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You would just need the USA and GB together to say, NO enough. They do need to be mindful of 'other' groups and not try bully tactics to get their own way.

They haven't taken on any 'major' shooting power but picked off the small fry who have no hope of ever winning on the big stage.

They can regularly command 1000 shooters from 50+ countries, more than any other group, so what more can they possibly want.

I am totally happy with Fitasc Paris.

They are the World Federation. They are a great Federation.

I would only play their games where the best of the best play......just saying..!


 you may have to clarify !

Do you mean competitors or administrators in Paris?

Every person has a view and that is their right. I have played all the Fitasc games internationally for over 20 years. I am totally happy with Fitasc.....true story...!!

They are absolutely not different to any UK body or Issf in how they operate. But......They manage to put on fantastic World and European Championships in 5 disciplines all over the World.

Instead of wingeing on here we should be congratulating Ed Ling on his fantastic World Record of 200/200 in the UT Europeans in Granada...!

.......just saying...!

Very well shot Ed, 200 straight is immense and I dare say wont happen very often at any level...

Pete, any organisation that is aware of, and happy for a top level competitor to set targets for the world FITASC, and then shoot them whilst competing is pretty suspect to me. Add in the new rule of not telling you what the targets are (STD, midi, rocket, battue etc), and its even more of a joke. Im sure he wont tell his team mates/family which ones are which as no doubt they would hate for anyone to have an unfair advantage...

Ed - I cant see why not knowing what a target is should make any difference to the shooter. FITASC is all about simulated game shooting in all its forms. I personally think they shouldn't even show you the targets, just get in the hoop and shoot what you see, oh and they need to add 10cm length to where the line is, stops all the creeping and inconsistencies for the ref's. It is afterall supposed to be the blue ribbon of shooting and not super sporting. If a shooter struggles to know what the clay is then knowing the type is the least of they problems. Yes I know this is a very unpopular view but I totally agree with this new rule.


 The only part of your post that I liked was the fact that you list a Miroku MK38.

I have to agree wholeheartedly with Ed that to not list what type of target is being thrown is pointless. As for the creeping gunmount, easily sorted, warning , caution, penalty. Simple 

Warnings never happen though, esp overseas. As for the targets, what real difference do you think it makes?

Three guys on my squad got gun warnings...

"I'm sorry, I'm not allowed to tell you what type of target is coming...low orange l-r..."

"PULL"... "PULL"...

"Would you like to see it again sir? Look lower..."

"'s a rabbit!!!

Eh? Just let the ref say "rabbit from the left"...

is that looper a rocket or a standard belly showing?that would make a big difference, and i have seen lots of international  comps where the practice days use the same targets as comp(yes they move the hoops a bit).so if some have already shot them then why not tell everyone what they are.

I remember similar arguments when the load restriction for FITASC was taken down to 28g from 36g, I simply don't get what difference being told what type the clay is will do to your shooting.

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I got a gun warning on day one, peg two - it was very clear - I did actually premount the gun all the way - I just had a brainfart.

I also note that refs (I think internationally) have been issued with warning/penalty cards (yellow/red) which will probably help the language barrier part.

I remember similar arguments when the load restriction for FITASC was taken down to 28g from 36g, I simply don't get what difference being told what type the clay is will do to your shooting.

It makes a bg difference matt, as people found out when shooting a long incomer (pe 2 of supersport, GB FITASC). Turns out (next day) it was a rabbit clay. They take a whole lot more breaking at 65 yards than a standard, and you would shoot them accordingly.

Also, if you think it doesnt matter, what are your views on the target setter and his mates knowing exactly what is what? Fair shout? 

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PS saw plenty of warnings this weekend and if you have an England/GB badge abroad you will see even more!

I shall speaking French and wearing a Spanish flag.... that should confuse them all.

It makes a bg difference matt, as people found out when shooting a long incomer (pe 2 of supersport, GB FITASC). Turns out (next day) it was a rabbit clay. They take a whole lot more breaking at 65 yards than a standard, and you would shoot them accordingly.

Also, if you think it doesnt mattr, what are your views on the target setter and his mates knowing exactly what is what? Fair shout? 
Well thats a whole other debate, similar to the French team shooting Orville for 3 weeks prior to a major. My point is the top shots still hit the targets regardless, the idea is you should be able to identify a particular target or at least work out what it is, I believe the Compak runs the same rule and it doesn't seem to have caused any issue with the current team. I do come from a see it and shoot it background, so maybe I am a little bias on the topic...

Slightly OT (sorry Matt) but, how many times do you see breaches of these:

Shooting stands are to be one metre squares or one-meter diameter circles. If possible, shooting stands should be level ensuring competitors must at least be able to stand up without slipping.
sporting layouts must comply with hunting ethics and shooting distances, i.e.

No shooting at close range because the game will be unfit for consumption;
No shooting beyond the effective range of the shotgun or cartridge otherwise the animal would be wounded.
And my fav:
The targets to be used are: normal standard targets, rabbit, midi, super mini, battue, flash and zz targets.
Targets must be in colours that stand out clearly from the background.
No mention of rockets.... .

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Well thats a whole other debate, similar to the French team shooting Orville for 3 weeks prior to a major. My point is the top shots still hit the targets regardless, the idea is you should be able to identify a particular target or at least work out what it is, I believe the Compak runs the same rule and it doesn't seem to have caused any issue with the current team. I do come from a see it and shoot it background, so maybe I am a little bias on the topic...

Again, taking this weekend as a case in point, a lot of the top shots did NOT hit this particular larget, ad if they knew it was a rabbit clay they would have shot it differently. Compac it is not such as issue as the clays are generally close enough to hit with a tennis racquette so it will cause less of an issue. Personally I just dont see the point in it.


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