East Midlands Director

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Well-known member
Aug 29, 2011
Just had a look at Facebook, seems like Colin has thrown the towel in. Bad news if it's correct.


Yep, saw that myself. I think he did a fine job despite much adversity. I suppose there is only so much one can take...

Just had a look at Facebook, seems like Colin has thrown the towel in. Bad news if it's correct.

Apparently this is true. I've just been told also. I'm told that it was a result of a question that he asked at last weeks Board Meeting when he asked for details of Messrs Fellows and Bobbets trip to the USA and the justification for the CPSA funding it.

The answer ,so I'm told, was F*** Off it's none of your business. Now if it's not a directors business what chance has an ordinary member got?

If this is true then it sounds like animal behaviour.  That is no way to behave in any environment.  If a civil question cannot be answered in a civil manner then what hope have we got?  Let's just wait for the next accusation of bullying and the resultant court case!

Disappointed that he's just thrown in the towel.

One on there own stands no chance on the board. There will be a lot more throwing in the towel after the draft articles are seen in the present form. It is a massive duck off to the membership.

Do you know that there is even a new article now that 'the board' can take a vote to make a director leave the board ........so only rubber stamps need apply in the future.....because otherwise you will not last long...!

At the AGM the board promised to look at the Chairman elections.....well in the new draft they did just that .....we no longer get a vote on who the Chair is. The Board decide...! Which would not be too bad if you had directors with skill sets and whose company has to make profit....and who got their 'paid' job after having to stand for interview against several peers........rather than in our case.....skill sets unknown but fairly basic....and walk into the jobs unopposed.

The minimum qty of directors is a good one.....considering that Non - Exec directors are back along with 2 co-opted ones.

As for conflict of interest bit.....I fell of chair laughing (but then I do know the skeleton in the cupboard andwhy they put this there..... :laugh: )

Yes I think that a lot of people will by 'throwing the towel in' :smile:

And why shouldn't they.....??

They get zilch support from the membership....who just want to shoot.

Who cares who went to Dallas for a self funded side jolly :smile: I heard the Grassy Knoll is beautiful that time of year :smile: but I certainly don't care.

Who cares if a director asks a question at a board meeting and who cares if WW2 break out.....I no longer do.

I have heard a lot about ' who ' did not attend the opening ceremony of the world sporting.......but who cares now.....not me.

The baby has been thrown out with the bath water.........and NOBODY cares.

I certainly don't anymore.

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If this is true then it sounds like animal behaviour.  That is no way to behave in any environment.  If a civil question cannot be answered in a civil manner then what hope have we got?  Let's just wait for the next accusation of bullying and the resultant court case!

Disappointed that he's just thrown in the towel.
It's a great pity but with all that's happened he's probably decided that enough's enough. Why be put under this sort of mental stress for something that you're not even getting paid for.

This is not the first time recently that some thing like this has happened, our Kent chairman was the subject of a personal attack by an ex director at the South East AGM. This all went on in front of our CEO and several directors none of whom did anything to try to stop it. Apparently the only person who made an attempt to stop it was told to shut up and keep out of it.

This is now the subject of an official complaint against Nick Fellows and the ex director, unfortunately Colin was on the panel due to hear the complaint.

No prizes for guessing who will probably replace him!!

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One on there own stands no chance on the board. There will be a lot more throwing in the towel after the draft articles are seen in the present form. It is a massive duck off to the membership.

Do you know that there is even a new article now that 'the board' can take a vote to make a director leave the board ........so only rubber stamps need apply in the future.....because otherwise you will not last long...!

At the AGM the board promised to look at the Chairman elections.....well in the new draft they did just that .....we no longer get a vote on who the Chair is. The Board decide...! Which would not be too bad if you had directors with skill sets and whose company has to make profit....and who got their 'paid' job after having to stand for interview against several peers........rather than in our case.....skill sets unknown but fairly basic....and walk into the jobs unopposed.

The minimum qty of directors is a good one.....considering that Non - Exec directors are back along with 2 co-opted ones.

As for conflict of interest bit.....I fell of chair laughing (but then I do know the skeleton in the cupboard andwhy they put this there..... :laugh: )

Yes I think that a lot of people will by 'throwing the towel in' :smile:

And why shouldn't they.....??

They get zilch support from the membership....who just want to shoot.

Who cares who went to Dallas for a self funded side jolly :smile: I heard the Grassy Knoll is beautiful that time of year :smile: but I certainly don't care.

Who cares if a director asks a question at a board meeting and who cares if WW2 break out.....I no longer do.

I have heard a lot about ' who ' did not attend the opening ceremony of the world sporting.......but who cares now.....not me.

The baby has been thrown out with the bath water.........and NOBODY cares.

I certainly don't anymore.
I fear that everything that you say is true Nicola. A sad day indeed.

The only effective way to make them think is to quit the organisation. If your mid way through your membership demand a refund. If you're about to renew , don't. That will force a change of rules as far as participation is concerned thereby marginalising the CPSA. Perhaps then they will think before they spend and listen to those guarding the best interests of the sport.

