At what point does a instructor become a coach?

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There will be very few that can reach the top with out help mostly money, I think most experienced shooters have the ability to instruct, but a coach should be more, not least a motivator and have the balls to tell you to make lifestyle changes to get where you want to go, all the top shots work hard and hats off to them even if I was good enough I don't think I'd have the discipline, shooting is fun for me I still want to be good at it tho so a good instructor is all I'd ever need, for any one that wants to get to the very top and financially can do it look to the best look at there past pupils and there achievements look for one that's always going to be on the other end of the phone when your motivation is slipping

I can see a new angle here Matt....

Shootclay reviews and awards coaching badges to the people who are the 'shooters choice'......and no need to have been a Cpsa or Basc coach/instructor/whatever .......

This award is the vote of the shooter themselves based on the success 'they' themselves think they have achieved. Let the shooter talk....!

Hey Matt why not go the full hog and have a Shootclay Awards.....all on line....

1. Set up categories....

2. Forum members and shooters nominate people to the categories (it could be open to Internet like the way you set up the disabled auction) that way it could get out on Facebook and twitter to the World.

3. Cut of date for nominations....then publish the names in each category.

4. Shooters then vote by a set date. So you see who has what votes.

5 then a panel decides the short list of 3 for each category .

6. Then all the shooters vote for fav from the 3 short listed .

Or something like that....

Who knows...after a few years it might develop into a prize giving ceremony that really reflects what shooters think..!!

I have tinkered (!) with the idea of ShootClay Awards before...  I have never completely figured out the mechanics of it... but I do have an idea.  

Might take a step out of that:

1. Open for nominations in categories for 2 months. 

2. Gather all the suggestions in

3. Make the top 3 the shortlist (no panel - pure top of the votes)

4. Vote for a month to award

Something like that. 

Do it......

Let the shooters be heard....

No chance of being heard anywhere else.

Suggestions of categories needed.....??

As it will be virtual can award MASSIVE cups...!

Everyone will want them...! But the only ones who get them will have been voted for by shooters.

None of this back scratching panels in secret.

Open ....clear....and valid...!!

Just saying...

OK - will open a new thread to get category ideas. 

Back to the coach/instructor debate.

Winners will have to send you a picture of themselves so that you can photoshop a massive cup into their hands....!

And all done without the need for over priced halls, poor food and massive drinks bills :laugh:

Virtual is the way to go :wink:

Age does not affect the will to win.....only the disciplines you can play in. Take a look at Vets and Super Vets.....most of out legends in some disciplines.

I hate age is a pompous prick attitude (not you I hasten to add)....or Olympic attitude (but not in Italy.....and they win most :wink: )

Rushing off now......lunching....tooooodles xx
Hope you enjoyed lunch ! I was shooting UT :)

Anyway glad to get your take on the age thing ... I know now I must keep on as its not futile :) although being in vets does put me at a considerable disadvantage as a relative newbie I would struggle to win scratch or vet categories as usually a vet wins scratch ! :)

Definitely getting there though today shot 19,22,23 and 24... missed the first and last targets of the 22 and 23 and the 19 I shot 11 of the first twelve then went to pot... need a coach ? :)

Here y'are

solid gun mount

be ready for the target

stay in the gun

hard focus and attack the target

So when do I get my patch?

Is my name gonna be virtually engraved on the virtual trophy?



I think that Charlie's post above is succinct enough, i would give him a badge nowt else to say on the matter, job done.

Remember, most people think that hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the universe. This is not necessarily correct, its free advice at a gun club. All well intentioned, but not always correct.

Remember, most people think that hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in the universe. This is not necessarily correct, its free advice at a gun club. All well intentioned, but not always correct.

Tinker - what happened with Peter Wilson is, his shooting technique was deconstructed and rebuilt from the ground up, his mental game was deconstructed and rebuilt and he shot something like 10,000 shells per week (ish). His coach was a world champion BUT, I believe this was a secondary benefit and did not really change anything fundamentally. Yes it would have helped in terms of him relating experience but that is as far as it goes. IMO that is

and he shot something like 10,000 shells per week (ish).

And that is why I could never make it as an Olympic class shooter, that would become a torture to me not a pleasure! I do understand though why these great champions do it though, but it must be a great sacrifice to go through to get your hands on the gold medal. Thing is though if Peter had missed a couple more targets it would have been all for nought so maybe all those hours on the practice ground were totally necessary? 1.5k shells per day must be like going ten rounds with Mike Tyson :)

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Who ever lets Semi on their ground?
We have no problem with semis, over/under or side/side !!! ;-)

Almost every Saturday we're booked up with several novice groups, trying clay shooting for the first time (basic English sporting targets). These groups want to break clays in a safe and fun environment - we require a qualified instructor for this purpose, not a shooting coach!

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Tinker - what happened with Peter Wilson is, his shooting technique was deconstructed and rebuilt from the ground up, his mental game was deconstructed and rebuilt and he shot something like 10,000 shells per week (ish). His coach was a world champion BUT, I believe this was a secondary benefit and did not really change anything fundamentally. Yes it would have helped in terms of him relating experience but that is as far as it goes. IMO that is
Ahmad trained him in a unique way. He spent a lot of time in Dubai learning the technique. Ahmad made Pete and his win. He also worked his magic on Steve to give that extra winning core.

True story.

I would love to be able to shoot 10k per week it would be heavenly.

Everyone of us would improve with such training of that there is no doubt in my mind. The reality is few of us are able to.
