World Sporting 2014

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I just shot 850 in the last 3 days....and they were all 28g....that's because I am Northern!! You don't sound so rough and tough to me...knitting boy....
Bugger! foiled again its true a am a soft southern bar steward :eek:  Jesus 850  you sound like the type with really hairy armpits and eyebrows that join in the middle! when you say northern do you mean northern Russia :hair:   :gym:   

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I think in fairness to Churchills, they are not responsible for the high entry fees, the CPSA set the level from what I have been told, it was put to tender but there was not a lot of interest from grounds that could hold this event.

I think in fairness to Churchills, they are not responsible for the high entry fees, the CPSA set the level from what I have been told, it was put to tender but there was not a lot of interest from grounds that could hold this event.
Good effort Matt to get thread back on track.........

Well someone had to try .

Its fine saying damn the cost I am shooting it whatever, but the CPSA are not doing anything to help the sport. What would second place in A class get in prize money in the main sporting event?

In 2003 you would have got $1,000 if you shot this in America, I know because that is what I won :), be interested to see just how much goes into the prize pool and what goes to the cpsa coffers

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not booked on yet for the main event - but as for the essex masters really enjoyed it last year, can anyone recommend somewhere to stay in that area?

don't mean to derail thread.
Me Lainy and Teepee are booked into a Country club thing on Friday.
I will email you the deats.
The White Hart in Braintree is the place to stay on Saturday...we are having a onesie party...Calamity has a cat one...I have a tiger one...What about the rest of you?

144, JayKaySra said  " We can multitask" :girlcrazy: :hunter:   :nyam:  !

No you cannot! Ive never known a woman who could have a headache and sex at the same time! :crazy:   
