Ideal shotgun weight

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Indeed it would.

I like the plain understand look, have you noticed ;)

It's definitely less is more Iv always liked the look of plain black action perazzi and the black DT10. Have a feeling this gun is going to have a bore profile similar to the DT11

Well, if it's as good as their walking boots it will be OK. Mine are a couple of years old now and still waterproof !

:fie:  Its for the posers who wear Perrazi polo shirts, Perrazi trainers, Perrazi glasses,  Perrazi jockstaps, etc., etc., :fie:

This could be a very interesting thread for the technoids amongst us.

What is the ideal gun weight?

How do you like your gun to balance?

Should a gun balance on the hinge pin ?

Are Krieghoff's too heavy ?

If a K80 is correct , why is a Parcour better?

Is a Perazzi the ideal weighted competition gun?

Is a DT 11 too heavy ? Is a DT10 a better gun than a DT11? Why have Beretta started to use Carbon Fibre on a DT11? Would Titanium be a better material?

Weight really is a crude single measure though. I have been a bit unsure about the nimbleness of my DT11 at 9lb 3oz. So I borrow a Blaser from EJC, shoot a round and feel that it is a lot lighter and much more pointable. The scales show it as just over 9lb. Feather / knocked over syndrome..

Like it nice and minimalist

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See question 2 . Balance is far more important than weight.

Willia Wellington Greener calculated that an ideal gun weight is approximately 96 x the cartridge load i.e 96 x 1oz = a 6lb gun .

This may well be ideal for walked up Game shooting around 20-30 shots .

150 Trap cartridges would be very tiring with a 6lb gun , so what would be an ideal weight for a gun 8lb , 9lb, 10lb?

Many badly balanced guns feel heavier than they are and many well balanced guns seem lighter than they are.

34 " barrelled Blaser's balance well and feel light.

Weight really is a crude single measure though. I have been a bit unsure about the nimbleness of my DT11 at 9lb 3oz. So I borrow a Blaser from EJC, shoot a round and feel that it is a lot lighter and much more pointable. The scales show it as just over 9lb. Feather / knocked over syndrome..
I have to say that Blaser didn't feel as light as most other examples I've held.

Had mine built up to 9lb 10oz I think and I'm a weed, you big strong boys should be fine!

Had mine built up to 9lb 10oz I think and I'm a weed, you big strong boys should be fine!
Shooting style has a fair bit of influence too plus to be fair you may not be particularly big but you do work out and are young and very clued up on not allowing the gun to wear you out.

Ha ha.yes a big strong mate of mine did say that maybe the Dt11 would suit me if I worked outdoors. He is a diplomat.. :)

Weelllll, there is no secret about the ideal weight at all.  It is 12lbs, balanced as you like it, for everyone but me.  I will be handicapped with a 7-8lb gun and it will always be slightly muzzle lite.

See how easy that was

Sory Wanka but sumwon hoo karnt get the spellin write kannot be trusted to have a korrect opinion.

muzzle "lite" my rce! 

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2.150 kg stock and action, 1.850 kg barrels, forepiece and chokes, balances on the pins. All in that's spot on 5 kg or 11lb! It took nearly 350g of weights in the stock to get the balance back some but it was too barrel heavy before.

Sory Wanka but sumwon hoo karnt get the spellin write kannot be trusted to have a korrect opinion.

muzzle "lite" my rce!
He does quite well for somebody across the pond. Many of them think Grammar is their parents Mum. (Or Mom..)
I must get my Punt Gun out of the shed and give that a swing around next Sunday! :sarcastic:

11lbs?? WOW!! I thought I was reasonably strong but I think I would have to drag that rather than lift it?? Not much felt recoil then? :biggrin:
Hull superfast 27g and hardly a kick at all! :) it does help to be built a little on the ................ 'well ballasted' side though! :)
Hmmm... Perhaps I should do my sums again! It's 4 kg not 5! That makes it 8lb 13 oz so I can add some more! Judging by Ed's I can add another couple of hundred grammes!

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