International gun courier?

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paul b

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2011
Probably brought up before,but i was wondering why for the big internationals we couldnt just send our guns to a courier in the UK and have him send them to the relevant ground or nearest rfd.It would make travelling to international comps much more enjoyable, but i suppose the all the different gun laws would make to hard to do.  

A couple of years ago I sent a load of christmas presents (toys) to my young niece and nephew in Cork. They were sent Royal Mail tracked but they got lost at the Dublin sorting office, which i'm reliably told has a high turnover of transient EU staff. Their birthday cards arrived though - opened with tamper evidence tape broken!

So next time I got a ferry ticket and drove over with the big Thule box on the roof to do the santa run.

We live in times where no one is responsible anymore and nobody gives a sh*t about anyone else's property so I wouldn't trust any couriers with my guns.

Probably best to just take your gun with you and make sure it's in a secured Peli case. 

I guess it's a balance of cost and risk and hassle. I have to use secure couriers for work, and while they are very good and would be just right for this sort of thing, they're far from cheap. Shipping one gun would probably set you back a couple of hundred at least.

More complicated to arrange, but possibly cheaper, would be to arrange a tour group package with one of the airlines, have as many shooters as poss travel together, and get the airline to act as courier.

:fie:  A true story, when I had the Willows gun shop myself and another dealer imported some O/U from Italy, 50 total!

when the shipment arrived we both opened the sealed boxes to check the guns. the top boxes were fine but 4 underneath

were empty they had been re taped with different tape.

The law was informed and they said that they were stolen en route from Italy, this took the problem away from them!

When we claimed on the insurance (Italian)  they woud'ent pay out because they said they were stolen after arriving in the UK? We went the loosers, put it down to experience? :fie:  

More enjoyable! Not likely. I'd spend the trip wondering if my gun had been accidentally diverted to Syria of Afghanistan.
