Best way for newbie to go on first shoot

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Mar 1, 2015
West Midlands
Hello all. I've only ever been clay and pigeon shooting, though i've been on a couple of simulated game days. Anyway I was looking for some advice as to the best way to get into it - I  had a look on guns on pegs during the season which looks like a good resource, but wondered is it the best route for a newbie? I have a reasonable idea as to etiquette, I can shoot pigeons and clays, and am safe, but would people on a shoot be ok if I turn up having paid my ££ but be a total newbie. Its just a little daunting. Is beating first a good idea or should I just take the plunge next season and buy a day?


You can buy a day, take the experience [little will be expected of you as many guests on shoot days turn out to be clueless] and it'll only cost you the money. In the long term though you want to gain "mates that shoot" as a £30 feathered clay pigeon isn't what it's about. If your fitness is ok seek out local game shoots [ask at a local cartridge supplier] and see if you can help out during the rearing season and do some beating. Tell the local cartridge supplier you're available at short notice if somebody drops out. You'll find your way in.

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further to Mr 40ups advice i would suggest also putting the word out when your doing your clays, try and get into conversation with anyone you know does or looks like they do game, anyone with a gundog that looks half trained that sort of thing. Word of mouth should soon open doors. My introduction to shooting game came from an invite from a friend to work my dog on the beating line which soon became an invitation from the keeper to shoot.

good luck

Chris just find yourself £10,000 , I will sort it all out for you and bring six more nice people.

If you require any guidance just ask .

If you require any help please PM me , advice is freely given.

If you are Midlands based I can recommend many places to suit most budgets.


I strongly recommend you take salopian up on his kind offer to assist. I know from experience that peter (unlike many) does indeed give free advice on all manner of shooting and gundog related matters with no strings. Seems he just enjoys helping folk and passing on his vast knowledge.

ser you in the morning Mr salopian ?


I strongly recommend you take salopian up on his kind offer to assist. I know from experience that peter (unlike many) does indeed give free advice on all manner of shooting and gundog related matters with no strings. Seems he just enjoys helping folk and passing on his vast knowledge.

ser you in the morning Mr salopian ?
Absolutey concour. 

Back on topic - definitely endorse the idea of having someone stand with you on your first few game shoots who is an experienced shot and who can ease you through  -  I started with a very small bag driven day and moved on to a larger driven day in both cases with a friend standing with me - In one case he stuffed for me and on the other shoot he was a calming influence and helped in picking the right bird and offered guidance on lead etc 

lot of difference within "game shooting" - a small bag family farm syndicate driven day is a shade different to a West Country commercial high bird shoot or a 100 brace+ grouse day

good luck on your journey - it's huge fun and can be wallet melting if you get over excited as I seem to have but as long as you are having fun and you don't need to take up crime to pay for it enjoy  ??
