looking 4 adventure! :D

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Mar 11, 2012
Hello Everyone!

As you can see on my profile I'm a 20year old girl from Sweden. Why I'm posting this is that I want to do something with my life now and then either I go back to school for further studies or continue my working career. There's just one tiny issue, perhaps a quite big one, and that spells SHOOTING. ;) You all know it costs a bit and then you need work or at least a way to earn money. Well I'm not here to ask for money, not my style! :p

What I'm trying to say is that I have a dream and that dream says "move to England and then shoot as much as possible". I have thought of this since my first visit in UK in June 2008. There's just been a lot of school and after that I realized I couldn't go without any money saved. Another thought I had was that I couldn't move without having any help from someone and since my friends and family will be in Sweden they can't help me.

So I wonder if you, or someone you know, would like to help me finding a job and most important somewhere to live?(appartment to rent, room etc.) The "living" part is most important to start with! I guess it's easier to find a job when I'm present but of course it would be great to have something sorted before I go.

My plans are as follows. I'll do the shootingseason in Sweden this year and then, when autumn comes, move somewhere! I'd like to stay in England for at least 6 months (do think there's a big chance I'll stay longer) and try to make a living abroad.

If this message caught your attention and you think you know something that could help me, then don't hesitate to write an answer to me or pose any question (I promise this bitch doesn't bite)! I'm happy for all types of answers and the help I can get. I know I'll be regretful all my life if I don't make this dream come true :)

Shoot well and take care ! :)

Good girl :cool: . This is as good a place to start enquiries as any but you will need to give more details such as the type of work you're after and of course your skill level. Also you don't clarify what type of shooting you intend to do over here? If it's clays for instance it may be possible to fire off several dozen e-mails to shooting schools offering to do part/full time work in return for lodgings etc!

Live shooting can be a bit more tricky I suppose but the first thing to concentrate on is deciding on a location and getting paid work, the rest you can look into once you're settled for a few weeks.

Thank you!

Well I start with my interest. I shoot sporting, both English and FITASC. I've also tried skeet and trap but it doesn't fancy me. Today I'm in the swedish ladies team in both of the sporting disciplines but a move to england may cut me out of the team since I'll miss the selectionshoots in Sweden... Doesn't bother me that much.

To be honest I haven't a clue where I'd like to live in england.. (Maybe somewhere in the middle) The best would be if I had a couple of nice shootinggrounds fair close and that they can offer good sporting targets. Any suggestions??!

I like the idea with contacting shooting schools very much! :D I guess that would be a great job for me since I absolutely love to meet new people and I love my sport too.

Today I work in the swedish industry. I think it's an okay job, well paid etc., but nothing that I'd like to do all my life. Before I got that job, when I still were a student, I had a part time job in a fast food restaurant. I worked there summer holidays, on weekends, other holidays and so on. I did that in four years. So i've done quite different types of job compared to eachother and I think they've made me very open minded and also aware of the facts that working isn't allways fun but it's easier with a smile on your face :)

Thanks for your answers! :D

I can't believe a 20 year old Swedish girl has asked for a place to stY and you lot haven't offered a room!!!!

On a more serious note the midlands is the place to be; can do 3 shoots on a Sunday if you want!

I did mention it to Mrs Fuz but I thought I may not get dinner so I shut up again :lol: :.:

I can't believe a 20 year old Swedish girl has asked for a place to stY and you lot haven't offered a room!!!!

On a more serious note the midlands is the place to be; can do 3 shoots on a Sunday if you want!
Hahah :)

Ohh that sounds perfect! I know that someone's mentioned the midlands to me, but can't remember who atm :/

I could kick my housemate out but he might have something to say about that!

Seriously, have a look at the shooting map and decide whereabouts would be good fo rshooting. As Ed says, the midlands has a lot to offer.

Down south we're pretty well catered for shoots-wise, as it's sporting which seems to be your favourite

I just wish I had a webcam on Ed. He must be having to tape mittens on to avoid contributing more to this one. :D :D


Now then boys........behave.

Come to the south. Loads of shooting.

You can find Ed on unclewarmfingers.com

Seriously though - there are a number of ground owners on here - maybe one of them is looking for a coach or something for that period - just need to really decide what area.

I can't believe a 20 year old Swedish girl has asked for a place to stY and you lot haven't offered a room!!!!
Somebody will convert their garage into a Swedish sauna, you'll feel right at home!

you guys are funny! can't do nothing but smile :D haha

well thank you all for your help! I appreciate it a lot and at least I now know where to start :)

The midlands sounds very interesting since you all say there's great shooting in the area and I know it since I've visited a couple of the grounds too.. The thing is that I've been to many and liked them too (all over England) but I haven't got a clue where they're located. Think I'll have to stydy som geography and bring a map when I go to england in April !

Continue the brainstorming and if you or you know someone that knows someone that has a cousin that knows someone who could know something that could be helpful to me.., you know what to do ;)

Rebecka - try our map (top right - 'member map') you can explore the UK and look at areas that have grounds (the white markers) - it's not 100% complete, but a good start....

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