Carbon build up

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2012
Hopefully somebody knows a quick fix for removing heavy carbon deposits that have built up on an extended choke. Whilst I've been diligent and regular cleaning the gun after each outing I haven't been as regular with the choke. Is there something I can dip it in to loosen it all off....?

Thanks as lot 

I scrape them with a suitable knife but there are some specific cleaners you can use for that brand new look. 

Thanks hamster I was thinking a blade of some sort. I will look into brake cleaner too. 

Try Slip 2000.

It's not easy to come by, but I think there's a shooting ground in Wales that stocks it....I think I had mine from there. 

Its from the US and you just leave the chokes in the jar for half an hour and wile the carbon off. 

have you tried buying a bottle of hoppes its made for cleaning the carbon build up on semi auto piston assembly's. pour some in a small container and leave over night then take it out gentle brush and will be like new. you can get it from any gun shop its 8.99 for a bottle hope this helps.

Thanks for all the advice, actually used alloy wheel cleaner on it and it came up really well. Better than the alloy wheels !

have to remember to clean it more in further. 
