Shooting with both eyes open

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Jun 13, 2016
Hi all,since I have been shooting I have allways shot with my left eye shut and have allways shot atleast 50% I've allways been told to shoot both eyes open. I have started shooting both eyes open the last 2 times I have been clay shooting and I'm really struggling. Instead of seeing down the rib I know you shouldn't concentrate on it all I see is the left hand side of the barrels (im right handed) I have tried all of the eye dominancy tests and I am defiantly right eye dominant. Also when I mount the gun on the opposite side I see the same thing. If any of you have any help or information it would be gratefully appreciateted. 

Mant thanks Ben


Eyes and the part they play in shooting is a huge topic and one that is nearly impossible to diagnose over the internet.

You make no mention of how long you have been shooting and how much of a habit shooting "one eyed" was you are now trying to break.

No mention of any specific discipline, No mention of if you shoot gun up / gun down.

Your gun mount and gun fit will all possibly play a part in why you see the side of the barrel.

You could equally be EQUAL dominance (or as close as) which could be a reason why you see the same when you mount to the opposite shoulder.

REALITY is you need to see someone who knows what they are talking about in person and diagnose the problem and cure properly.

Skeetfreak I've been shooting around 3 years game and clay (sporting occasionally skeet) as I mount the gun my eye is closed and I shoot gun up. 

Thank you for replying 


Eye dominance is a fair bit harder to be certain of, than you would think.

When you say "Also when I mount the gun on the opposite side I see the same thing", do you mean, you see down the side of the rib, but I presume the right side?

I would consider using something to raise the comb, as it may be too low, causing a dominance swap

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Skeet uk When I mount the gun on my my stronger and weaker side i see the barrels and the forend I can mount  the gun and concentrate on the bead and I won't see the side of the gun but as soon a I shout pull and start swinging the gun i see the side of the gun again ive attached a photo which is roughly what i see


If that is your sight picture I'd say you have more than a slight pull from your left eye. 

Get booked in with someone who knows shooting and how the eyes work, numerous possibilities none of which easily covered over the web!

If I mount my gun and look along the rib to check alignment with both eyes open while focusing on the bead I see the side of the gun.  As soon as I shift the focus of my eyes out to where the clay is going to be I no longer see it.  Maybe try to consciously move your eyes out to where the clay will be to avoid focusing on the bead?

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its known as binocular vision,we all have that ! firstly, don`t close one eye,, second , look out to the target,  the gun is not what you are looking at, it`s the target only, assuming the gun points where you are looking at the point in space where the clay will be when the pellets get there ! 

if you follow,,, :D

Comb too low will cause me to see what your seeing

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Comb too low will cause me to see what your seeing

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Same here!! If I shoot a low comb and my master eye vision is obscured by the top lever, then my non master eye will just take over, simple!   

I agree with much of the above. Comb too low is my best bet plus the fact that now you are aware of it you will, well .. be aware of it if you see what I mean. Definitely sounds like gun fit issue to me.

Hi all,since I have been shooting I have allways shot with my left eye shut and have allways shot atleast 50% I've allways been told to shoot both eyes open. I have started shooting both eyes open the last 2 times I have been clay shooting and I'm really struggling. Instead of seeing down the rib I know you shouldn't concentrate on it all I see is the left hand side of the barrels (im right handed) I have tried all of the eye dominancy tests and I am defiantly right eye dominant. Also when I mount the gun on the opposite side I see the same thing. If any of you have any help or information it would be gratefully appreciateted. 

Mant thanks Ben
As others have said, eye dominance issues are complicated and far too in depth to diagnose and fix on the Internet. I would avoid any well intentioned suggestions too as it may send you down the wrong path and only make the problem harder to cure.

Unfortunately there are very few coaches that fully understand how eye dominance affects sporting performance and even fewer that understand it in relation to clay shooting. I'd be happy to put you in touch with a coach I've used before. I'm not sure he'd want me to place his number on an open forum so please PM me if you'd like it.

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Skeet uk When I mount the gun on my my stronger and weaker side i see the barrels and the forend I can mount  the gun and concentrate on the bead and I won't see the side of the gun but as soon a I shout pull and start swinging the gun i see the side of the gun again ive attached a photo which is roughly what i see

View attachment 5814
Perfect on right to left crossers.


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