Beretta World 2014 - news...

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The 2013 shoot at Holywell Estate was probably one of my favourites last year.

Unfortunately the dates clash this year with a big work event and the North of England Sporting Selection shoot at Beverley CTC so it's looking a little unlikely that i'll do it again this year.

Unfortunately it is out with my 5 hour drive zone, it's fibre only and it's in the arse end of England...if it ever moves to the Middlands I'll be there like a shot, I'll even bring some decent fibre shells, until thanks!!!

Now with 125 Eley Blues included in your £73 entry fee... 
I am going to sound stupid now but never mind.  Does that mean you have to shoot that particular cartridge?  If so, given 120 targets only 5 spare for no birds?  Are you expected then to bring your own spares of that particular cartridge?  Or you can shoot what you like it just so happens that you have purchased within the fee 125 cartridges?

Shot the event for first time last year, enjoyed the day in general.

Booking system was a nightmare last year, they confirmed my requested time slot, then tried changing it, I refused, then confusion on starting peg for a number of shooters as to who was supposed to be in what squad / peg. With the inevitable delays and more confusion whilst they tried to sort it all out - not a great start to the shoot.

Will be shooting it again this year with dad. Hope they got it sorted now.

On a separate point, I overheard a conversation in a gunship few weeks back that Eley Blues are to be discontinued March / April I wonder if that's true now given the carts on offer at this event

I don't have any more insight than that published on the press release... but I am sure that sponsored shooters will be eschewing the free shells in favour of their usual cartridges - so opting NOT to use them wouldn't be an issue. 

Mark - I heard the same about last year, but in previous years (have shot it twice before) I had no issues and it was a grand day (despite the wettest July day EVER in 2012!) - I hope they get it right this year... not because I am going, because we need more well executed tournaments. 

From the online entry form:

My entry fee includes 125 Eley Blue Olympic cartridges, but I am not obliged to use

them during the competition.

Doubting that i'll be worrying myself too much about shooting this this year, not keen on using fibres and I'd sooner go for a drive up to Beverly for the selection shoot.

I am confused by all of this. The Beretta website states that the cartridges are Eley Blue Olympics. What are these cartridges as currently Eley make Eley Blues in plastic and fibre wad but Eley Olympics are ,to my knowledge , only available in plastic wad?

I have e mailed GMK for clarification as if they are Olympics you will not be able to use them if this shoot is fibre wad only.

I will post again when I have received their answer.

it's a fibre wad only shoot, I really don't think Eley will be giving out free plastic wad cartridges so us shooters can spray plastic all over the estate. I don't think it needs any clarification

The 125 cartridges are anything but free they've put the entry fee up £20 over last year it's a joke you get 125 cartridges you probably don't want and pay gmk for them

The 125 cartridges are anything but free they've put the entry fee up £20 over last year it's a joke you get 125 cartridges you probably don't want and pay gmk for them
20 quid for 125 carts is a pretty good deal, especially as youve got to buy fibre anyway. Anyone know whos setting the targets this year?

WHAT...£73 for a fibre only, 120 bird beretta owners club shoot?!?!

...and Beretta don't even replace the set of barrels that blow up shooting fibre wads through your DT10...

20 quid for 125 carts is a pretty good deal, especially as youve got to buy fibre anyway. Anyone know whos setting the targets this year?
£20 for 125 carts is £160.00 a 1000, that's what most of us are looking to pay for our "preferred cartridge"

Would imagine its only a good deal if 1) you like Eley carts and 2) the rate being asked for is a significant reduction on the " over the counter price" of the former I do, the latter I don't know ( if the cart is Blues) as only ever bought Olympics,

Always felt that with the comps that are "sponsored" in full or in part by cartridge manufacturers they are missing a trick on product placement, although not ideal maybe this is a start.

it's a fibre wad only shoot, I really don't think Eley will be giving out free plastic wad cartridges so us shooters can spray plastic all over the estate. I don't think it needs any clarification
You take things for granted if you like. Having been caught out before I would prefer to be sure. My choice!!

I have found out that the Olympic Blue is a new cartridge due to be launched in March. As they will retail for around £180 per thousand the equivalent price of £160 is very favourable.

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20 quid for 125 carts is a pretty good deal, especially as youve got to buy fibre anyway. Anyone know whos setting the targets this year?
Exactly that you need fibre could go to Dick Turpin at JC's and see what he has to offer......Oh eley blues £6.75per box. :eek:

And I think last year it was £57 so actually the cartridges are closer to £15....

All I can remember about last year is was the hottest day of the year and we wandered round looking for shade rather than trying to avoid puddles....those were the days....

Think it is usually Bob Clarke who does the targets...not sure if he is this year...
