Mel Sykes in the Sunday Express today

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Back in the eighties I saw various celebs shoot in "Charity" events - Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Suzi Quattro, Patrick Lichfield, Ian Botham etc etc but these don't seem to happen now, unless they are "behind closed doors". Cameras were everywhere and it made national news at the time. Remember these were the days of multi-national company sponsorship with the associated large prize pots, therefore higher profile and acceptance for our sport.
Eric Clapton is still really into shooting. sold 13 of his guns for around 500K a couple of years ago to make room for some more.

Suzy Quatro used to be a regular at a farm shoot in Essex a few years back. Farm was sold and the shoot closed.Not sure if she still shoots.

:fie:  Wassa the matter, you a stupido? nevera heard ofa Gino? :fie:  wheres youa been? :fie:   I ama famous chef! :haha:  

I'vea been ona the televisioni for the lasta four weeks (BBC") in Italy capist? mya mama will will amake bolognese outa your gonads ifn you don'ta give me credibility! maybe I senda  Franco and Guissepe round to a see you huh! :crazy:  

:eek: WHAT??....F### Me!!! ....Mel Sykes?!?...Mel Sykes actually assaulted her husband?....its almost unthinkable!......Mel Sykes, of all people! What is the world coming to eh?
Well, they say assault, but perhaps she just smacked his legs when he refused to do his homework..

Mind you, at this rate, we could see Paul 'Gazza' Gascoigne representing Team GB in the All Commers Sobriety 'Walking a Straight Line' Handicap Stakes.

Perhaps the assault and caution was why she wasn't at Nuthampstead for her usual 121 training with Martin Barker today.

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Up north we call it a bit of slap and tickle :wink:

Treat em mean keep em keen  

Don't really know what all the fuss is about.......mind you she should have gone for a northern lad....he would have been used to it..... it is only foreplay :laugh:

Soft southern pussie....... try giving birth  :nurse:    :hyper:   :frantics:

Best thing is to remove all painful objects like pans and rolling pins.........make sure you have a clear runway to both front and back doors......and then run like hell if she gets a bit tetchy.....then stay in the pub until the coast is clear to return.....then finish of the night with a bit of rumpeypumpey......

....just saying !!

Ah hahahahahaha

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I'm not so keen on domestic violence in any form and she's taken a caution. I hope her police force take this seriously. If she was a man, her gun or guns would have already been removed.

Up north we call it a bit of slap and tickle :wink:

Treat em mean keep em keen  

Don't really know what all the fuss is about.......mind you she should have gone for a northern lad....he would have been used to it..... it is only foreplay :laugh:

Soft southern pussie....... try giving birth  :nurse:    :hyper:   :frantics:

Best thing is to remove all painful objects like pans and rolling pins.........make sure you have a clear runway to both front and back doors......and then run like hell if she gets a bit tetchy.....then stay in the pub until the coast is clear to return.....then finish of the night with a bit of rumpeypumpey......

....just saying !!

Ah hahahahahaha
Hi Nicola,

Can't see what all the fuss is about?

Having been on the receiving end of what you call a bit of slap and tickle for a few years it is no joke. you never hear about the guys that go through this as they are normally too embarrassed to admit they are in an abusive relationship.

Wonder if I as a man could get away with saying what you just said without a few people coming down on me like a ton of bricks. and remember as a man you can't lift a finger to protect yourself otherwise you get locked

up and called the bad guy.

still as you said I could always make sure I have a clear runway to the back door. and oh I forget there's now "Clare's law" which as you can see is aimed at women.

Funny that..... what about the small number of women causing utter chaos in their wake with their violence towards men.

And this is the point about the institutional discrimination against men.

The law and the register applies to men and women, yet the government does all it can to purposely misrepresent this by omitting it - discrimination by omission.

Firstly, if you name something Clare's Law then automatically you are setting it out as only for one gender.

But worse, the press release says:

"Under the scheme women will have the right to ask the police whether a new or existing partner has a violent past": Wrong - it is women and men.

Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.........Nothing against you Nicola, but be mindful of the people who have been through hell and survived.

Rant over..

Having been on the receiving end of what you call a bit of slap and tickle for a few years it is no joke.....

Great post from Nicola made me really chuckle :haha:   but whilst I feel your pain Hankbomb why on gods earth have you put up with it for years :fie:   there's an old saying where I come from "there's the door" "use it" :nyam:   

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