Can you shoot whales with a trap gun?

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...1oz Brennke slug? Might need to open the chokes out a bit on a trap gun first!!!

WSFI ( Whale Shooting Federacion Internationale) Rules as written by a H.A H.A Merville say

"shooters may be allowed to view the whales before firing, however they must step out of the boat before asking to see the whales" 

"Flip flops are not deemed to be suitable footwear when shooting whales due to the significant slip and trip hazard that large quantities of blubber represent"

"In the event that a shooter hits the whale with either shot, the referee will call "up yours Greenpeace", if the shooter fails to hit with both barrels the referee will signal this by calling "save yourselves, every man for himself" 

"Anyone sniggering about the name "Sperm Whales" will be banned from the Federation"

"Anyone attempting to stage an event (and therefore make a decent profit from it)  who uses the WSFI name without the express permission from our office in Paris, Texas will be sued to the fullest extent of the law, in addition, we will sulk and say nasty things about you, especially if you get around any lawsuit by calling it "Super Whaling"!!!

Obviously these are extracts taken verbatim from the rule book and bear no relation to the authors own opinions...... :crazy:

Somewhere I remember there was a harpoon version of the Greener GP - Salopian would be the authority on this. :nea:

I reckon you would need a straight to even get in the whale off.


what choke and POI would you recommend ?
