Mk38 Trap Front Sight

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012

Can anybopdy on here tell me where I can get a mid and front sight for my Miroku Mk38 Trap 32"?  If not, does anybody know what the thread sizes are for these sights?

Many Thanks

Almost any gunsmith will either have them or be able to get them easily.

How did you get on with all the bad weather Les? Kept seeing West Bay on the telly and thought of you.
We are still currently on flood alert, but not on flood warning. The fields behind my house are still knee deep in water, it has been very dodgy for almost a month now!!! I was going to shoot the OT at Southern Counties next weekend, but at the moment the weather is forecast as rain, with winds at force 4 gusting to force 7, not exactly the right weather for OT!!!! Hopefully it may change by the weekend!!


Can anybopdy on here tell me where I can get a mid and front sight for my Miroku Mk38 Trap 32"?  If not, does anybody know what the thread sizes are for these sights?

Many Thanks
2.6mm front bead (eBay), the mid bead is a push fit with a sleeve though - most gunsmiths will have them (give Simon a bell at Doveridge)
