Whats the difference between

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I see it this way:

Clays 28 gram 7 1/2 fibres or plastics (mostly fibres)

Pigeons 29 gram 6 fibres

Game 30 gram 6 fibres minimum, bigger as required (good quality shellsnas well, pay the quarry the respect it deserves)

It is not about breeding.....it is about being brought up in game shooting and being taught how to do things.....

erm....yer, right, ok... if you say so....Personally. I'd rather do things with a solid understanding of the reasons why, than just follow "etiquette" blindly.

As I said ...wouldnt use plaswads "in the field" because they are non degradeable plastic rubbish, worse even than the chippy's styrene trays and empty coke bottles that get strewn around everywhere...reason...because I know first hand what damage this garbage can do to livestock.....and I have more respect for the farming folk than to do that.....I dont need 20 centuries of familial shooting tradition to not do it...simply because "its not polite Sydney".

Lets face it, shooting etiquette as a guide on how to behave is a bit uhmmmm....yesterday...I mean when one finds instructions that state HOW one must have ones breeks INSIDE the tops of ones socks, with the garter round above the breeks buckle with the sock folded down with just the gater tab showing.....it all seems......pretentious?? Very smart I would agree and probably very comfortable and theres the sensible solid reason .....but?...one gets "judged" on these things??????

Then of course there are the things one does for SAFETY...well thats not etiquette, however much you dress it up....one doesnt swing through the line because its not polite....You dont do it because its not bloody safe, and if you do do it, theres a high chance some poor old sod will be meeting his maker...THATS why...NOT because its " a bit rude"...and so on and so forth

So a bit less pretentious snootyness and a bit more practical solid reason to reasonable questions might result in less acrid replies.
Ah hahahaha ha silly boy pike....you have just described etiquette ... Ah hahahaha

More coffee Gilbert....and a dash of Ameretto on the side....don't forget the ice....and jump to it..!

Ah hahahaha ha silly boy pike....you have just described etiquette ... Ah hahahaha

Ahhhh NOW I understand...That explains a great deal about life in general.......

SO.....this .... http://www.hse.gov.uk/legislation/hswa.htm is actually "etiquette" hmmmmmmm...... Cant ever say i thought of teaching H&S to  electronics engineers, bus crews and latterly woodworking machinists as etiquette, but its certainly a novel idea :lolu:


Glad you have lightened up Pike... :wink:
