Shooting Technique

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I cannot remember if I have raised this subject before, hence the question.

When you call and move for a target, what do you see? What is your technique?

One of the reasons for asking is there is often heated debate on American forums about total focus on the clay, you never ever look at the barrels, you are not aware of the muzzles, you don't see lead off the end of your barrels, you don't see lead out at the target because you never see your muzzles or the gap. You only see the target or more precisely the front edge of the target or even more precisely the rings or dimples on the clay surface ( remember Yanks are prone to exaggeration).
What a strange world.  I was searching something else on a diff BBS and I noticed that this salopian person has been posting on that place for years.  And dull old me never tumbled to it.  And not to tell too many tales, it's not a .uk site!

So the thot came to me - why not post this topic there?  You'd get lots of those "Yank" opinions from folks you already associate with to some degree.  And likely few of them avid target shooters too.  Could be fun, or not hahaha   :hunter:



 You said it brother, 'or not'.

Too many threads get derailed and become pissing matches over there " He said"   " You said" . But what upsets me most is how so many of the coaches blatantly post   "Give me a call" as though they are the answer to every fault under the Sun.

At least here we can normally have a sensible debate.
