Shooting older mans game?

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Well-known member
May 9, 2013
I have been thinking about the age of those involved in shooting. I don't know why but I always thought it would be a young persons game but down here at least the average age from what I can see definitely appears to be on the up side of 45 ! I have been thinking of reasons why and can only really come up with the costs involved as a four round UT practice day costs me about €50 plus the fuel for travel. What is the situation in the UK?

Thinking about the ages of the people on the shoots I go too.................. yep, the majority would be over 45 I'd say. 

Its probably down to disposal income and possibly the youngsters are all busy shagging and binge drinking....

Yep, I'm 38 but rarely have the time or disposable income to shoot due to school fees, the lad playing rugby on Sunday mornings, work some weekends etc... Hopefully the missus will pull her finger out, start earning mega bucks then I can retire and shoot more...

To be fair when your 20 you can shoot or play football/rugby/hockey/tennis/cricket etc at 40 you can watch them or shoot or play golf. There are guys in their 70's regularly shooting and competing and winning given the choice of shooting or lawn bowls..... I know what I would rather be doing!

I'm 32 and have only myself to look after and have enough pennies in my penny jar to shoot weekends :)

I don't see many people in there 20/30's in all honestly unless everyone just looks blooming OLD haha

Its always been 40 plus average with the odd exception, this is the age most people have more time and money available however I was 22 when I started and was that skint I had to give up cigs and alchohol to be able to afford it so yes I think cost is the main issue but also as has been mentioned women beer and cars are more important to most young folk. I have seen many examples of parents spending huge amounts of time and money on 15 yr olds but as soon as there 18 there off to the pub and out with girls especially when the realisation of cost comes into play. If you ever stop to worry about the cost then you cannot afford it, life is too short shoot while you can I say. I am lucky now to be able to afford shooting as much as I want and also can now afford the cigars, scotch I had to give up in the early days. I never gave up women but often wish I had :)

Its probably down to disposal income and possibly the youngsters are all busy shagging and binge drinking....
You have a point but I've given up binge drinking.  :biggrin:   :drag:   :nurse:

im too old  for most activities  , im no longer good at drinking  never was good at the other (but had a go )   so thank god for shooting  ,  as said  we are a long time in the old pine box  ,  so orston it is tomorrow . :crazy:  

im too old  for most activities  , im no longer good at drinking  never was good at the other (but had a go )   so thank god for shooting  ,  as said  we are a long time in the old pine box  ,  so orston it is tomorrow . :crazy:
Well I know orston is a shooting ground and i know it has a bar. But ?

Old Man's Game - casual conversations suggest that is the game where (failing) memory generates a history that was hoped for rather than experienced.

not that I've done anything like that IIRC

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Shagging shell.

