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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Visiting mini ips in widsor in a few weeks and I "might" take me stuff and have a practice OT on sun 3rd Feb.

a - will OT be open for practice

b - will many be there

c - what is best time to go

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Oooooooh I might join you on that......!!

Where are you heading for??

Because you could do OT at A1 on the Saturday and then OT at NCSC on the Sunday (not sure what is on yet)

If your visit was the 2nd weekend of the month could do Owls Lodge on the Saturday and NCSC on the Sunday. (Owls is only open on the Saturday on the 2nd weekend each month......but always on Tuesday or depending on how long your trip is for............loads of shooting... :) ....)


Only arriving windsor on sat eve about 9pm leaving monday 11am ish so not got long unfortunately. Will send mrs and mini ips off shopping on sunday and I hope to get a 100 practice in. Pity its not a OT comp weekend :(

Have any of you heard the story of  Shropshire Trap shooter (legend?) Brian Bradley and Bisley?

About forty years ago Brian and a few Shropshire Trappists decide to go down to Bisley, in Brian's new posh Jaguar, well Brian doesn't like to speed so at  60mph it took a while, finally arriving at 1.25p.m.

 The gentleman booking in exclaimed "you've left it a bit late but we can fit you in just "

" What scores are in please ?" asks Brian  "100-299" says the man  " Oh you've left the door open then " says Brian.

Brian shot 100-300

Then there was the time at Sealand where he was absolutely on his game and Bob Braithwaite was there and being celebrated for his Olympic victory and tied with Bradley. But there was no shoot off because it was put back and delayed for no apparent reason until the daylight failed.

Still active at Bridgnorth Gun Club, always got a smile on his face and always willing to offer advice. But don't have lift off him unless you have flask & sandwiches.

Ha great story. Funny you should post this as i had not heard of him until sun when a friend i was shooting with mentioned him.

Always the comedian, always the business man.

Fruit & Veg market trader by trade, Brian was complaining recently how hard times were " You have to do a hard days work nowadays to earn a month's money ".

So he has diversified.

He has opened a tanning and beauty parlour in Wolverhampton

Business is booming. :D   :D   :D   :D

Is it definately open for ot practice on sun 3rd Feb ?

"Is it definately open for ot practice on sun 3rd Feb ?"

What do you mean . . . . . . . . .  NCSC or the Beauty Parlour?   :whistle:


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