats a very fine gun that Tony has, very much hope gets on well with it, oh and that you manage to iron out your current gun fit issues.

Nice to see you and Tony this afternoon, my word thats a very fine gun that Tony has, very much hope gets on well with it, oh and that you manage to iron out your current gun fit issues.
Always a pleasure to see you.  I get too wound up over things whereas Mr H is just having a blast getting to know his new toy and laughing as he misses.  He says it is a very different beast to his other guns but he's going to have fun getting to grips with it.  Oh to be like him, you would think after 36 odd years some of his laid back approach would have rubbed off on me!!!

Shot a windy Gunsite this afternoon. First time at the ground. Fairly steady shoot but a decent mix of targets, ended up on 95 which was better after the tricky afternoon at Coley’s on Wednesday! 
Yes that was a contrast! Gunsite does have very high scores in the lower classes. Sean sets a much firmer shoot at Widdington it seems. 

Yes that was a contrast! Gunsite does have very high scores in the lower classes. Sean sets a much firmer shoot at Widdington it seems. 
Does he set the course at Widdington? Always thought ground did that & Sean was only, like he does at Meadowcroft work there on day of the shoot.

A week of ups and a few downs!

Wednesday was Coleys 'Coffin Nails' shoot. Personally, I got torn apart scoring 55 but I enjoyed the shoot. It's not the sort of thing I'd drive to shoot week in week out but the change was quite refreshing. Shooting with a mob of A/AA/AAA shooters was helpful as they highlighted that I was stopping my gun all the time. No doubt fallen back on old habits of slashing at targets and loosing any connection with them.

Saturday was EJC for a blustery registered. I'm glad I went as I ended up on 89 which was a PB and a clear class win. Felt a lot smoother behind the gun and had a few stands that actually felt 'right'.

I should have quite whilst I was ahead here....

Sunday. Westfield first for the Glous county shoot. a good, normal, layout with nothing too soft and nothing too extreme. Very nice balance. I managed to shoot everything awkwardly and nothing felt right. Ended on 70.

On to Honesberie, another really nice and balanced shoot. The drizzle started on stand 1 but then by stand 2 the heavens opened! Completely soaked through. 1 stand felt 'right' the rest felt awkward. Ended on 72 I think.

I need to learn to 'keep the gun moving', not entirely sure how to best achieve this so time for some practice.

A week of ups and a few downs!

Wednesday was Coleys 'Coffin Nails' shoot. Personally, I got torn apart scoring 55 but I enjoyed the shoot. It's not the sort of thing I'd drive to shoot week in week out but the change was quite refreshing. Shooting with a mob of A/AA/AAA shooters was helpful as they highlighted that I was stopping my gun all the time. No doubt fallen back on old habits of slashing at targets and loosing any connection with them.

Saturday was EJC for a blustery registered. I'm glad I went as I ended up on 89 which was a PB and a clear class win. Felt a lot smoother behind the gun and had a few stands that actually felt 'right'.

I should have quite whilst I was ahead here....

Sunday. Westfield first for the Glous county shoot. a good, normal, layout with nothing too soft and nothing too extreme. Very nice balance. I managed to shoot everything awkwardly and nothing felt right. Ended on 70.

On to Honesberie, another really nice and balanced shoot. The drizzle started on stand 1 but then by stand 2 the heavens opened! Completely soaked through. 1 stand felt 'right' the rest felt awkward. Ended on 72 I think.

I need to learn to 'keep the gun moving', not entirely sure how to best achieve this so time for some practice.
I often find I stop my gun if my hold point is too near my kill point. If I move my hold point a bit further back to the trap I generate more movement and keep it going, maybe only a couple of yards not huge amounts. I try to use BH guide of 50% as a starting point, but sometimes it needs a little adjustment. 

I often find I stop my gun if my hold point is too near my kill point. If I move my hold point a bit further back to the trap I generate more movement and keep it going, maybe only a couple of yards not huge amounts. I try to use BH guide of 50% as a starting point, but sometimes it needs a little adjustment. 
I think you might be on to something there. It wouldn't be the first time I've been called up for having my hold point too far out. I'll give that some conscious attention on Saturday.

IMO, Hold point is a massive deal.

Hold too far back and you can get a wild slash. But hold too far out and you need the clay to fly to your gun, so if it comes out a bit differently, you’re already in trouble. Also, if you need to apply lead, then holding near kill point gives you a tiny time window to apply it. It’s possible, some do it well, but it’s an added task that I would avoid.

Obviously maintained lead (a tough thing to perfect) will work best with holding far out, but if you’re trying to pull away or swing through it’s very difficult. I agree, the roughly 50% concept is what works best. Follow the clay with your finger and you will soon see the right hold point to allow you that sufficient (but not excessive) amount of time and movement on to the clay.

The other element is vertical hold too. Hold too high on a crosser and it will obscure the clay, so you don’t see it coming and then react badly. Hold too low and you may end up high as you rise past the line you want. Mostly the whole process is about that roughly one second movement you need. Much more is awkward and much less is a stab that needs a timing skill added in.


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