Wishful thinking of course, most shooters will just bury their heads in the sand and leave it to someone else as the organisation that's supposed to represent their interests wastes their money.

The only effective way to make them think is to quit the organisation. If your mid way through your membership demand a refund. If you're about to renew , don't. That will force a change of rules as far as participation is concerned thereby marginalising the CPSA. Perhaps then they will think before they spend and listen to those guarding the best interests of the sport. Wishful thinking of course, most shooters will just bury their heads in the sand and leave it to someone else as the organisation that's supposed to represent their interests wastes their money.
How true. But you won't get a refund if you resign, they've already got that covered.

Apparently this is true. I've just been told also. I'm told that it was a result of a question that he asked at last weeks Board Meeting when he asked for details of Messrs Fellows and Bobbets trip to the USA and the justification for the CPSA funding it.

The answer ,so I'm told, was F*** Off it's none of your business. Now if it's not a directors business what chance has an ordinary member got?
presumably all meetings are minuted, so if that was said I wonder if the minutes of said meeting reflect that? If  it turns out that the answer given to the question was f*** off it's none of your business! then there are obviously people in positions of power that have absolutely no idea how to behave and clearly should not retain there lofty position. Following a spat with Nicola a few weeks ago I kept out of the debate. It does seem however that at the moment, things seem to be heading in a negative direction. This is written by someone who on more than one occasion, has used the dreaded words I just want to shoot. Am I still convinced? 

In broad terms I am of the opinion that we pay our annual subscription to the cpsa for two reasons, the first being insurance cover and secondly to allow us to participate in shooting registered events. I have been a member of the cpsa for many years and do not care or get embroiled in the internal politics of how the association is managed, like most shooters I manage to shoot once a week for my own personal enjoyment. There seems to have been a considerable amount of conjecture surrounding how the managing board of the cpsa run this organisation. During recent times and in particular with Colin Butler. I have attended shoots where I have witnessed shooters being requested to sign petitions on Colin's behalf against the the main board of the CPSA and Colin'a alleged poor treatment by this board. On these occasion there has been very little uptake in signing the petition.

Clearly Colin is a small fish in a big pond and it is evident that he is passionate about our wonderful sport perhaps his time would be better spent participating and enjoying this on a personal level like the majority of us.

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That is an interesting take on the matter.

I wonder if you could tell us what your take on the new draft articles are.....would you sign up to them when the EGM comes?

In broad terms I am of the opinion that we pay our annual subscription to the cpsa for two reasons, the first being insurance cover and secondly to allow us to participate in shooting registered events. I have been a member of the cpsa for many years and do not care or get embroiled in the internal politics of how the association is managed, like most shooters I manage to shoot once a week for my own personal enjoyment. There seems to have been a considerable amount of conjecture surrounding how the managing board of the cpsa run this organisation. During recent times and in particular with Colin Butler. I have attended shoots where I have witnessed shooters being requested to sign petitions on Colin's behalf against the the main board of the CPSA and Colin'a alleged poor treatment by this board. On these occasion there has been very little uptake in signing the petition.

and that, in a nutshell, is why the CPSA pays scant regard to the wishes of its members and why the sport is steadily deteriorating. Perhaps when there's nothing left the apathetic will realise what they've lost?

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Hotshot 100 wrote:-

"Apparently this is true. I've just been told also. I'm told that it was a result of a question that he asked at last weeks Board Meeting when he asked for details of Messrs Fellows and Bobbets trip to the USA and the justification for the CPSA funding it.

The answer ,so I'm told, was F*** Off it's none of your business. Now if it's not a directors business what chance has an ordinary member got?"

Can this really be true? Surely the whole point of a meeting is to discuss agenda items, and then to discuss any other matters in AOB.
I think it is a reasonable question to ask on behalf of the membership, did any member of the management team travel to San Antonio for the World championship on official duty for the CPSA but fail to carry out those duties in the correct manner. To be told to F **k off it's none of your business only goes to illustrate the depths that the management of our sport as sunken to. 
Perhaps it would be for the good of our sport if the present Board and the CEO resigned and perhaps then we could move forward, because we certainly have not for some years now.
Did anyone just see that flying pig that crosses the forum...???

As far as I am concerned the CPSA are now history, I will not renew ever, not that they will miss my few quid I get f*** all back for. SACS or BASC will insure me and I can shoot anywhere I like still without the CPSA's permission so stuff them! Colin had a sh*t time on the board as have other members of this forum, but he has also had personal trauma to deal with by the bucket load, good luck to him, he is a top fella and would be better off enjoying his shooting and not worrying about the other inept 99% of the CPSA membership.

he is a top fella and would be better off enjoying his shooting and not worrying about the other inept 99% of the CPSA membership.

Adjective - Having or showing no skill ; clumsy
So run this by me again. Why is that 99% of the membership are inept?

