AYA Yeoman

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Is it definately a yeoman ? Because there is a fair difference between a yeoman and say a No4.

But £100 unless in mint condition in which case £150.




 To give you a sensible answer !

It would depend on if it is a SxS or an O/U.

Yes Numpties , they do both styles SxS could command £250 -£450 dependant on condition O/U £250 - £550

They do De-Luxe versions which are rather nice.

Westley ,

You could be correct, my O/U De-Luxe broke a bottom firing pin recently and it has only fired about one million cartridges in the last twenty or so years.

It's a O/U how do you tell if it's a delux, my good friend who as showed me how to clean correctly today as said its in fair condition, the breech lock (if that's correct ) make it difficult for me to open sometimes as it seems to its get jammed when you try to open it

what happened to the webley you bought ?

I see. Well if you were not happy best to get shut straight away. Cant help with the yeoman as I don't know the gun.

good luck

first gun I ever bought  yeoman s/s for clays ,   yes I was advised  badly bought from gunshop in Newark notts  £250 new ,   at first clay shoot it locked solid  ( dry as a bone )   the late pete burrows  put me right  and helped me out ,  he was a great dtl shot .  

Looking for the age of this gun, found these  numbers Y-102908 12-76 can anyone tell me it its a 1976 year gun


 Your gun is a base model, De-Luxe has scroll engraving all over the action.

Contact ASI in Saxmundham they are the AYA importers for a serial number approximate date.

Didn't your original Webley & Scott cost £625 or there abouts last week? How does £595 equate to a straight swop for a gun that was sold with a wrong description as a more prestigious brand?????????

Also in the photographs of your new gun on Guntrader the centre photograph is definately NOT your gun !

Salopian. Yes the Webley Scott was priced up at £625 when I went in the shop,the dealer said as it was my first gun and if I bought it that day I could have it for £550, when I took the WS back the Yeoman was priced at £595 as in the picture,he said he

would do a straight swap for the WS,but the breech lock as been very difficult to open,the dealers assistant said today that it had not been used for a long time but how does he know this.

My very good very friend as told me in his opinion it's not been looked after to good,and in his opinion it's only in fair condition,I had read such good reviews about this gun I thought it would be a good starter gun.

I am loosing a lot of faith in dealers,I just wished I could put photos on here to show you all what it's like

silma. Brand New under 600

just saying


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